How fast should teeth move with braces?

Braces are a big deal. They signify a commitment to a perfect smile. Some may wear braces for six months, others for three years but the end result is almost always the same. A perfect smile that you can be proud of. After braces, your dentist will give you a retainer to wear. This retainer is crucial to keeping your teeth in place. If not worn or lost, your teeth can begin to shift back to their natural position. How fast do teeth shift after braces? They can shift in as little as two weeks. How fast do teeth shift after braces with a retainer? They don’t! Get a retainer, and keep a backup on hand so you can keep your perfect smile without worrying about your teeth shifting.

One of the first questions a patient asks when they go to an orthodontist is ‘how long will it take to straighten my teeth?’. Treatment duration varies on a case-by-case basis, but there are guidelines that can be used as a general indication.

Your different orthodontic treatment options

Orthodontics has come a long way in the past few decades. There are now several treatment options available. In addition to traditional metal braces, you can choose from clear aligners, ceramic braces, and lingual (inside) braces. These different options provide effective ways to straighten teeth, however not all options may be suitable for your smile.

How fast should teeth move with braces?
How fast should teeth move with braces?

Treatment duration guidelines

When you choose to start orthodontic treatment, you may be looking at a time frame anywhere between 1 year and 3 years. The type of braces/aligners you choose doesn’t necessarily dictate the length of time it will take to achieve straight teeth. Rather, treatment duration is dependent on:

  • How quickly your teeth move (average is 1mm per month, but everyone’s teeth are different)
  • How much movement of your teeth is required to achieve straight teeth
  • Whether there are any underlying bite or jaw issues that need to be corrected

Some people opt for quick braces like ‘six front teeth’ braces which are aimed at changing aesthetics rather than providing therapeutic treatment. In these cases, treatment may only take six months to a year. However, these braces do not ‘fix’ any issues. Instead, they just make your teeth look straighter. If you opt for this type of treatment without correcting underlying problems (such as misaligned jaws), you may experience an increased risk of jaw pain, bite problems and relapse down the track.

Treatment duration is different for everyone, so to find out a more precise idea of how long it will take for you to get straight teeth, it is best to consult your orthodontist.

Other factors to consider

If you need to get teeth removed or have any other surgery (e.g. jaw surgery or wisdom teeth removed), you may need to factor in longer time frames due to healing and more involved treatment.

How fast should teeth move with braces?
How fast should teeth move with braces?

Who benefits from braces?

It’s a myth that only children benefit from braces. Braces are for anyone who may be:

  • Suffering from jaw pain
  • Experiencing difficulty chewing because of misaligned teeth
  • Looking to straighten their teeth for a better smile
  • Experiencing sleep apnoea as a result of a misaligned jaw

What to expect from orthodontic treatment

If you’ve decided to get braces, you may be wondering what the process will be like and other factors you may need to consider. The cost of braces may vary depending on the treatment you require and the fees your orthodontist charges, but the overall process is quite similar.

After booking an initial appointment with an orthodontist, he or she will complete an examination and provide you with recommendations, treatment options, and prices. After getting your braces put on, you’ll need to have them adjusted every 4 to 8 weeks for the duration of your treatment.

After your braces are removed

Once your braces have been removed, you will need to wear a retainer and visit your orthodontist at set intervals to check the alignment of your teeth for up to two years after removal. This is to protect your new smile against relapse.

If you’re thinking about braces, you can use our new tool to find an orthodontist near you and book your initial consultation

Although we are trending toward a world of Artificial Intelligence, braces cannot yet think for themselves… Braces move teeth into place through a treatment schedule devised by your orthodontist. Orthodontists will place the brackets in exactly the right place on the tooth, then thread an archwire through which will slowly move back to it’s original shape. Braces know where to move the teeth, all thanks to orthodontists.

Braces Know Where to Move the Teeth Thanks to Orthodontists

Many people assume that it is the brackets on braces that move the teeth. But, it is actually the pressure created by the archwire that moves the teeth. Once the wire is placed along the uneven path of a patient’s misaligned teeth, it attempts to move back into its original shape, shifting the teeth with it. To begin with, the wires are more flexible and as treatment progresses, are traded for stronger wires.

How it works

Once pressure is applied to a tooth, the membrane that acts as the supporting ligament around the root of the tooth then stretches on one side while compressing on the other, which allows the tooth to loosen. In turn, this stimulates the bone to allow the tooth to move in the required direction. The bone behind the tooth then gets to work rebuilding once the tooth moves so that it can support the tooth in the new position. This process is referred to as bone remodelling.

Some people think that the faster the teeth move during treatment, the better, but this isn’t always the case. While it takes just 72 hours for bone to start moving, it takes in the region of 90 days for the bone to rebuild around its new position. And then another 10 months to stabilise it. If the teeth are moved too quickly, you could lose them. What’s more, if you don’t wear a retainer as directed once the braces come off, the teeth will fail to stay in their new position and will likely relapse.

The Role of Arch-Wires

When you initially have braces put on, the first set or two of wires are comparatively flexible. Yet they are still strong enough to apply a constant pressure on the teeth. As your teeth begin to straighten, you will notice that the orthodontist uses progressively thicker and firmer wires. These wires are stronger and more precise – to move the teeth into the final positions.

Every time you visit for an adjustment, the wires are swapped out so that you keep getting the right amount of pressure on your teeth. Most adjustment appointments occur four to eight weeks apart to give the teeth time to move at a constant pace. It also allows your orthodontist to assess your progress.

Why are my teeth moving so fast with braces?

If teeth are responding quickly, they are essentially being properly moved. Teeth that move slowly are indicating to the orthodontist that the mechanics being applied are “not correct.” Teeth that are responding quickly are indicating that the mechanics being applied are near “optimal.”

Do some teeth move faster than others with braces?

We generally base an estimate for the duration of treatment on the time it takes most patients to react to the same form of treatment. For some patients, the teeth will move faster than normal, while for others, they move more slowly than we anticipate.