How long does it take for Red Bull to wear off?

The answer to this question is not as straightforward as one might think. The truth is, it depends on a variety of factors, including how much Red Bull you’ve consumed, your body weight, and even your metabolism.


That said, the general consensus is that the effects of Red Bull can last for up to 6 hours. So if you’re looking for a quick energy boost, Red Bull is certainly a beverage worth considering. Just be sure to keep an eye on the clock, as you may find yourself up a bit later than you anticipated!

The effects of Red Bull can last from one to four hours before wearing off and vary from person to person depending on body type, caffeine tolerance, and any health-related issues.

The half-life of Red Bull is approximately six hours, meaning that Red Bull should be out of your system within twelve hours of you consuming it.

How long does it take for Red Bull to wear off?

What Happens When You Drink a Red Bull?

The energy surge obtained while drinking Red Bull is achieved due to your body’s reaction to the caffeine and the high amount of sugar.

If you drink Red Bull daily, you will find that after twelve days, your body will adapt to your daily caffeine dosage and have a more negligible effect.

The following is a step-by-step guide to how Red Bull affects you as it enters your body:

  1. During the first ten minutes of drinking Red Bull, caffeine absorption into the bloodstream occurs, and your body responds by increasing your heart rate and blood pressure.
  2. The caffeine levels will peak within 15-45 minutes of Red Bull being consumed, depending on how fast you drink it. After that, you will feel alert and find that your concentration levels have improved.
  3. Between 35- 50 minutes, your body has fully absorbed the caffeine, and sugar absorption will occur.
  4. After an hour, you will probably experience a “sugar crash” caused by sugar levels in your bloodstream dropping, resulting in a feeling of energy loss.
  5. Caffeine achieves its half-life after about six hours, meaning that 50% of the caffeine has left the bloodstream.
  6. For most people, all the caffeine will have been removed from their bloodstream twelve hours after drinking their Red Bull
  7. After twelve hours, some people will experience withdrawal-like symptoms, while some may feel the need for more caffeine.

How long does it take for Red Bull to wear off?

Is Red Bull Bad for You?

The United States FDA and European Food Safety Authority have repeatedly reaffirmed the safety of energy drinks such as Red Bull and their contents.

What is of concern to many is whether energy drinks can be consumed daily and what effect drinking two or more will have?

The recommended daily dosage of caffeine is 400mg. However, Red Bull, has 80mg in an 8,4oz can which is well within the maximum dosage. Most People also have a few cups of coffee daily. A regular cup of coffee contains 100mg of caffeine.

Regulating energy drinks and other caffeinated drinks consumption to stay within the safe caffeine dosage is recommended. Like coffee, it is recommended not to drink it too close to bedtime especially if you have problems getting to sleep.

Red Bull contains 27mg of sugar per 8.4oz can, equating to nearly 7 teaspoons of sugar, and is nearly the entire recommended daily value.

Consuming too many drinks containing large amounts of sugar can cause long-term issues such as heart disease or stage-2 diabetes.


Like everything we consume, moderation is the keyword.

As long as you monitor the number of cans consumed to regulate caffeine and sugar intake and don’t take it too late to affect your sleep you can safely enjoy a drink that “Gives You Wings” when you truly need it.

How long does Red Bull last in your system?

For most people, after 12 hours of finishing the energy drink, all the caffeine will have been removed from your bloodstream, but the exact speed or time will vary from person-to-person.

How long does it take for energy drink to wear out?

Within a few hours, there won't be enough extra caffeine in your body to provide any measurable increase in energy. So the short answer to our original question is that energy drinks last a few hours, but their most powerful effects only last an hour or two at most.

How do you get Red Bull out of your system?

Drink lots of water, take a walk, practice deep breathing and wait it out.