How many calories in a Grilled Chicken Salad with Italian dressing

How many calories in a Grilled Chicken Salad with Italian dressing

A super tasty carrot, radicchio and green leaves salad, topped with grilled chicken and drizzled with fresh italian dressing. Makes a great lunch or light dinner.

How many calories in a Grilled Chicken Salad with Italian dressing

Coles Magazine

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352 calories per serve

  • 6 Ingredients
  • 2 Method Steps

6 Ingredients

  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • 1 carrot, grated

  • 1/2 radicchio, sliced

  • Handful spinach leaves (or packet of complete crunchy salad)

  • 8 tbsp Italian dressing

  • Select all ingredients

2 Method Steps

  • Prepare the chicken by cooking through in the oven, grill or barbecue, put aside in a warm place.

  • Meanwhile, plate up your salad, slice the chicken into 1cm strips and place on top of the salad leaves, dress the salad and serve.

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Nutrition per Serving

%Daily Value#

Nutrition information and Health Score does not include ingredients listed as to serve or any serving suggestions.

Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.

# The % daily values indicates how much of a nutrient in a food serving contributes to a daily diet, based on general nutritional advice for a diet of 2100 calories a day.

* Health Scores are calculated on a 1-10 scale based on nutrient density and USDA (global standard) recommendations for a healthy diet. A higher Health Score indicates a healthier recipe. The value is based on the impact of macronutrients and micronutrients in the recipe.

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How many calories in a Grilled Chicken Salad with Italian dressing


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How many calories in a Grilled Chicken Salad with Italian dressing


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How many calories in a Grilled Chicken Salad with Italian dressing


Health Score8.1

How many calories in a Grilled Chicken Salad with Italian dressing


Health Score8.2

How many calories in a Grilled Chicken Salad with Italian dressing

1hr 20mins

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How many calories are in a restaurant grilled chicken salad?

Calories in Grilled Chicken Salad.

How many calories are in a large grilled chicken salad?

Grilled Chicken Salad (large) (1 serving) contains 24g total carbs, 18.8g net carbs, 41g fat, 47g protein, and 655 calories.

How many calories are in a grilled chicken salad with ranch dressing?

Salads Grilled Chicken With Ranch Dressing (1 serving) contains 15g total carbs, 11g net carbs, 45g fat, 45g protein, and 648 calories.

Is eating a grilled chicken salad healthy?

Chicken salad is packed with lean protein, vitamins, and minerals, and it can certainly be part of a healthy meal and an overall healthy diet.