How many hours is it from California to Florida?

A non-stop flight from Florida to California takes about five hours. Driving takes 41 hours, Biking takes 215 hours, and Walking takes 913 hours.


How many hours is it from California to Florida?

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Given below is the distance between California, United States and Florida, United States. A map showing location of California and Florida with air travel direction is also provided. Along with Florida - California distance, you can also find current time & time difference between California and Florida, lattitude & longitude of both cities and flight duration.


Distance To Florida From California is:239 miles / 384.63 km / 207.69 nautical miles

  Florida - California travel direction & Map • Distance calculator

California and Florida are in the same timezone America/New_York.


Current time in California / Florida :, Sat, 24 Dec, 2022, 01:41 PM -05:00,
California - Lat: 38.3004, Long: -76.5075

01:41 PM

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California to Florida Distance • Map & Travel Direction

Travel direction from California to Florida is and direction from Florida to California is

The map below shows the location of California and Florida. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between Florida and California.

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What is the travel distance between California, United States and Florida, United States? How many miles is it from Florida to California. 239 miles / 384.63 km is the flight distance between these two places.

Use the Distance calculator given below to find distance between any two cities or places.

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Result page displays distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles along with an interactive map showing travel direction.

Use this distance calculator to find air distance and flight distance from California to Florida or any other city in United States. The distance show here is the California - Florida distance / Milage. Find distance to other countries and cities from California and United States.

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Distance from Florida to California is 3,687 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 2,291 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Florida and California is 3,687 km= 2,291 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Florida to California, It takes 4.09 hours to arrive.

On average, the flight time from California to Florida is 5 hours 43 minutes. But remember, flight times can vary slightly depending on weather conditions, flight path and congestion in the air.

This means that your flight from California to Florida could be longer or shorter than the average flight time.

This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots. It also adds an extra 30 minutes for take-off and landing. Your exact time may vary depending on wind speeds.

If you're planning a trip, remember to add more time for the plane to taxi between the gate and the airport runway. This measurement is only for the actual flying time. You should also factor in airport wait times and possible equipment or weather delays. If you're trying to figure out what time you'll arrive at the destination, you may want to see if there's a time difference between California and Florida.

The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line distance from California to Florida ("as the crow flies"), which is about 2,290 miles or 3 685 kilometers.

Your trip begins in the state of California.
It ends in the state of Florida.

Your flight direction from California to Florida is East (94 degrees from North).

The flight time calculator measures the average flight duration between points. It uses the great circle formula to compute the travel mileage.

Where will you be flying from California and where will you be visiting in Florida? These are 2 questions you have to ask before booking your flight.

Florida is filled with beautiful beaches, theme parks, national parks, unique beach towns and family-friendly resorts.

For the best beaches, we recommend Clearwater Beach, Destin Beach, Sanibel and Captiva Islands, Marco Island and Naples, South Beach, Siesta Key, Palm Beach, Delray Beach and Panama City Beach.

Disney World theme parks (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios), Universal Studios and SeaWorld are located in Orlando. Legoland Florida Resort is located in Winter Haven, which is about 48 miles from Orlando International Airport. Busch Gardens is located in Tampa and is about 85 miles from Orlando.

To visit the southernmost point of the United States, head over to Key West. Key West is only 90 miles from Cuba. It is a town with a Caribbean feel. Some of the attractions include Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum, Duval Street and Mallory Square.

If you like history, you must visit St. Augustine, the oldest city in the United States. This longest continually inhabited European-founded city in the United States was founded in 1565. Visit Castillo de San Marcos, Ponce de Leon’s Fountain of Youth, Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse along the cobblestone streets of old St. Augustine.

Flight time calculator

Travelmath provides an online flight time calculator for all types of travel routes. You can enter airports, cities, states, countries, or zip codes to find the flying time between any two points. The database uses the great circle distance and the average airspeed of a commercial airliner to figure out how long a typical flight would take. Find your travel time to estimate the length of a flight between airports, or ask how long it takes to fly from one city to another.

How many days drive from California to Florida?

Drive across the lower states Another coast-to-coast trip, the journey from Florida to the bottom of California takes in north of 2,600 miles. It's possible to drive it in five days and four nights, but it's worth considering extending your trip to take in the deserts of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

How far is California to Florida by plane?

How far is it from Florida to California by plane? The air travel (bird fly) distance from Florida to California is approximately 3,685 kilometers or 2,290 miles. If you travel by plane at an average speed of 500 miles per hour, it should take about 5 hours and 5 minutes to arrive at your destination.

How long is Florida from California by car?

How long is the drive from Florida to California? The total driving time is 39 hours, 42 minutes. Your trip begins in the state of Florida.

How far is LA from Florida by plane in hours?

The average flight time from Los Angeles to Florida is 4 hours 55 minutes.