How many ml makes an oz?

How many milliliters in an ounce? 1 fluid ounce is equal to 29.57353193 milliliter, which is the conversion factor from ounces to milliliter.

Go ahead and convert your own value of oz to ml in the converter below.

If you wish you can reverse the conversion by using the converter for milliliter to ounces

Facts about fluid ounce (oz)

A fluid ounce is a unit of volume in both the Imperial system of units and the U.S. customary units system. However, the two measures are not quite the same: The Imperial fluid ounce is 1/160 of an imperial gallon or 1/20 of an imperial pint or 8 fluid drams, about 1.734 cubic inches or 28.4130625 millilitres. This volume of water weighs very nearly 1 avoirdupois ounce (it is the volume occupied by one ounce at 62 °F (16.7 °C), weighed in air with brass weights). See all conversions for ounces here.

Facts about milliliter (ml)

A millilitre (ml) equals a thousandth of a litre, or 0,001 litre. The litre (spelled litre in Commonwealth English and liter in American English) is a unit of volume. There are two official symbols, the Latin letter el in both cases: l and L. The litre is not an SI unit but is accepted for use with the SI. The SI unit of volume is the cubic metre (m³). See all conversions for milliliter here.

General information about oz to ml

Other conversion pairs in volume

  • Convert cups to gallon
  • Convert cups to ounces
  • Convert cups to pints
  • Convert cups to quarts
  • Convert gallons to ounces
  • Convert gallons to cups
  • Convert gallons to liters
  • Convert gallons to pints
  • Convert gallons to quarts
  • Convert liters to milliliters
  • Convert liters to gallons
  • Convert milliliters to liters
  • Convert milliliter to ounces
  • Convert ounces to cups
  • Convert ounces to gallons
  • Convert ounces to quart
  • Convert pints to cups
  • Convert pints to gallons
  • Convert pints to quarts
  • Convert quart to ounces
  • Convert quarts to cups
  • Convert quarts to gallons
  • Convert quarts to pints

›› Convert ounce [US, liquid] to milliliter

›› More information from the unit converter

How many oz in 1 ml? The answer is 0.033814022558919.
We assume you are converting between ounce [US, liquid] and milliliter.
You can view more details on each measurement unit:
oz or ml
The SI derived unit for volume is the cubic meter.
1 cubic meter is equal to 33814.022558919 oz, or 1000000 ml.
Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results.
Use this page to learn how to convert between ounces and milliliters.
Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!

›› Quick conversion chart of oz to ml

1 oz to ml = 29.57353 ml

2 oz to ml = 59.14706 ml

3 oz to ml = 88.72059 ml

4 oz to ml = 118.29412 ml

5 oz to ml = 147.86765 ml

6 oz to ml = 177.44118 ml

7 oz to ml = 207.01471 ml

8 oz to ml = 236.58824 ml

9 oz to ml = 266.16177 ml

10 oz to ml = 295.7353 ml

›› Want other units?

You can do the reverse unit conversion from ml to oz, or enter any two units below:

›› Common volume conversions

oz to acre foot
oz to decaliter
oz to jigger
oz to cubic kilometer
oz to cubic decimeter
oz to microlitro
oz to board foot
oz to hectolitre
oz to imperial gallon
oz to mililitro

›› Definition: Ounce

Note that this is a fluid ounce measuring volume, not the typical ounce that measures weight. It only applies for a liquid ounce in U.S. measurements.

›› Definition: Millilitre

The millilitre (ml or mL, also spelled milliliter) is a metric unit of volume that is equal to one thousandth of a litre. It is a non-SI unit accepted for use with the International Systems of Units (SI). It is exactly equivalent to 1 cubic centimetre (cm³, or, non-standard, cc).

›› Metric conversions and more provides an online conversion calculator for all types of measurement units. You can find metric conversion tables for SI units, as well as English units, currency, and other data. Type in unit symbols, abbreviations, or full names for units of length, area, mass, pressure, and other types. Examples include mm, inch, 100 kg, US fluid ounce, 6'3", 10 stone 4, cubic cm, metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more!

Is 1 oz the same as 30ml?

oz) use 1 fl. oz. = 30 mL to convert.

Is 1 oz the same as 5 ml?

The fluid ounce is sometimes referred to as an "ounce" but should not be confused with the unit of mass. One fluid ounce is equal to just under 29.6 milliliters, but in nutrition labeling, one fluid ounce is rounded to exactly 30 milliliters. The fluid ounce is a US customary unit of volume.

Is 10ml the same as 1 oz?

Answer: 10ml is equal to 1/3 of an ounce (oz) or 0.33814 oz.

How many ml is 2 oz cup?

Oz to mL to Cup Conversion Table.