How many oz is 150 ml

Q: How many Milliliters in a Fluid Ounces?

The answer is 29.5735 Fluid Ounces

Q: How do you convert 150 Milliliter (ml) to Fluid Ounces (fl oz)?

150 Milliliter is equal to 5.0721 Fluid Ounces. Formula to convert 150 ml to fl oz is 150 * 0.033814

Q: How many Milliliters in 150 Fluid Ounces?

The answer is 4,436.03 Milliliters

After converting 150 mL to oz, try our easy to use Milliliter to Ounce Conversion Calculator or keep reading to learn how to convert these units yourself.

What is 150 Milliliters to Ounces? (150 mL to oz)

150 Milliliters Equals 5.072103384 Ounces


150 mL = 5.072103384 oz

Milliliters to Ounces Conversion Calculator

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How to Convert 150 mL to oz (Milliliters to Ounces)

How many oz is 150 ml

Find out how to convert from milliliters to ounces here.

For an exact conversion from mL to oz, divide the mL by 29.5735 to get oz.

For an easier and quick approximate answer just divide the milliliters by 30 (i.e. 30 mL is approximately 1 oz).

mL to oz calculation:

  • Conversion factor:

1 mL = 1 mL ÷ 29.5735 = 0.033814 oz

  • 150 mL to oz Conversion Equation

150 mL = 150 mL ÷ 29.5735 = 5.072103384 oz

  • Quick Approximate Calculation:

150 mL = 150 mL ÷ 30 = 5 oz

Common Milliliter to Ounce Conversions

MilliliterOunceMilliliterOunce10 mL0.33814 oz250 mL8.45351 oz15 mL0.16907 oz300 mL10.1442 oz30 mL1.01442 oz375 mL12.6803 oz50 mL1.6907 oz400 mL13.5256 oz60 mL2.02884 oz500 mL16.907 oz100 mL3.3814 oz600 mL20.2884 oz120 mL4.05768 oz750 mL25.3605 oz150 mL5.0721 oz1000 mL33.814 oz187 mL6.32322 oz1500 mL50.72103 oz200 mL6.7628 oz2000 mL67.62805 oz

Convert 150 Milliliters to Different Volume Units

Now that you have converted Milliliters to Fluid Ounces you may want to convert them to other units. Here are some more useful 150 mL volume conversions

Unit150 Milliliters (mL) =Liter (L)0.15 LCup0.625 CupsPint (pt)0.317 ptTablespoon (tbsp)10.144 tbspTeaspoon (tsp)30.432 tsp

What is a Milliliter (mL)?

A Milliliter or Millilitre is a measurement unit of volume in the Metric System of Measurements and the International System of Units (SI). The base SI unit of volume is the Liter, and a milliliter is defined as being equal to 1000 liters.

The abbreviated symbol for a Milliliter is “mL”. For example 150 Milliliters can be written as 150 mL.

Check out the dictionary definition for milliliters here.

What is an Ounce (oz)?

An ounce is a unit of volume in the Imperial System of Measurement, which is mainly used in the United States and the United Kingdom. There are various types of ounces, but for this conversion we are talking about fluid ounces or fl oz.

A U.S. fluid ounce is 1/128th of a U.S. gallon. It is not the same as an ounce of weight or an Imperial fluid ounce.

Milliliters to Ounces Conversions

mLfl oz150.005.0721150.015.0724150.025.0728150.035.0731150.045.0735150.055.0738150.065.0741150.075.0745150.085.0748150.095.0751150.105.0755150.115.0758150.125.0762150.135.0765150.145.0768150.155.0772150.165.0775150.175.0779150.185.0782150.195.0785150.205.0789150.215.0792150.225.0795150.235.0799150.245.0802

mLfl oz150.255.0806150.265.0809150.275.0812150.285.0816150.295.0819150.305.0822150.315.0826150.325.0829150.335.0833150.345.0836150.355.0839150.365.0843150.375.0846150.385.0850150.395.0853150.405.0856150.415.0860150.425.0863150.435.0866150.445.0870150.455.0873150.465.0877150.475.0880150.485.0883150.495.0887

mLfl oz150.505.0890150.515.0893150.525.0897150.535.0900150.545.0904150.555.0907150.565.0910150.575.0914150.585.0917150.595.0921150.605.0924150.615.0927150.625.0931150.635.0934150.645.0937150.655.0941150.665.0944150.675.0948150.685.0951150.695.0954150.705.0958150.715.0961150.725.0964150.735.0968150.745.0971

mLfl oz150.755.0975150.765.0978150.775.0981150.785.0985150.795.0988150.805.0992150.815.0995150.825.0998150.835.1002150.845.1005150.855.1008150.865.1012150.875.1015150.885.1019150.895.1022150.905.1025150.915.1029150.925.1032150.935.1036150.945.1039150.955.1042150.965.1046150.975.1049150.985.1052150.995.1056

To use this converter, please choose the unit of mass (weight), the unit of volume to convert to, the mass value, the desired ingredient ten click on the button 'Calculate!'.

Volume to 'Weight' Converter

Volume ⇀ Weight Weight ⇀ Volume Gas Mark

↼ volume ? Enter the volume measurement quantity. The calculator accepts fractional values such as: 1/2 (half), 1/3 (1 third), etc.↼ unit ? Choose the volume unit (cup, l, ml, etc.)of to↼ ingredient ? Choose an ingredient, or a substance, by typing its name in the box on the left.↼ unit ? Choose the unit of mass (weight). Then click on the 'Calculate!'Calculate!

150 milliliters of water equals 5.29 ( ~ 51/4) ounces. (*)

(*) All results are approximate.

Milliliters of water to ounces Chart

Milliliters of water to ounces60 milliliters of water=2.12 ounces70 milliliters of water=2.47 ounces80 milliliters of water=2.82 ounces90 milliliters of water=3.17 ounces100 milliliters of water=3.53 ounces110 milliliters of water=3.88 ounces120 milliliters of water=4.23 ounces130 milliliters of water=4.59 ounces140 milliliters of water=4.94 ounces150 milliliters of water=5.29 ounces

Milliliters of water to ounces150 milliliters of water=5.29 ounces160 milliliters of water=5.64 ounces170 milliliters of water=6 ounces180 milliliters of water=6.35 ounces190 milliliters of water=6.7 ounces200 milliliters of water=7.05 ounces210 milliliters of water=7.41 ounces220 milliliters of water=7.76 ounces230 milliliters of water=8.11 ounces240 milliliters of water=8.47 ounces

Note: some values may be rounded.

FAQs on water weight to volume conversion

150 milliliters of water equals how many ounces?

150 milliliters of water is equivalent 5.29 ( ~ 51/4) ounces.

How much is 5.29 ounces of water in milliliters?

5.29 ounces of water equals 150 milliliters.

Weight to Volume Conversions - Cooking Ingredients

Notes on ingredient measurements

It is a bit tricky to get an accurate food conversion since its characteristics change according to humidity, temperature, or how well packed the ingredient is. Ingredients that contain the terms sliced, minced, diced, crushed, chopped add uncertainties to the measurements. A good practice is to measure ingredients by weight, not by volume so that the error is decreased.


While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, neither this website nor its authors are responsible for any errors or omissions. Therefore, the contents of this site are not suitable for any use involving risk to health, finances or property.

What is 1 oz equal to in ml?

For the US fluid ounce, 1 fl oz = 29.6 ml ; and. For the British fluid ounce, 1 fl oz = 28.4 ml .

Is 5 oz 150ml?

This bottle is approximately 150ml (5oz) capacity. It measures 18.4cms in height, width across base is 4cms approximately.

What is 1 ml equal to in ounces?

1 milliliter is equal to 0.03381402 ounces, which is the conversion factor from milliliter to ounces. Go ahead and convert your own value of ml to oz in the converter below. For other conversions in volume, use the volume conversion tool.

Is 6oz 150ml?

6 oz (150 ml)