How much is 80 grams in cups?

Do you want to know how much is 80 grams converted to cups? How many cups are 80 grams? Convert 80 grams to cups.

Converting 80 grams to cups is not as straightforward as you might think. Grams are a mass unit while cups are a volume unit. But even if there is no exact conversion rate converting 80 grams to cups, here you can find the conversions for the most searched for food items.

How many cups are 80 grams?

80 grams = 1/3 cup water.

Please note that grams and cups are not interchangeable units. You need to know what you are converting in order to get the exact cups value for 80 grams. See this conversion table below for precise 80 g to cups conversion.

Convert 80 grams to cups

Ingredient 80 grams To Cups
Flour 5/8 cup
Sugar 3/8 cup
Butter 1/3 cup
Milk 1/3 cup
Water 1/3 cup
Cocoa powder 3/4 cup
Vegetable oil 3/8 cup
Powdered sugar 2/3 cup
Honey 1/4 cup

Note To Converting 80 grams to cups

  • Measuring dry ingredients (such as flour, butter, cocoa powder etc.) by weight (80 grams) will provide much more accurate results in cooking. Please note that converting 80 grams to cups can vary slightly by room temperature, quality of the ingredient etc. But by using exactly 80 grams you can't go wrong.
  • g is an abbreviation of gram.
  • Cup values are rounded to the nearest 1/8, 1/3, 1/4 or integer.
  • For converting gram values smaller than 100 g, use our Grams to tablespoons spreadsheet to get more precise results.

More Information On 80 grams to cups

If you need more information on converting 80 grams of a specific food ingredient to cups, check out the following resources:

  • 80 grams flour to cups
  • 80 grams sugar to cups
  • 80 grams butter to cups

Do you want to know how much is 80 grams of flour converted to cups? Convert 80 grams or g of flour to cups.

80 grams flour equals 5/8 cup.

Note To Converting 80 grams of flour to cups

  • Measuring your flour by weight (80 grams instead of 5/8 cup) will provide much more accurate results in cooking. Please note that converting 80 grams of flour to cups can vary slightly by room temperature, quality of flour etc. But by using 80 grams of flour instead of 5/8 cup, you can't go wrong.
  • This 80 grams flour to cups conversion is based on 1 cup of all purpose flour equals 125 grams.
  • g is an abbreviation of gram.
  • Cups value is rounded to the nearest 1/8, 1/3, 1/4 or integer.
  • For converting gram values smaller than 100 g, use our Flour grams to tablespoons calculator to get more precise results.

Check out our flour grams to cups conversion calculator and find more info on converting 80 grams to cups by following these links.

Online Calculators > Conversion

How many cups is 80 grams? - 80 grams is equal to 0.34 cups. 80 grams in cups converter to convert grams to cups. To convert grams to cups, divide by 236.58.

Convert 80 Grams to Cups


How Many Cups is 80 Grams?

80 grams equals 0.34 cups of water or there are 0.34 cups in 80 grams. See below for the grams to cups conversion for 80 grams of water, sugar, honey, milk, flour and more.

Cups in 80 Grams:
Pure Water: Cups
Granulated Sugar: Cups
Powered Sugar: Cups
Honey: 8 Cups
All Purpose Flour Cups
Butter: Cups
Coconut Oil: Cups
Olive Oil: Cups
Milk: Cups

How Many Cups is 80 Grams of Sugar?

1 gram of sugar equals .4 grams of granulated sugar or .4 grams of power sugar.

How Many Cups is 80 Grams of Flour?

1 cup of sugar equals .64 grams of flour or there are .64 grams of flour in a cup.

81 grams to cups

How many US cups of water in 80 grams?

80 grams of water equals 0.34 ( ~ 1/3) US cup*

'Weight' to Volume Converter

Ingredient:?Notes: the results in this calculator are rounded (by default) to 2 significant figures. The conversion factors are approximate once it is intended for recipes measurements. This is not rocket science ☺.
?Please, choose an ingredient by typing its name in this box.
From unit: Weight quantity:
?Please, select the weight unit (gram, ounce, etc), type value for the quantity, then press / click the 'Calculate' button.
To Unit:
?Please, select the volume unit (cup, milliliter, liter ...) to which you want to convert, then select its quantity. Ex.: 1, 1/2, ...
Significant Figures:






80 grams of water equals 0.34 ( ~ 1/3) US cup. (*)

(*) or precisely 0.33814022701843 US cup. Some values are approximate.

Water Conversion Chart Near 68 grams

grams to US cups of Water
68 grams = 0.287 (1/4) US cup
69 grams = 0.292 (1/4) US cup
70 grams = 0.296 (1/4) US cup
71 grams = 0.3 (1/4) US cup
72 grams = 0.304 (1/4) US cup
73 grams = 0.309 (1/4) US cup
74 grams = 0.313 (3/8) US cup
75 grams = 0.317 (3/8) US cup
76 grams = 0.321 (3/8) US cup
77 grams = 0.325 (3/8) US cup
78 grams = 0.33 (3/8) US cup
79 grams = 0.334 (3/8) US cup
80 grams = 0.338 (3/8) US cup
81 grams = 0.342 (3/8) US cup
82 grams = 0.347 (3/8) US cup
83 grams = 0.351 (3/8) US cup
84 grams = 0.355 (3/8) US cup
85 grams = 0.359 (3/8) US cup
86 grams = 0.364 (3/8) US cup
87 grams = 0.368 (3/8) US cup
88 grams = 0.372 (3/8) US cup
89 grams = 0.376 (3/8) US cup
90 grams = 0.38 (3/8) US cup
91 grams = 0.385 (3/8) US cup
92 grams = 0.389 (3/8) US cup

Note: Values are rounded to 3 significant figures. Fractions are rounded to the nearest 8th fraction.

FAQs on water weight to volume conversion

80 grams of water equals how many US cups?

80 grams of water is equivalent 0.34 ( ~ 1/3) US cup.

How much is 0.34 US cup of water in grams?

0.34 US cup of water equals 80 grams.

(*) A note on cooking ingredients measurents It is difficult to get an exact conversion of cooking ingredients as the density of these substances can vary so much depending on temperature, humidity, how well packaged the ingredient is, etc. These words add even more uncertainty: sliced, chopped, diced, crushed, minced, etc. Therefore, it is better to measure dry ingredients by weight rather than volume as this can be more accurate.


While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, neither this website nor its authors are responsible for any errors or omissions. Therefore, the contents of this site are not suitable for any use involving risk to health, finances, or property.

How much is 80g flour in cups?

pounds and ounces) measurements. If you would like to use the American "cups" method of measurement, the table below can be used as a conversion guideline for non- liquid ingredients. Officially, a US Cup is 240ml (or 8.45 imperial fluid ounces.) ... Cups to Grams Conversion Table..

What's 80 grams in tablespoons?

How many grams are in 1 tablespoon of sugar?.

How many grams come in a cup?

250 grams are equal to 1 cup according to the metric system.

How many cups is 80 g of chocolate?

Weight Conversions for Common Baking Ingredients.