How to buy garage in GTA 5 Online

How to buy garage in GTA 5 Online

Image via Xbox and Play Games

Garages in GTA Online are great for car storage, and although that sounds obvious anyone who has played any of the Grand Theft Auto story games knows the pain of driving up to your house only to find that your one car garage is already full! So, here is how to purchase a garage so your car collection can continue!

There are two ways in which you can purchase garages within the game. The first is similar to buying houses, you simply:

  • Go on your phone/laptop at your apartment
  • Go to the Dynasty 8 Real Estate website
  • Pick a garage that sounds good for you
  • Press Buy and confirm your purchase

How to buy garage in GTA 5 Online

And with that you have a garage at your disposal! If you wish to go about it the OG GTA way, however, and go garage hunting in-person you can simply:

  • Open your map
  • Choose Garages from the the key menu
  • Set your GPS and drive to your chosen location
  • Select the purchase option when stood in front of the for sale board outside the property

Related: Best Cars to Customize in GTA Online

There are also three different types of garages that you can purchase, Two Car garages, Six Car garages and Ten Car garages. See below for where to find them and their price points:

Two Car Garages

  • Little Bighorn Ave - East Los Santos = $25,000
  • Unit 124 Popular St - East Los Santos = $25,000
  • 1 Strawberry Ave - North-West San Andreas = $26,000
  • 142 Paleto Blvd - North-West San Andreas = $26,500
  • 1932 Grapeseed Ave - East San Andreas = $27,500
  • 1200 Route 68 - Central San Andreas = $28,500
  • 197 Route 60 - Central San Andreas = $29,000
  • 0754 Roy Lowenstein Blvd – East Los Santos = $29,500
  • 2000 Great Ocean Highway – North-West San Andreas = $31,500
  • 1920 Senora Way – East San Andreas = $32,000
  • 634 Blvd Del Perro – North-West Los Santos = $33,500
  • 0897 Mirror Park Blvd – North-East Los Santos = $33,500
  • Garage Innocence Blvd – South-Central Los Santos = $34,000

Six Car Garages

  • 870 Route 68 Approach – Central San Andreas = $62,500
  • 8754 Route 68 – Central San Andreas = $65,000
  • 4531 Dry Dock St – South-East Los Santos = $67,500
  • Unit 1 Olympic Fury – East Los Santos = $70,000
  • 0432 Davis Ave – East Los Santos = $72,500
  • 1905 Davis Ave – South Los Santos = $75,000
  • Unit 14 Popular St – East Los Santos = $77,500
  • 0552 Roy Lowenstein Blvd – East Los Santos = $80,000

Ten Car Garages

  • 1623 South Shambles St – South East Los Santos = $105,000
  • 1337 Exceptional Way – South West Los Santos = $112,500
  • Unit 76 Greenwich Parkway – South West Los Santos = $120,500
  • 331 Supply Street – East Los Santos = $135,000
  • Unit 2 Popular St – East Los Santos = $142,500
  • 0120 Murrieta Heights – East Los Santos = $150,000

Now that you have both options you can either cruise the streets looking for your car's next home, or you can do it all 21st century style through your phone. The choice is yours!

Looking for more help? Check out how to buy a house in GTA Online.

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How to buy garage in GTA 5 Online

The world of GTA V Online has a variety of things that players can purchase with their money. Some of the coolest items that players can buy are the variety of vehicles that are found in the online game mode. However, players who acquire a large amount of these vehicles need a place to store them in the form of a garage. Continue reading to learn how to buy a garage in GTA V Online.

How to Get a Garage in GTA V Online

Now, the process of buying a garage in GTA V Online is not a complex one. Players can either visit or by visiting a for sale sign that is outside a property where a garage is located. Garages come in three tiers that vary in price, with the low-end ones being much more affordable than the high costs of the high-end garages.

Low-end ones run between $25,000 to $35,000. Medium ones run from $62,500 to $80,000. High-end garages will cost players anywhere between $105,000 to $150,000. The more expensive your garage is, the more vehicles that you can store with the high-end ones allowing players to have up to 10 vehicles stored within its walls.

How to buy garage in GTA 5 Online

One of the best things players can take advantage of when they get a garage is that they will be able to keep their vehicles safe from other players in free roam mode. Cars left out in the open can be hijacked or destroyed, so players wanting to keep their vehicles safe will be able to if they get a garage.

Check out one of our video guides for the popular game where we give you some tips for racing:

Now that you know how to buy a garage in GTA V, it’s time to get out there and start buying some cars!

Do you want to learn more about GTA V Online besides how to buy a garage? If so, be sure to check out our dedicated hub for the high-profile game or three of our most recent pieces of coverage below:

  • How to GO AFK in GTA V Online and Not Get Kicked
  • How to Start a Heist in GTA V Online
  • GTA V Timed Out Authentication With Epic Games Servers Fix

How excited are you to get a garage in the online portion of the fifth entry in the Grand Theft Auto franchise? Let us know over on Twitter and Facebook! You can grab a copy of the high-profile game and support Prima Games at the same time by purchasing GTA V through this link.

Nicholas Barth

Guides Writer Nicholas enjoys helping fellow members of the video game community learn more about their favorite games. First-person shooters and Battle Royale games are what you can usually find Nicholas playing when he isn't writing. We will congratulate you if you can find a bigger Call of Duty fan than Nicholas, who has been playing since he got Call of Duty 2 with his first Xbox 360. [email protected]

Why can't I buy a garage in GTA 5?

How do you buy garages in GTA 5's story mode? You just have to make it to a certain point in the story, and then they will show up on the map. You can go stand next to the sale sign and interact with it, or you can purchase it online on your phone or a computer.

When can I buy a garage in GTA 5?

How to buy the Vinewood Garage in GTA V: The Vinewood Garage becomes available after the mission Father/Son and can be purchased for a price of $30,000 by approaching the "On Sale" sign near the property.