How to Eat to Live food list Elijah Muhammad

How To Eat To Live, Book 1 By Elijah Muhammad For more than 30 years, messenger Elijah Muhammad has been teaching the so-called Negroes of America on the proper foods to eat to improve their mental power, physical appearance, for prevention of illness, curing of ailments and prolonging life. Given the humble, economic conditions of the blacks in America, an inexpensive, yet highly nutritional diet was given to them by Elijah Muhammad. Before the health craze that has swept the country, Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam were head of the curve as far back as the early 30's. This is the first of two books written with this simple, yet revolutionary way of eating.

Born Elijah Robert Poole, Elijah Muhammad (1897-1975) built and led the Nation of Islam in the United States from 1934 until the end of his life in 1975. A native of Georgia, Mr. Muhammad like allot of southerners migrated to Detroit during the Great Depression. In the motor city, he met his religious mentor Master Fard Muhammad. After the departure of Fard Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad would go on to build a Black Muslim empire based in Chicago that reached across the United States. What is often forgotten is that Mr. Muhammad was also a foodie. He spoke and wrote extensively about what he considered the proper foods to eat to maximize one’s mind, body and spirit and live a healthy and productive life. I talk about this in my book Hog and Hominy. For many non-Muslims, the introduction to the teachings of the Nation on eating came from Elijah Muhammad’s two books, How to Eat to Live, volumes I and II, published in 1967 and 1972. Despite the popularity of soul food in the 1960s and 1970s, food rebels like Elijah Muhammad had an impact in black communities. As did Gregory said in an interview I did with him, “there were a whole lot of Baptists that would never be Muslim. . . but they stopped eating pork” because of Elijah Muhammad. The Nation sold and still sells delicious and nutritious navy bean pies on street corners and in businesses operated by its members. Here is a recipe that I have used and it love the results!

Bean Pie Recipe: 


2 cups navy beans (cooked)

1 stick butter (or butter substitute)

1 14-oz. can evaporated milk (vanilla Vitasoy)

4 eggs (or eggs substitute)

1tsp. nutmeg

1tsp. cinnamon

2 tsp. flour

2 cups sugar

2 tbsp. vanilla


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In electric blender, blend together beans, butter milk, eggs, nutmeg, cinnamon, and flour for around two minutes on medium speed. Put mixture in a large mixing bowl. Mix in sugar and vanilla. Stir well. Pour into pie shells. Bake for around an hour until golden brown. Yields two or three pies.

(Don’t eat cereals, peanut butter, nuts nor dried fruit nor canned beans. Processed cereals and nuts are hard on the digestive system and you should eat FRESH fruit and dry beans.)

As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum Beloved and Beautiful Sisters!

Dear Sisters, as the woman of the house, we are responsible for doing the shopping for our family’s needs. We must make wise decisions and avoid impulse shopping and purchasing unhealthy and toxic foods and products.

The best way to shop, when visiting the supermarket is “The U.” If you notice, most grocery stores are arranged according to the diagram above. Fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, breads and fish (which should be the basis of our diet) are located on the perimeter. Avoid the meat section as The Honourable Elijah Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) taught us in How To Eat To Live, that, “No Meat Is Good For You.” But, of course, they’re going to offer it to you because they want to commercialize on that which will kill you. So, use wisdom and shun the meat section.

The processed, packaged, full of preservatives, artificial colors and artificial flavors (slow-death), UNHEALTHY foods are located down the aisles in the center of the store. The only items we should look for on these aisles are such foods as flour and beans.

If you are in the habit of going down every aisle just picking out things that suit your fancy, stop it!! This is impulse buying and it is a wasteful and prodigal practice.

Always make a list. 

And, stick to the items on your list. Our Beloved Messenger (May the Peace and the Blessings of Allah forever be upon him) taught us that, “Simple foods are the best”.

You do not need to be trying out every new food the devil manufactures. Lest you find yourself trying out a new coffin. Simplify your diet so that you can live a long time in good health and with a youthful and beautiful appearance.

This way your selection of foods will not vary too much and you will become very familiar with the ingredients, location and prices of the foods you purchase. You will find your grocery shopping to be easy, familiar, cost effective and time efficient, going down the aisles very rarely, with most of your purchases being made in “The U”.

*You Can Read HOW TO EAT TO LIVE, BOOK TWO In Its Entirety Here.*

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Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

HOW TO EAT TO LIVE, BOOK TWO page 35“YOUR BEST vegetables are: cauliflower, cabbages (not the green cabbages)… Some other vegetables we eat are as follows: brussels sprouts, asparagus, EGGPLANT, okra, squash and rhubarb.”

*You Can Read HOW TO EAT TO LIVE, BOOK TWO In Its Entirety Here.*


As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum Beautiful and Beloved Black Sisters!

Although Eggplant is a dish that is not traditionally served in Black households, it is VERY delicious and also good for our health. There are many recipes for this exotic fruit that can be incorporated into our diets without too much inconvenience.

Now, you may have never cooked with Eggplant and may be a little intimidated when it comes to selecting an eggplant. I’ve bought them on several occasions and had to throw them away because they were discolored when I brought them home and cut into them. However, I’ve read that a little discoloration is okay. They are like apples.

But now, that I’ve read up on how to select an Eggplant, I shouldn’t have that problem anymore, In Sha Allah (If It Is The Will Of Allah). Now, when I researched how to select an Eggplant I was met with conflicting reports. However, I was fortunate enough to read the “rebuttals” to the claims first and then I got to the claim that like many plants, “eggplants can be male or female.” However, according to science, this is not true, because eggplants self-pollinate, meaning that  they have both MALE and FEMALE parts.

However, I continued my research and happened across a cook who was writing from experience and I rely more on and expert who speaks from experience than on one who speaks from experiments.

This is what she had to say. When choosing an eggplant, the males generally have fewer seeds than the females, and since the seeds give the eggplant a bitter taste, you want to choose a male.

Here is how you can tell the difference. Look at the bottom of the Eggplant. Female eggplants generally have wider, deep “navels” (pictured on the right) while males have round, smaller and shallower “navels”

You also want to look for Eggplants that have shiny, taut skin. If the skin is dull, it may be too ripe and will likely have developed more seeds.

This recipe is so simple and sounds delicious. I think I might try it covered in Parmesan cheese! 😉

Baked Eggplant: Melanzane al Forno


3 medium eggplants, to yield about 3 pounds, stem removed, sliced lengthwise into 1/2-inch slices
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
1 bunch Italian parsley, finely chopped to yield 1/4 cup

Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F.Place eggplant slices in a single layer on a lightly oiled baking sheet. Brush each slice with the olive oil. Stud each slice of eggplant with the sliced garlic, embedding the garlic as much as possible into the flesh of the eggplant. Season with salt and pepper and bake 20 to 25 minutes, until soft and golden brown. Remove from oven and allow to cool. When cool, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

****You Can Read How To Eat To Live, Book 2 by clicking HERE.****

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Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful
Master Fard Muhammad


“HOW TO EAT TO LIVE. Eat that food that Allah (God) Has Prescribed for us. Even take little simple things such as beans. Allah (God) says that the little navy bean will make you live, just eat them. He Said to me that even milk and bread would make us live. Just eat bread and milk – it is the best food. He Said that a diet of navy beans would give us a life span of one hundred and forty (140) years.”

SIMPLE navy beans is one of the best foods that we can eat. You do not have to strain the beans to eat them. Straining the beans is a real habit that we took up years ago. But, they are better if you eat them in their hull (skin).”

“DO NOT put a lot of spices, or what you call seasonings, in such good food. Do not do this. You will ruin your food. The value of the bean is taken away by your putting so much seasoning in them. Just put the beans on and cook them until they are done. Let the beans stay in its jacket. Of course I see them crush the beans, and since the cooks and the eaters like it like that, I go along with them. But I like it better when you just cook them right in the jacket.”

“I FEEL like I could eat a bowl full of beans right now while I am talking about it. You can eat that bean seven (7) days a week. It is very appealing to the appetite.”

“WE SHOULD have a great field of hundreds and thousands of acres of beans to feed our people. It is a very cheap and a very healthy food for us. We should buy canning factories for ourselves and can beans.”

(Excerpts from HOW TO EAT TO LIVE, BOOK II by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad [PBUH])

*You Can Read How to Eat to Live, Book II In Its Entirety Here.*


As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum Beloved Sisters,

As the person responsible for providing our family with healthy and nutritious meals, we should make it a priority to read the above book. I cannot overemphasize its importance in the health and well-being of ourselves and our families.

As written above, along with bread and milk, the small Navy Bean is one of the three BEST foods we can eat, according to Our Beloved Messenger (PBUH). Our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praise is Due Forever, taught him (The Messenger) that most of us cannot afford the expensive foods that rich millionaires eat so He prescribed for us dried navy beans, bread and milk. And He said that these are the BEST foods we can eat.

There are the white, pink, and red ones. I have only seen the white beans labelled as “Navy” beans in the grocery store. And now they are starting to just label them “small white beans” in some places. You may also find pink and red beans, but I am not sure if these are actually “Navy” beans because all of the ones I have seen are somewhat larger than the white ones.

Our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) taught us that Allah taught him that the only kidney-like bean should we eat is the “SMALL NAVY BEAN.” Not red, black, brown, pinto or any other type of bean. Not the Great Northern Bean either. Only the small, white, Navy bean.

Elsewhere in the book, he teaches us that the Navy Bean contains all of the protein, carbohydrates (starches) and fats that we need to keep us healthy and strong. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (PBUH) taught us that, contrary to popular belief, the small, white, navy bean is complete in itself. It is not necessary to pair it with rice or meat. In order to “eat to live,” we must incorporate the Navy Bean into our diet.

On a trivial note, the beans are called “Navy Beans” because they were a staple of the United States Navy in the early twentieth century. The Navy bean is considered, even by the devil, to be one of the healthiest foods one can eat. It is packed with fiber, lowers cholesterol, gives you energy while burning fat, and prevents heart attacks and some say, even prevents cancer.

The best and tastiest dish that you can prepare for your family is The Bean Soup. I had some today and it was so good, I felt like licking the bowl!

In order to make Bean Soup, you can invest in a Crock Pot (slow cooker) or make it on the stovetop. Just put all the ingredients in a big pot with some water, keep a sharp eye on it, stirring occasionally, adding water when necessary, and the following recipe works just as well on the stovetop.

Crock Pots come in sizes of 4.5 quarts and 6 quarts now. Mine is 5 quarts, but you can vary the recipe to fit your Crock Pot as well as your tastes.

Here is a very simple recipe. Our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) taught us that “simple foods are the best”. So, I don’t use a lot of ingredients. But feel free to adjust the recipe as you like.


One lb. bag of small white beans
1/2 stick of butter
One large onion
3-4 Garlic cloves
2 teaspoons (t) salt
1/2 t Italian Seasoning
1/2 t Curry powder
1/2 green bell pepper (optional)
2 medium tomatoes (optional)
2 sticks of celery (optional)
2 sticks of carrots (optional)

Sort and wash beans, removing all rocks and any fragmented beans. Soak beans with about a tablespoon of baking soda overnight or about 8 hours.

When you are ready to prepare the soup, rinse beans and fill your pot with about 8 cups of water (* If you use the optional ingredients, you will probably need more water).

Pour in beans.

Add 1/2 stick of butter.

Add chopped onion and crushed garlic cloves.

Add optional ingredients chopped.

Add Italian Seasonings and Curry.

Stir. Cover.

If you are cooking on the stovetop, it may take about two hours to cook the beans thoroughly.

If you are using a Crock Pot, cook on “Low” about ten hours or “High” about 6 hours (I’m not exactly sure how long to cook on “High,” I haven’t cooked on “High” in a few years. Probably 5-6 hours. Check it after four though.)

Add salt.

*Note – Do not add the salt until after the beans have finished cooking. If you add the salt earlier, it will make the beans hard.

(*If you like, you can allow the soup to cool and then blend it in the blender. This gives it a different texture. Many people prefer it blended. I like it both ways.)

You can add other seasonings, like sage, turmeric and oregano, if you wish, but the Messenger (PBUH) taught us not to put too much seasoning in the soup. He wrote that you ruin the value of the bean by putting so much seasoning in them. He wrote, just put the beans on and let them cook until they are done and not half-done. If you eat half-cooked beans, you might get the colic. So just cook the beans and eat them. You can eat this soup seven (7) days a week. It is very appealing to the appetite.

I recently discovered CREOLE SEASONINGS and have been using it as my only seasoning with some fresh parsley and this was the batch that made me want to lick the bowl it was so good.

My son eats Bean Soup EVERY DAY for dinner, along with wheat toast w/cream cheese and vegetables. He only eats one meal per day and is very healthy. I eat one meal per week, and at every meal we eat Bean Soup. We have been eating Bean Soup every day since I first read HOW TO EAT TO LIVE over seven years ago.

You may encounter some resistance from your children when you begin to introduce the idea of eating Bean Soup every day. But once you explain to your family how healthy it is and that Allah (God) prescribed it as The Best Food you can eat, if they have a modicum of intelligence they will accept the proper way to eat. You prepare the meals, so ultimately, they will eat whatever you prepare.

Just make sure you vary the other foods you serve along with the soup, such as different types and ways of preparing vegetables and fish.

Also, if you begin to improve your eating habits, your family will bear witness to the results for themselves, which is the best example you can give them. Our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praise is due forever, said, “A diet of navy beans would give us a life span of one hundred and forty (140) years.” Don’t you want to live to see you great-great-great-great grandchildren??? Well, this is the best way to make it so!!!


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*You Can Read How to Eat to Live, Book Two In Its Entirety Here.*


As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum Beautiful and Beloved Asiatic Black Goddesses!!!

The great stress of How To Eat To Live is made upon eating one meal per day.

We, the so-called Negroes, have been taught by our enemy (white race) who were put here to cut short our lives, and for the last 6,000 years they have done so. We should be living not under one hundred (100) years and from that to one thousand (1,000) years. The old patriarchs, Noah and Methuselah each lived nearly a thousand years, consisting of 365 1/4 days.

365 1/4 days has always been a year with Allah because that is how long it takes the planet Earth to orbit the Sun.

Since we have been under the rule of the white race, our lives have been shortened so much so, that we are surprised to see a person live over seventy (70) years, which should just be the beginning of life.

But All Praise is Due To Allah, The Best Knower, The All-Wise True and Living God. He has Come in the Divine Person of Allah, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praise is Due Forever, as it was prophesied, to give to us more life, and more life abundantly. This prophecy is fulfilled in the Teachings of the above book.


There are two versions of How To Eat To Live: Book One and Book Two. They are very similar, however there are two small differences. The last chapter in Book Two is a call for the Black people in America to Do Something For Self by donating to The Nation of Islam. The other difference is that Book One reads that fish is not good for you and Book Two reads that fish is good for you.

It is my understanding, considering the Nation of Islam’s lucrative fish program, that Book Two is a later revelation and should be accepted as such. However, I know some people who will not eat fish at all. I disagree, but respect their choice.


The benefits of eating one meal a day, as prescribed by Our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) in the above books, are both spiritual and physical. The spiritual benefit is that by taking long intervals between meals we are better qualified to seek a favor from Allah. Such as when Moses fasted for a cure from Allah, for his sister (Miriam) who had contracted leprosy by speaking carelessly of her brother (Moses). Moses fasted to beseech Allah to heal his sister.

We can do the same. When we are seeking a favor from Allah, we can do as Moses, and fast to show our dedication to achieving the desired outcome.

Our Beloved Messenger, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (PBUH) taught in the above book (Book 2) that if we are seeking spiritual advancement, we should fast for three days. Such a fast will bring us closer to Allah.

Imagine if you cut your meals to one meal every three days, how close you will be to Our Saviour, Allah!

The physical benefits of eating one meal a day are numerous: we increase our beautiful appearance, clear our thinking, improve our health and lengthen our lives.

It is very logical. Eating three and four times a day and all between meals keeps the digestive system working, trying to digest this food which the body has not even called for. By taking long intervals between meals, such as days, we give the digestive system time to complete the digestive process for the previous meal and also give it time to rest before asking it to work again. If we keep adding more food while the other meal is in the process of digesting, we have a new poison, in its full strength, to add to the poison that is already there and give it more strength and working power that will keep us sick.

If we give our body enough time to completely digest our meals, it will completely rid itself of the germs (poison) and leave us enjoying the results of a healthy body, which is the greatest enjoyment we can experience.


Our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) also taught us in the above book (HOW TO EAT TO LIVE) that NO MEAT IS GOOD FOR US. We should not eat any meat, not even chicken. The chicken is a very filthy animal, inasmuch as it does not eat the cleanest of food. A chicken will turn around and eat its own droppings.

The only type of meat that is okay for us to eat, according to the above book, is the little young pigeon that has never flown from the nest where it was born (called squab).

Our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) taught us that our flesh was not made to digest other flesh (meat) and keep doing a job of maintaining the life of our flesh. By eating the flesh of others, we poison our blood and destroy the surface of our flesh, causing us to look old quickly.

We eat meat because it is a habit from childhood, but if we eat it only once a day or once every two days or three days, it will not harm us so quickly and give us a few more days to our life.

We can eat fish. But we should be careful not to eat every kind of fish. We should not eat a fish weighing over fifty pounds (such as tuna). Our Saviour taught The Messenger (PBUH) that the eating of such large fish is too hard on our digestive system. We should confine our fish-eating to those fish weighing under ten pounds.

We should also be careful to never eat the scavengers of the sea, such as crabs, shrimps, lobsters, oysters, clams, snails and catfish. The fish last mentioned (catfish) is a very filthy fish and is the pig of the water.


There is another flesh that we should not eat that is an abomination in the eyesight of Allah (God). That is, the divinely prohibited flesh of the swine (hog). This filthy animal contains a live poison in the form of pork worms (trichinae) which, when they enter the blood stream, multiply by the thousands. These worms lodge in the muscles and cause aches and pains (arthritis and rheumatism). They also travel up the spine and into the brain. When they enter the spine and the brain, the disease becomes incurable.

The Bible mentions not to eat this filthy animal and says that we should not even touch it! It is a sin to eat the flesh of the swine and our people, the Black People of the Earth, Muslims by nature, will not allow you to enter into their society if you are a swine eater. No swine eater shall see the Hereafter.

The devils (Caucasians) know that they are not going to live to see the Hereafter, so they do not care about eating the divinely-prohibited flesh of the swine, nor of the harm they are doing to their bodies. They do not care about lengthening their lives because their time on our Earth is limited anyway. The Holy Qur-an says that they would try and take as many of the righteous (Black People) with them to their doom as they could. So, they taught us to eat the swine, knowing that it was forbidden by Allah (God). Everything Allah (God) says, “Thou shall not do,” the white race teaches, “Thou shall do.”


Some other foods which are not good for us, and we should not force our bodies to try to digest are: nuts (all types), white bread, cornbread, greens, blackeyed peas, lima beans, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, spaghetti and macaroni.

In the books, HOW TO EAT TO LIVE, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) shares with us the exact science of how to eat to live, so you can lengthen your life, increase your beautiful appearance and improve your health. For your health and for the health of your family, I highly recommend that you read this book.

You can read it for free by clicking HERE or purchase your own copy HERE.

As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum!

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Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum Beloved Black Sisters!

There are so many areas of study that we need to incorporate into our lives that will not only improve our standing in high, civilized society, but will also improve our personal physical, mental and most importantly, spiritual health.

As I have written, the FIRST thing Our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praise is Due Forever, Told us we need to do is:


Your Own God – Allah
Your Own Religion – Islam
Your Own People – The Black People

Yourself – A Righteous Muslim

These two instructions are paramount to becoming a happy, healthy and successful Original Blackwoman.

We cannot be successful as long as we are in the white race’s false religion of Christianity.

The Christian religion cannot teach one how to believe in and obey the True and Living God, Allah.
On the contrary, the Christian religion teaches one to break all the Laws of God.

Following after the Christians had led us to do things that are considered abominations in the eyesight of Allah (God). Many of these things are also morbidly injurious to our health: Smoking, Drinking, Taking Drugs and Eating the Divinely Prohibited flesh of the filthy, stinking hog.

As the Woman of the House – The Homemaker, We are primarily responsible for providing our families with healthy, nutritious meals that will prevent sickness, increase life expectancy and increase our and our family’s beautiful appearance.

The Bible teaches us, and it is supposed to be from Jesus, that when Allah (God) Comes, He Will Give Us MORE LIFE and MORE LIFE ABUNDANTLY. He Will Teach Us How to Expand Our Lives and How To Enjoy Life More.

الحمد لله Al Hamdulillah! All Praise Is Due To Allah! Allah (God) Has Come and He Taught His Messenger, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (PBUH), That “What We Eat and Drink KEEPS US HERE and what we eat and drink TAKES US AWAY from here.” Therefore, in order to Expand Our Lives and Keep Them Expanded, Allah (God) Had To Regulate Our Eating and Drinking Habits. Allah (God) Had To Teach Us HOW TO EAT TO LIVE.

Along with the Spiritual Truth that Will Set Us Free, Allah (God) Blessed us with the Physical Truth in Order to Preserve the Life of the Spiritual Truth. One can have all the knowledge in the world, but when one dies, her knowledge is of no use to her, so we want to live as long as possible so that we can share the Knowledge we possess with as many people as we can.

It is imperative that you read the above book. You can read it for free online here. However, I would recommend that you purchase your own copy of the book (free of typographical errors) here.

HOW TO EAT TO LIVE is what everyone wants and needs to know. Even a fool wants to know how to lengthen her life. The rulers of this world (the white race) did not teach us how to eat to live because they were made to cut life short and for the past 6,000 years they have done so. The white race are the people the Holy Qur-an describes as eating like a beast. Beasts eat anything and everything and they eat whenever they see their food present. These beasts taught us just contrary to the way of our patriarchs, who lived over 900 years. What and How do you think they ate? The white race has not taught us. But you can learn from the above book.

We have been taught to eat the divinely prohibited flesh of the swine, and also to eat three and four meals a day. Just these two aberrations are sufficient to significantly cut short our lives and fill us with sickness.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) taught us in his books (How To Eat To Live, Book 1 and Book 2) that we should be living from 100 to 1000 years! He teaches us that the only way to do this is to cut our eating from three and four meals a day to one meal a day. He said that this is better for our health, beauty, intelligence and duration of life.

Don’t get skeptical, Dear Sister. Just because Our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) did not live this length of time does not mean The Teachings are not Truth. The Bible teaches us that, “In all their afflictions, he was afflicted” (meaning the Messenger of God). Our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) had to suffer everything we suffer, or else Allah would not have chosen him to be the good Messenger. He had to prove that he loved us so well that he was willing to go through with everything we go through with. So, yes, he died prematurely, BUT he taught us everything we need to know so that we can bring The Teachings into fruition.

I bear witness, Dear Sister. I eat one meal a week and I look and feel better than I did when I was 16!

I want to live to be 900 like Noah and Methuselah. So, I am trying to eat the way Our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) taught us they ate. It has taken me over seven years to get to this stage, but it was not difficult. I did it gradually (with some setbacks) but I kept my goal in mind and persevered.

I weighed 206 pounds when I first read How To Eat To Live. After reading the book, I began eating the way The Messenger (PBUH) taught and I lost 70 pounds in three months! People would ask me how I lost the weight and I told them I read How To Eat To Live and began eating one meal a day. I didn’t exercise and I didn’t change my diet. I ate the same foods I had been eating, I just stopped eating three meals a day and ate one meal a day instead, and the weight fell off. All Praise is Due to Allah!

I kept going from there. After about a month, I began eating eating every other day. Then every three days. But I think I got a little ahead of myself because I fell back and started eating all between meals. It took quite a few months but I got back up to one meal every other day again. Then every three days and by Ramadan (December) 2010, I was eating one meal every four days. I got down to 128 pounds.

Ramadan is the month prescribed by Our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) for us to “fast”. It is not really a fast because a fast should be from two to three days without taking food. But we do not eat nor drink from before sunrise until after the sun sets.

We fast in December to get us out of the false teaching of the Jesus’ birth on December 25th. That day, which is celebrated by the Christians, is really the birthdate of that evil demon, Nimrod, who was so wicked that it is sickening to even think about the evil things he did, so I will not include them here.

While the Christians are partying and drinking and dancing and eating swine’s flesh in celebration of a FALSE birthday of Jesus, we Muslims, are fasting.

After Ramadan, I fell off again and started snacking. I went back to one meal a day to try and at least eat the way I was instructed. Sisters, after Ramadan, most all Muslims I know, start snacking. So beware of this when you fast. January 1st is the day when we go crazy and start eating everything. But actually, we should be used to eating one meal a day every day! So Ramadan should not be too much of a departure from the way we usually eat, right? We’re just eating after sunset. This pandemic of mis-eating after Ramadan proves that we are not eating like we should. If we were it would not be a major occurrence to go from one meal a day to one meal a day. But it is. We lose all self-control. It takes great discipline to not cross that line after the month of Ramadan.

I has taken me three and a half years to get to this point (one meal every seven days), but here’s what I did differently this time, to ensure that I never fall off again. I did the same thing I did when I quit smoking in 2007. I set a date. I have not had a cigarette since the Kingdom Day Parade in 2007. That is my “date”. My “date” for eating one meal a week is my birthday this year. It has only been a few weeks but I have never felt this sense of urgency to keep it up. Now, whenever I want to eat between meals, I have a reference point to keep me on track.

My goal is to eat one meal a week with nothing between for the rest of my life. I still drink coffee but
In Sha Allah, by Ramadan I will have stopped that too.

So, that’s my story. I’m doing it. You can do it too. Your example will inspire your family to eat better and really, they won’t have a choice because you do the grocery shopping and prepare the meals. You are the one who determines what’s available. They can only eat what’s there. And by witnessing, first hand, the results of your discipline it will encourage them to do the same, In Sha Allah.

What did Prophet Muhammad eat in a day?

Dates, figs, grapes, milk, honey, olive oil, vinegar, watermelon, barley, pumpkin, squash, and any other vegetables that were available, as reported in the hadith below, made up the rest of the Prophet's diet.

When did Elijah Muhammad write how do you eat to live?

How To Eat To Live is a series of two books published by Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad in the 1960s, which are still in print.

What food do you need to live to 100?

Improve your diet to make it to 100 Here are few of the common foods (which are available at American mainstream grocery stores) that were popular among the centenarians in the Blue Zones: Legumes (especially chick peas, lentils, and fava beans) Eggs. Goat and sheep milk and cheese.

How do you eat on a live diet?

On this plan, you cut down on some carbs (bread, pasta), sugar, and oil. You also quit meat and dairy for at least 6 weeks, and eat more whole fruits, vegetables, beans and other legumes, and whole grains.


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