How to say in English in spanish

If you want to say the word English in Spanish, you would say, “inglés.” Used as an adjective, you would say “inglesa” when describing female-gendered objects or “inglés” when describing objects with a masculine gender.

Learning Spanish nouns and adjectives can feel overwhelming at first, especially since you need to always consider the gender of the object you’re naming or describing. But many learners get a handle on them fairly naturally—particularly if you already speak related languages like English, Italian, or French. Italian and French are directly related to Spanish in the same “romance language” family—all coming directly from Latin—while English uses many French and Italian/Spanish/Latin words that are known as cognates (cousins of one another). This is also why you’ll find English terms like the word “English” itself that sound remarkably similar in French (anglais), Italian (inglese), and Spanish (inglés). On top of that, you’ll discover that Spanish has an extremely easy to understand pronunciation system, as well as very few irregularities in pronunciation. Plus, the alphabet is an almost identical match to most other western European languages, English included. There are just three additional letters you’ll need to learn: ch (chay), ñ (eñe), and ll (elle).

With Rosetta Stone’s immersive approach, you’ll learn the language, not just the words. What makes Rosetta Stone so powerful is that we teach you to use your new language in your everyday world. It’s not just about the features, but what you’re able to do because you’ve learned the language. That way, you’ll be ready to handle any situation and sound great doing it.

One of the first steps in learning Spanish for beginners is to tackle the pronunciation of the alphabet and the words that represent numbers. For English speakers, learning the Spanish alphabet is simple because the differences are minor.

To learn the Spanish alphabet and numbers, you’ll need to focus on pronunciation. Some of the letters in the Spanish alphabet will have familiar sounds, while others may be entirely different. For instance, the letter “j” in Spanish would be pronounced as an “h” sound, which you may already know from such Spanish names as Jose or Javier.

Numbers are often simpler to pick up than the alphabet. Many people already know some or all of the words for counting to ten in Spanish:

  • uno = one
  • dos = two
  • tres = three
  • cuatro = four
  • cinco = five
  • seis = six
  • siete = seven
  • ocho = eight
  • nueve = nine
  • diez = ten

Once you have those down, advancing to numbers like ciento veintiocho (128) means applying what you know together with a few simple patterns for forming the names of larger figures.

Because Spanish is a much more phonetically consistent language than English, Spanish words almost always sound the way they are spelled. You can use this phonetic knowledge to pronounce long, multi-syllable words that otherwise might be overwhelming. Rosetta Stone helps you get the pronunciation just right in a snap with TruAccent. Our patented speech engine instantly compares your voice to native and non-native speakers, so you get real-time feedback for the most accurate pronunciation. It’s also adjustable, which allows you to fine-tune your accent. Developed by integrating and processing the natural speech of Spanish speakers, TruAccent is among the most powerful tools for helping you learn and speak the Spanish language.

Once you have mastered the Spanish basics that make up the foundation of the language, it’s natural to transition to the longer phrases that are the true backbone of day-to-day conversations. Rosetta Stone’s bite-sized lessons are built with this in mind, moving you fluidly towards speaking with confidence by always structuring your acquisition of vocabulary in context with immersive, real-life situations. To continually advance your Spanish from the basic/beginner stage to an intermediate level, it helps to focus on key tactics that can accelerate your understanding of the Spanish language. Rosetta Stone makes that process feel natural.

As a trusted language-learning company, Rosetta Stone is experienced in developing language programs that build confidence. Learn the language in an order that’s tried-and-tested to ensure better understanding of how to communicate effectively in Spanish. You’ll learn the foundations of the Spanish language and develop vocabulary using Rosetta Stone’s award-winning mobile app. Engage with Spanish at your own pace, on your own time, and start speaking Spanish from day one.

Surround yourself with Spanish whenever, wherever with the Rosetta Stone app .

Download a unit and knock it out on the train or a flight. Select a 5-10 minute lesson and sneak it in while you wait in line or for your ride to show up. And explore dynamic features, like Seek and Speak, where you can point at an object in the real world and get a translation .

The best part? You don’t have to choose between app or desktop. Both come with your subscription and sync, so you can switch between devices seamlessly.

How to say in English in spanish
How to say in English in spanish

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