How to say my queen in French


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Synonyms Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Chinese Ukrainian

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

My Queen, we've received word.

Ma Reine, nous recevons des nouvelles.

My Queen, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Ma Reine, mes condoléances pour votre perte.

My Queen, Princess. Please calm down.

Ma reine, princesse, calmez-vous.

They're beautiful, My Queen.

My Queen, I bring word.

Ma reine, j'apporte des nouvelles.

My Queen, we don't have time for this, please.

Ma Reine, nous n'avons pas le temps, s'il vous plait.

If we could speak privately, My Queen.

Si nous pouvions parler en privé, Ma Reine.

The Prince is right, My Queen.

My Queen, perhaps we should discuss this in private.

Ma Reine, nous devrions peut-être en parler en privé.

My Queen, our darts are outnumbered two to one.

Ma Reine, nos Darts sont à un contre deux.

My Queen has given this to me.

My Queen, the South cannot be conquered.

Ma reine, le sud ne peut être conquis.

You are in danger, My Queen.

My Queen, I must tell you...

Virginie Ledoyen Actress for Farewell My Queen

Farewell, My Queen has gathered 32,000 spectators in Spain in 4 weeks.

Les Adieux à la Reine a réuni 32000 spectateurs en Espagne en 4 semaines.

Diane Kruger Actress for Farewell My Queen

My Queen, we needed the water.

Ma reine, il nous fallait de l'eau.

There is an end to castles here, My Queen.

Nous assistons à la fin de l'époque des châteaux forts, ma reine.

Models Tagged with "Awsome My Queen"

Modèles avec le tag «Always My Queen»

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Chinese


Synonyms Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Chinese Ukrainian

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

For what it's worth You're my queen.

Malka... You're my queen and I'm your Yakov.

You're the angel you're my queen I do everything for you I protect you from the cold

Tu es un ange, tu es ma reine Je fais tout pour toi Je te protège du froid

You're my Queen of Hearts

You're my Queen, Your Majesty.

Add to Added Central 23 Beyonce Mothers Day Card "You're My Queen B"

Ajouter à Ajouté Centrale 23 Beyonce fête des mères carte « Vous êtes mon Queen B »

You're my queen of the night

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Results: 12. Exact: 12. Elapsed time: 100 ms.

What is ma cherie?

Translation of "ma chérie" in English. Noun. honey. sweetheart.

What is the meaning of Reine?

noun. queen [noun] a woman who rules a country, who inherits her position by right of birth.

Do you say Queen in French?

How to say queen in French. “Queen” is “Reine” in French.

What is Ma Reine?

Translation of "Ma Reine" in English. my queen. my lady.