How to tell someone to sit down in Spanish

[+person] sentar

I sat him down and gave him a drink lo senté y le di de beber

She sat her children down and told them, tearfully, that their father would not be coming back

sit yourself down and tell me all about it siéntate y cuéntamelo todo

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How to tell someone to sit down in Spanish


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How to tell someone to sit down in Spanish
How to tell someone to sit down in Spanish

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How do you command someone to sit down in Spanish?

Sit down in Spanish.
Siéntate, por favor. Sit down, please., Please sit down., Take a seat, please., Sit down, please!.
Siéntate conmigo. Sit down with me..
Siéntate y descansa un rato. Sit down and rest for a while..
Por favor, siéntate en esta silla. Please sit down on this chair..
Ven aquí y siéntate. ... .
Por favor, siéntate..

What is the Spanish verb for to sit down?

The Spanish verb sentarse (sehn-TAHR-seh) means 'to sit down'. This verb can be used not just to indicate that we sit down, say, on a chair. We also use it to mean that we sit down to rest, to relax, or to watch some sort of entertainment.