Is 1 foot the same as 1 yard?

Yards and feet are both linear measurements. They measure the distance from one point to another following a straight line. These measurements may be used to measure objects, room sizes, road distances and heights.


One foot is equal to 12 inches. Feet can be measured using a ruler, which is typically equal to 1 foot. One foot is approximately the length of a piece of paper.


A yard is equal to 3 feet. Yards are usually measured by a yardstick, which equals 1 yard. One yard is the approximate length of a baseball bat.

Square Feet

Square foot measurements are used to determine the size of an area. Multiply the length times the width of the object to determine the square footage. A flat surface, such as a floor tile, that is 1 foot on each side, has an area of 1 square foot.

Square Yards

Square yards are determined by multiplying the length times the width of an area. Room carpeting is often measured in square yards. A room that is 9 feet by 12 feet, would convert to 3 yards by 4 yards. Multiply three times four to determine the area of the room is 12 square yards.

How many feet in a yard? 1 yard is equal to 3 feet, which is the conversion factor from yards to feet.

Go ahead and convert your own value of yard to ft in the converter below.

If you wish you can reverse the conversion by using the converter for feet to yards

Facts about yard (yd)

A yard (abbreviation: yd) is the name of a unit of length in a number of different systems, including English units, Imperial units, and United States customary units. Its size can vary from system to system. A yard is three feet or 36 inches. The yard is often used to express distances. A corresponding unit of area is the square yard. See all conversions for yards here.

Facts about foot (ft)

A foot (plural: feet or foot;[1] symbol or abbreviation: ft or, sometimes, ′ – a prime) is a unit of length, in a number of different systems, including English units, Imperial units, and United States customary units. Its size can vary from system to system, but in each is around a quarter to a third of a metre. The most commonly used foot today is the international foot. There are 3 feet in a yard and 12 inches in a foot. See all conversions for feet here.

General information about yard to ft

Other conversion pairs in length

  • Convert centimeters to inches
  • Convert centimeters to feet
  • Convert centimeters to meters
  • Convert centimeters to millimeters
  • Convert feet to centimeters
  • Convert feet to inches
  • Convert feet to meters
  • Convert feet to miles
  • Convert feet to yards
  • Convert inches to cm
  • Convert inches to feet
  • Convert inches to millimeters
  • Convert kilometres to meters
  • Convert kilometers to miles
  • Convert meters to centimeters
  • Convert meters to kilometres
  • Convert meters to millimeters
  • Convert meters to feet
  • Convert meters to miles
  • Convert miles to feet
  • Convert miles to kilometres
  • Convert miles to meters
  • Convert millimeters to centimeters
  • Convert millimeters to inches
  • Convert millimeters to meters

To convert yards to feet (yd to ft) or to convert yards to yards and feet, you may use the converter above. Alternatively, to find out how many feet there are in "x" yards, you may use the yards to feet table.

Below, you will find information of how to find out how many feet there are in "x" yards and how to convert yards to yards and feet, including the formulas and example conversions.

How many feet in a yard?

1 Yard (yd) is equal to 3 feet (ft). To convert yards to feet, multiply the yard value by 3.

For example, to find out how many feet there are in a yard and a half, multiply 1.5 by 3, that makes 4.5 feet in 1.5 yards.

yards to feet formula

feet = yard * 3

How to convert feet to yards?

1 Foot is equal to 1/3 yard. To convert feet to yards, divide the feet value by 3.

For example, to convert 100 feet to yards, divide 100 by 3, that makes 33.3 yards in 100 feet.

feet to yards formula

yards = feet * 0.333333333

yards = feet / 3

How to convert yards to yards and feet?

To convert yards to yards and feet, keep the integer part of the number as the yard value and multiply the fractional part by 3 to find the foot value.

yards to yards and feet formula

yard = x.y

yard = x

foot = y * 3

How to convert yards and feet to yards?

To convert yards and feet to yards, divide the foot value by 3 and add the result to the yard value.

yards and feet to yards formula

yard <= yard + (foot / 3)

What is a Yard?

Yard is an imperial and United States Customary length unit. 1 yd = 3 ft. The symbol is "yd".

Common conversions from yards to feet:

  • 1 yard = 3 feet
  • 3 yards = 9 feet
  • 5 yards = 15 feet
  • 10 yards = 30 feet
  • 25 yards = 75 feet
  • 50 yards = 150 feet
  • 100 yards = 300 feet

Please visit all length units conversion to convert all length units.

How many ft are in a yard?

1 yard is equal to 3 feet, which is the conversion factor from yards to feet.

Is 1 ft longer than 1 yard?

Most people refer to miles when they are driving, biking or jogging. 1 foot = 12 inches 1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches 1 mile = 1,760 yards = 5,280 feet = 63,360 inches Page 3 Let's do some examples together!

Is a yard exactly 3 feet?

The yard (symbol: yd) is an English unit of length in both the British imperial and US customary systems of measurement equalling 3 feet or 36 inches. Since 1959 it has been by international agreement standardized as exactly 0.9144 meter.

Is a yard longer than 2 feet?

1 yard is 3 feet long.