Is it right to disturb others with your prayers


Is it wrong to feel someone is disturbing me by praying out loudly, for example at 4am?

Clarify Share Report Asked March 28 2018

Is it right to disturb others with your prayers

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The Bible states that the two greatest commandments are: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength." "And love your neighbor as yourself".

If you are a Christian and are offended at any time by someone praying, I question you: Do you think you are obeying the two greatest commandments? Should a Christian not rejoice that someone is praying? Should a Christian not be concerned with what that person is crying out to God about at 4 am? Or if it happens at 4 am every day, should a Christian not admire that person's commitment?

If it is really loud enough to disturb you, I suggest you approach that person, tell them that you admire them for praying, but explain that you are losing sleep or being disturbed in another way and ask that they might pray a little more quietly.

If you are not a Christian, I would advise you to also approach the person praying in a nice way and explain to them how they are disturbing you. I bet they are unaware and as a Christian will honor the two greatest commandments by altering their own behavior as empathy for you.

June 13 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Is it right to disturb others with your prayers
Tim Maas Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with the U.S. Army

Speaking just for myself, I would need some additional information to adequately address this question, such as:

What is the relationship (for example, family member, acquaintance, neighbor, stranger, etc.) of the questioner to the individual who is praying?

What is the proximity or relative location of the questioner to the individual who is praying?

Is this something that the questioner has mentioned previously to the individual who is praying? (That is, is the individual who is praying aware of the effect on the questioner?)

Is this an ongoing situation, or a one-time occurrence?

Offhand, it seems to me that this is something that could be satisfactorily addressed by non-religious conversation (that is, just as a matter of neighborliness or common courtesy) between the questioner and the individual who is praying, similar to what would be the case if the individual (rather than praying) was instead (for example) speaking too loudly in normal conversation or playing his stereo too loud at an hour when others who would be able to hear it might be expected to be sleeping.

Also, if I were the questioner, before speaking to the individual who is praying, I would want to examine myself to determine if the issue is really the noise itself, or if there is an underlying resentment on the part of the questioner because of the religious aspect involved. (The wording of the question somehow seems to suggest to me that the questioner is more upset with the fact that the individual is praying than with the volume of the individual's voice, and is looking for grounds to be upset with the individual who is praying specifically for that reason.)

June 02 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Is it right to disturb others with your prayers
Frederick Thomas Rom 3:4 ...let God be true...

The question seems to be asking for reason of fear for God's word. 
One the one end you scared to voice your opinion on something that appears godly but in your spirit you feel the godly act is wrong. You are challenge in your mind that maybe I will sin against the Holy Spirit if I speak out against the "godly" act. Off course an 4am "godly act" in the morning that disturbs God pattern for mankind is wrong. Whether the complainer is mad with the actor or not. That is (ignorantly) imposing your faith on others. 
New Testament method for individual to pray is to "pray in secret". *[[Mat 6:6/KJVLite]]* But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

June 08 2018 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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Should I say my prayers out loud?

There is power in praying aloud, so although silent prayers may be more comfortable for you, you should try to give voice to them when you can.

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The Bible commands us to pray for one another, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16, ESV). God manifests Himself in many ways when praying together and for each other.

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