Is red bull bad for you Reddit

Its made with beet sugar as opposed to hf corn syrup. A 12oz can has less caffeine than a cup of coffee. The ingredients listed on the can are taurine (a naturally occuring compound in your body), and b-vitamins along with amino acids, caffeine and sugar.

Compare that to something like Bang that has the TOTAL daily allowance of caffeine in one can.

I wouldnt say its good for you or healthy, but it certainly is the lesser evil in the energy drink world. Also not as bad for you as smoking, alcohol, fried foods, etc.

Of course, its not something to use in excess.

How bad is Red Bull for you?

Particularly in younger people, excessive energy drink intake has been linked to abnormal heart rhythm, heart attack, and — in some rare cases — death ( 1 , 12 , 13 ). Energy drinks are also high in sugar, which is associated with obesity, dental problems, and type 2 diabetes.

Is it OK to drink 1 Red Bull a day?

Red Bull does have some 'healthier' options, but those also come with their own dangers, such as artificial sugars. All in all, you're probably best off sticking to a maximum of 1-2 cans per day. Unless you have a pre-existing health condition, this isn't likely to cause you any health problems anytime soon.

Is Red Bull worse for you than Coke?

But sugar isn't the only thing to worry about, and that's what makes energy drinks potentially worse than soda. This fizzy drinks contain high amounts of caffeine, as well as such other stimulants as taurine, ginseng, and gaurana, according to Richter.