Is the writer stronger than presence?

Is the writer stronger than presence?

Who wins and why?

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

I hate the above fiction and writer bullsh#t...

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

The Presence by far, The Writer is wanked by BVSW.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

@divinemaster said:

The Presence is fatter he wins due to higher durability.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

Lets be real here The Writer is the true god of DC no No fictional character is truly above them if he or she wanted to They could retcon The Presence to be weaker than Jimmy Olsen.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

@gentlemantophat :

No, it is not. he was assassinated and he was never declared as the supreme being, he is just wank from BVSW.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

presence destroys him

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

"The Writer" was just a avatar of Grant Morrison that ceased to be all-powerful as soon as he entered a page. He died in Suicide Squad later because of that.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

Is the writer stronger than presence?

The presence blinks him

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

Is the writer stronger than presence?

Writer A : Yo can i add The presence in next comic book series

Writer B : Sure

Writer A : lets make something insane *Writing Presence Die*

I mean dude how the fuck are you all delusional without writer to publish the book the presence never exist in the first place, if no one buy the comic book DC never exist including all its characters.

The presence just a character created by the Author/Writer, they dont give a shit about who damn more powerfull all they want just write damn story and creating some cosmology.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

"The Writer" was just a avatar of Grant Morrison that ceased to be all-powerful as soon as he entered a page. He died in Suicide Squad later because of that.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

Is the writer stronger than presence?

Presense is not even top dog in DC and get school by less so ima go with the writer. I saw presence show up for Trigon, why he not show up for Barbatos, Perpetua, Mobius, Empty Hand, DrM, Wf mxy.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

@sladeracer said:

Presense is not even top dog in DC and get school by less so ima go with the writer. I saw presence show up for Trigon, why he not show up for Barbatos, Perpetua, Mobius, Empty Hand, DrM, Wf mxy.

This just isn't true, the Presence is the top dog and Scott Snyder pretty much confirmed, his feats trump pretty much everyone else.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

@ultraphoenix: how is that not true ? .. u got proof of Snyder confirmation on that ?..

Also what’s his best feat since it trump everyone else’s? I’d like to hear because I haven’t seen much of him

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

Isn't The Writer supposed to be omnipotent; therefore this fight is banned?

Is the writer stronger than presence?

No, he's not even supposed to be particularly powerful.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

@sladeracer said:

@ultraphoenix: how is that not true ? .. u got proof of Snyder confirmation on that ?..

Also what’s his best feat since it trump everyone else’s? I’d like to hear because I haven’t seen much of him

Yeah Snyder confirmed in an interview that the Presence is the top dog.

8:04 - 8:12 There's an unseen council (Hands) going further up until you reach the Source, further showing that the Source is the top of the hierarchy

Also a mere aspect of the Presence (Pralaya) had created and destroyed the multiverse several times, and the Presence is the one who gave Perpetua the raw materials to create the multiverse.

Is the writer stronger than presence?
Justice League Dark Vol.1 #39

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

@ultraphoenix: is there a link to that interview ?

And I thought the source and the presence were 2 diff beings. The source is just in tune with all. Even Highfather has power from the source. Darkseid himself said he who controls Ale(anti-life) had the power to control the source. Ds was going to the source itself and try to control it, idk if it would of worked tho but he seem pretty confident.

In DC cosmology in order to enter the DC world u need to enter the source wall, where no Gods shall pass. Empty hand, DrM are beings that have no issues entering/exiting DC like PR beyonder on Marvel.

The presence seems to care somewhat about his creation given the fact that he has a realm in the outer sphere of the DC multiverse and has agents that combats dangers to it. Like spectre, phantom stranger etc.

So if presence really is too dog, why he show up for a trigon but not a Empty Hand ? Who is around the same lvl of threat as Trigon possibly more ?

I think I also seen a tweet somewhere as per Grant Morrison that the Overvoid is the highest plane of existence/highest being in terms of power. What Pralaya did and Perpetua can and has been replicated by other beings as well.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

@ultraphoenix: ah nvm I see it, Scott Snyder views the source and the presence as one and the same coin. Tbh that sounds like he just retcon the source and the presence to be the same entity. I see what u mean. I still don’t think source is top dog tho, or any of his avatars.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?


is there a link to that interview ?

Click on the timestamp in my reply, it's linked on there.

And I thought the source and the presence were 2 diff beings. The source is just in tune with all. Even Highfather has power from the source. Darkseid himself said he who controls Ale(anti-life) had the power to control the source. Ds was going to the source itself and try to control it, idk if it would of worked tho but he seem pretty confident.

Nope it's the same thing.

5:06 - 5:15 Presence = Source (Interview)

In DC cosmology in order to enter the DC world u need to enter the source wall, where no Gods shall pass. Empty hand, DrM are beings that have no issues entering/exiting DC like PR beyonder on Marvel.

The presence seems to care somewhat about his creation given the fact that he has a realm in the outer sphere of the DC multiverse and has agents that combats dangers to it. Like spectre, phantom stranger etc.

So if presence really is too dog, why he show up for a trigon but not a Empty Hand ? Who is around the same lvl of threat as Trigon possibly more ?

He didn't just show up for Trigon, but also a bunch of Hell Lords who were trying to enter heaven, usually when there's an attack on Heaven he intervenes, but sometimes he doesn't, either way he's still the top dog.

I think I also seen a tweet somewhere as per Grant Morrison that the Overvoid is the highest plane of existence/highest being in terms of power. What Pralaya did and Perpetua can and has been replicated by other beings as well.

I haven't seen any other DC character that's created and destroyed the multiverse several times, only Pralaya has accomplished such a feat, and writers like Scott Snyder have placed the Presence at the top of the hierarchy and J.M DeMatteis also considers everything to be an aspect of the Presence.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

@sladeracer said:

@ultraphoenix: ah nvm I see it, Scott Snyder views the source and the presence as one and the same coin. Tbh that sounds like he just retcon the source and the presence to be the same entity. I see what u mean. I still don’t think source is top dog tho, or any of his avatars.

He would still be the top dog, Scott confirmed it, you go up and up the hierarchy until you reach the Source, which means it's the top, both featwise and hierarchy wise.

1 year ago

Is the writer stronger than presence?

Is Elaine Belloc more powerful than The Presence?

Elaine Belloc She is one of the strongest inhabitants of the DC Universe, second only to The Presence.

Who can defeat The Presence?

The One-Above-All stomps, since he is omnipotent, while the Presence isn't.

How strong is the writer in DC?

Being completely beyond all stories and hierarchies within DC, The Writer is all-powerful and completely unknowable from the perspectives of his or her characters. Likewise, no character can comprehend the complete Writer, instead of only being capable of interacting with representations.

Is The Presence the most powerful DC character?

The Presence has undergone many different forms and is known by many different names in the DC Universe, including Yahweh, The Voice, The Hand, The Source, The Presence and, oddly enough, Wally. There is no character more powerful or stronger than The Presence.