Minecraft story mode order of the stone lever puzzle

Last update: Friday, June 3, 2016

Next Episode 1: The Order of the Stone System requirements Prev Episode 1: The Order of the Stone Chapter 5

Minecraft story mode order of the stone lever puzzle

When walking, Reuben will trigger a trap and arrows will start shooting. Run through the corridor and press the keys that appear on the screen to finish the event. When you are inside the trap, you will need to use a bow and arrow to reach the switch. Place the items in the workshop in the right order (shown on the screenshot above). After crafting the two items, aim at the switch and shoot (Pressure Plate - Hit).

When you are in the library, approach the open book and tell your friends about what you found.

Ivor was a member of the Order?!

This explain a lot

Gabriel didn't mention this!


They go up

Only one way to find out

Someplace safe, I hope


Minecraft story mode order of the stone lever puzzle

The stairs will lead you to the main part of the temple in which you can activate the amulet. To do that, approach the pedestal and select Pedestal - Use Amulet On. Go to the other side of the room, where you will find five levers. Your task is to find a combination that will make all the colours near the map glow. Below, you will find the right combination (from the left):

  • Lever towards the map
  • Lever towards you
  • Lever towards the map
  • Lever towards you
  • Lever towards the map

This is what Gabriel wanted us to see!

This must be a tracking system!

What do the colors mean?


We have to find Petra

We have to stop Ivor

It's trying to tell us something


What if you're wrong?

Right, you should stay

We need you with us


Now you will face the last important choice which will influence the story in the next episode. You have to decide whether you want to go with Olivia to look for Ellegaard, or go with Axel to look for Magnus.

Next Episode 1: The Order of the Stone System requirements Prev Episode 1: The Order of the Stone Chapter 5

What is the order of the items in Minecraft story mode?

First press theArrow, then the TNT, then the Redstone, and finally the Sword.

How do you solve the lever puzzle in Minecraft Story Mode Episode 5?

To do this, you have to activate four levers in the correct order. First, use the lever in the center (there is nobody standing there). Then, use the lever next to Petra/Gabriel. After you have activated two levers, return to the first one and use it again.

What does the lever do in Minecraft story mode?

Inside the passageway to Harper's Lab, there is a lever used to activate a Sand barrier to temporarily block PAMA's troops.