Shiner weisse n easy where to buy


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What states is Shiner beer sold?

Spoetzl started distributing Shiner Bock nationally in 1991, Today, the company distributes to every state except Hawaii.

Is Shiner a strong beer?

The style of this beer is a bit continuous because Bocks are strong German-style lagers. Shiner Bock weighing in at a svelte 4.4% ABV is out-of-bounds for Bocks, which bottom out at 6.3%.

What kind of beer is Shiner?

A Shiner Bock is an American-style lager. That means you shouldn't expect a high ABV compared to say if a Shiner was a German-style lager. The closest style you would find in the BJCP style guidelines for a Shiner would be an American dark lager. Its ABV ranges from 4.2% to 6%.

Is Shiner strawberry blonde coming back?

Previously released in 2015 as a part of the brewery's Brewer's Pride Series, Shiner Strawberry Blonde is making a comeback this summer with a new look as a Seasonal release.