Train from Tarrytown to Grand Central

How to get from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station)

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There are 4 ways to get from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) by train, bus, taxi or car

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.


  1. Take the train from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal


Line 1 bus, bus

  1. Take the line 1 bus from Central Ave @ N Broadway to S Broadway @ Prospect St
  2. Take the bus from S Broadway/Prospect Av to 5 Av / W 48 St


  1. Take a taxi from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station)


  1. Drive from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station)

The train journey time between Tarrytown and Grand Central Terminal (Station) is around 1h 1m and covers a distance of around 39 km. Operated by Metro-North Railroad (MNR), the Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) train service departs from Tarrytown and arrives in Grand Central Terminal. Typically 388 trains run weekly, although weekend and holiday schedules can vary so check in advance.

388 Weekly Trains

1h 1m Average Duration

$15 Cheapest Price

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Questions & Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station)?

The cheapest way to get from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) is to drive which costs $7 - $12 and takes 29 min.

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What is the fastest way to get from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station)?

The quickest way to get from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) is to taxi which costs $230 - $280 and takes 29 min.

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Is there a direct bus between Tarrytown and Grand Central Terminal (Station)?

No, there is no direct bus from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station). However, there are services departing from Central Ave @ N Broadway and arriving at 5 Av / W 48 St via S Broadway/Prospect Av. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 2h 32m.

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Is there a direct train between Tarrytown and Grand Central Terminal (Station)?

Yes, there is a direct train departing from Tarrytown and arriving at Grand Central Terminal. Services depart every 30 minutes, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 1h 1m.

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How far is it from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station)?

It is 37 km from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station). It is approximately 43.9 km to drive.

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How do I travel from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) without a car?

The best way to get from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) without a car is to train which takes 1h 1m and costs $15 - $35.

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How long does it take to get from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station)?

The train from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal takes 1h 1m including transfers and departs every 30 minutes.

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Where do I catch the Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) bus from?

Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) bus services, operated by Westchester County Bee-Line System, depart from Central Ave @ N Broadway station.

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Where do I catch the Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) train from?

Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) train services, operated by Metro-North Railroad (MNR), depart from Tarrytown station.

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Train or bus from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station)?

The best way to get from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) is to train which takes 1h 1m and costs $15 - $35. Alternatively, you can line 1 bus and bus, which costs $11 - $16 and takes 2h 32m.

Mode details

What companies run services between Tarrytown, Westchester County, NY, USA and Grand Central Terminal (Station), NY, USA?

Metro-North Railroad (MNR) operates a train from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal every 30 minutes. Tickets cost $15 - $35 and the journey takes 1h 1m. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) via S Broadway/Prospect Av and 5 Av / W 48 St in around 2h 32m.

Train from Tarrytown to Grand Central

Metro-North Railroad (MNR)

Phone+1 877-690-5116Websitemta.infoAve. Duration1h 1mFrequencyEvery 30 minutesEstimated price$15 - $35Schedules atmta.infoAt Station Off-Peak$15 - $19Onboard Off-Peak$26At Station Peak$20 - $23Onboard-Peak$30 - $33

Train from Tarrytown to Grand Central

Westchester County Bee-Line System

Train from Tarrytown to Grand Central

MTA Bus Company

Websitemta.infoAve. Duration1h 6mFrequencyHourlyEstimated price$7 - $11Schedules

Taxi from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station)

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More Questions & Answers

Where does the Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) bus arrive?

Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) bus services, operated by MTA Bus Company, arrive at 5 Av / W 48 St station.

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Where does the Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) train arrive?

Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) train services, operated by Metro-North Railroad (MNR), arrive at Grand Central Terminal station.

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Can I drive from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station)?

Yes, the driving distance between Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station) is 44 km. It takes approximately 29 min to drive from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal (Station).

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Where can I stay near Grand Central Terminal (Station)?

There are 1445+ hotels available in Grand Central Terminal (Station). Prices start at $150 AUD per night.

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Where to next?

Trips from Tarrytown

Trips to Grand Central Terminal (Station)

How much is a train ticket from Tarrytown to NYC?

The best way to get from Tarrytown to Manhattan is to train which takes 49 min and costs $9 - $20.

How much is the Metro

Metro-North Railroad (MNR) operates a train from Tarrytown to Grand Central Terminal every 30 minutes. Tickets cost $9 - $21 and the journey takes 1h 1m.

How much is a ticket from Grand Central to Tarrytown?

Metro-North Railroad (MNR) operates a train from Grand Central Terminal to Tarrytown every 30 minutes. Tickets cost $9 - $21 and the journey takes 53 min.

Do any NJ trains go to Grand Central?

Is there a direct train between New Jersey and Grand Central Terminal (Station)? Yes, there is a direct train departing from Newark Penn Station station and arriving at New York Penn Station station. Services depart every 15 minutes, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 21 min.