What causes AC compressor clutch to lock up?

On 7 October 1935, Ralph Peo of Houde Engineering, Buffalo, New York, applied for a patent for an "Air Cooling Unit for Automobiles". U.S. Patent 2,099,227, was granted on 16 November 1937. In 1939, Packard became the first automobile manufacturer to offer an air conditioning unit in its cars.

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The compressor is the very heart or engine of your air conditioning system. Its function is to compress the refrigerant to transfer heat out of your house. Anything that makes this critical motor stop will stop your air conditioner in its tracks! This constitutes an EMERGENCY on any ordinary Arizona summer day because it makes your house uninhabitable and makes you HOT and cranky!

Some contractors may routinely proclaim your compressor dead if has a problem like this, claiming the only option is immediate replacement. Because it “only costs $1500 -2000” compared with the cost of a whole new HVAC system, some just replace the compressor without really finding why it failed.

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At Oasis, we don’t ascribe to the old HVAC adage that “compressors are not field-serviceable” without first seeing if the patient can be revived. We believe every effort should be made to provide the homeowner cooling ASAP. That means not only identifying a bad compressor, when it’s the problem, but also going the extra mile to find out exactly how the compressor failed before recommending immediate replacement.

Compressors can fail in different ways and from different causes. There can be many causes for compressor failure and may well reoccur to a new compressor if not addressed. The motor can seize (lock up), short out or the valves can leak causing the system to lose pressure.

The first things to check are the outlet, breakers, fuses, wiring, contactors and capacitors. If they are not working your compressor simply won’t work and they are fast, easy and relatively cheap fixes. If you hear humming coming from the outdoor unit, it may be the compressor struggling to connect with a worn-out capacitor. Turn your air conditioner off immediately because it can overheat your compressor and cause extensive damage to your system.

The next things to do are to clean the evaporators, filters and condenser. A blocked condenser coil can overheat the compressor. The compressor is engineered to turn off before it is damaged, however continuous overheating can irrevocably damage the compressor to where it may have to be replaced.

If refrigerant is low the compressor pump doesn’t work. The pump has to be lubricated by sufficient refrigerant. It may need more refrigerant and a check for leaky valves. If the system can’t hold pressure it must be replaced. If your air conditioner is older than 5 years, it probably uses R22 refrigerant which will not be available after 2020 which may be another reason to plan to replace your entire system.

If your compressor seizes or gets locked up, it can sometimes be mechanically freed to get your unit cooling again right away. Soon the compressor may fail again or sometimes it will chug along for a good while which buys you a little time to stop sweating and make a plan to replace it. It may depend on how well your equipment has been maintained.

It is possible, in some circumstances, to install a “hard start kit” to get your unit running. This is a special energy-storing capacitor that gives your compressor a little extra kick of voltage to help it start when it struggles to turn on. A little like a pacemaker, if your professional says you need one, know that your compressor’s days are numbered.

If your compressor “seized” and can’t be restarted, is “burned-out” or has an electrical short, it just can’t be fixed. These things can happen from power surges, excess moisture causing degradation and a number of other causes. If “emergency” efforts fail to bring your compressor back to life, you have two choices. You can have a professional replace your compressor, or you may decide it is time to replace the entire air conditioning system. It’s always a good idea to get a second opinion- it may be time to purchase a new HVAC unit.

they seize when overheated. don't use it anymore until you check for a full charge and sufficient compressor oil unless you want to buy a new compressor. may be something else, but best to have it checked out. maybe a condenser fan isn't working. for instance, if you run the A/C with the engine lid open, which cuts off the airflow to the rear condenser, the compressor will start binding, causing the belt to squeel.


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There are any number of issues that can cause your air conditioner to stop working. Luckily, they’re not all expensive fixes. The problem could be just a loose wire that’s caused a power failure in your air conditioner. Or you could have a clogged air filter that’s impeding the air flow to the system.

On the other hand, when AC compressor failure causes your system to breakdown, you have a major AC emergency service problem and a big expense on your hands. The compressor is a vital and expensive component, and when it goes you may find yourself dropping a lot of cash on a new AC unit.

The good news is, as much as 80 percent of the causes of AC compressor failure are preventable if the problems leading to the failure are corrected in a timely manner. These problems can be detected and eliminated during regular AC preventative maintenance.

Related Article: 8 Ways AC Preventative Maintenance Keeps the Repairman Away.

What is the compressor?

Your air conditioner’s compressor is often called the heart of the system. This is a good analogy for a few reasons:

  • It’s one of the key components without which the system can’t function.
  • It’s usually very reliable, and if it’s failed before its expected life span (10 to 15 years), it’s probably due to an underlying cause that’s often preventable.
  • It does fail, it’s expensive and sometimes impossible to fix it.
  • Like your heart pumps blood through your body, the compressor’s job is to compress the refrigerant gas (hence the name) and pump it through the system so that it can remove heat and humidity from the air.

Now that you understand why it’s so critical to keep your compressor in good shape, let’s take a look at some of the things that can cause AC compressor failure and what you can do to avoid them.

Problems that cause AC compressor failure

When AC compressor failure happens, it’s often due to an underlying issue that causes stress on the system. That’s important to know for two reasons:

  1. By detecting and fixing the underlying cause, you’ll prevent AC compressor failure
  2. If you replace a failed compressor without fixing the underlying cause, the new compressor is likely to fail as well.

These are the common issues that cause AC compressor failure:

1. Dirty coils.

When dust, grime and mineral scales build up on the condenser coil, the air conditioner can’t expel enough heat from the system and it’s forced to run constantly trying to cool your space. The increased pressure and temperature can cause the compressor to overheat and fail.

2. Blocked suction lines.

When your air conditioner’s refrigerant lines become blocked or damaged, the first thing you’ll notice is that the unit is not cooling as effectively. If the problem is not fixed, once again the increased pressure and temperature cause overheating and AC compressor failure.

3. Low refrigerant charge.

If your system’s refrigerant lines develop holes or cracks, the air conditioner leaks refrigerant. After a while, the level becomes so low that the compressor has to work harder to pump enough refrigerant through the system to cool your space. The strain can eventually cause the compressor to break down.

4. Incorrect suction line size.

If your refrigerant line develops leaks and needs to be replaced, make sure you get an experienced AC technician to do the job. A line that’s too large or too small for your system can cause premature AC compressor failure.

5. Too much refrigerant.

If a less-than-qualified person works on your air conditioner and inadvertently adds too much refrigerant, or even the wrong type of refrigerant, it can be a deadly mistake for the compressor.

6. Electrical problems.

An electrical failure can result in a buildup of acids that cause a great deal of damage to other parts in addition to the compressor. If you have a failed compressor, make sure the technician tests for the presence of these acids. If he finds them, an electrical burnout has caused damage throughout the system that is probably not worth fixing.

But electrical problems are often easily preventable when an experienced tech inspects your system: he can spot and repair damaged wiring, fuses and contractors before they take down your system and cause AC compressor failure.

Related Article: A Guide to the Top 3 Power Related Air Conditioner Problems.

7. Contaminants in the system.

The high heat and pressure in an air conditioning system, not to mention the locations where they are typically housed in New York City (outdoors, on rooftops, in crawl spaces) can introduce any number of contaminants that can cause damage. These include air, moisture, dirt, debris, leaves, soot, acids, and even bird and pest droppings.

Related Article: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: How To Keep Your HVAC System Contaminant Free.

8. Inadequate oil lubricant.

To take the heart comparison a step further, think of your air conditioner’s oil lubricant like the blood in your body. If there’s not enough, the system can’t work properly and all kinds of problems can result, including AC compressor failure. When your system is regularly maintained by a trained AC professional, he will check the lubricant levels and the condition of the oil pump to prevent this problem.

Take good care of your compressor with regular AC preventative maintenance

When you take good care of your compressor, it will take good care of the air in your space with consistent, reliable cooling. That means having your air conditioning system serviced at least twice a year by a reputable AC service company. Make sure you choose a service provider with knowledgeable, experienced technicians with MSCA or NATE certification. That way you’ll know that they have the expertise to spot and prevent the problems that can cause AC compressor failure.

Can you fix a locked up AC compressor?

If your compressor seizes or gets locked up, it can sometimes be mechanically freed to get your unit cooling again right away. Soon the compressor may fail again or sometimes it will chug along for a good while which buys you a little time to stop sweating and make a plan to replace it.

Why is my AC compressor clutch not disengaging?

If the clutch doesn't engage, the problem could be a blown fuse, an open in the wire to the clutch coil, a bad clutch coil, a poor ground, or a low pressure lockout. In some vehicles the compressor clutch relay is turned on and off by the low pressure switch and the evaporator temperature sensor.

How do I know if my AC compressor clutch is seized?

With the car's ventilation controls set to "off," start the engine and look at the clutch/pulley assembly on the front of the compressor. The clutch should not be engaged -- the outer pulley driven by the belt should be turning, but the inner hub should not. If both are turning, the clutch is seized.