What cool stuff can you make in little alchemy?

What cool stuff can you make in little alchemy?
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When you begin playing Little Alchemy, you'll start with four basic elements that you can combine to make all kinds of objects. You can then combine those objects to make more complex and rare items. This wikiHow article will teach you the recipes for making cool things in Little Alchemy, including grass, cities, houses, and obsidian.


  1. What cool stuff can you make in little alchemy?


    Drag the basic elements onto the screen. When you start the game, you have four basic elements, earth, air, fire, and water. Drag them from the sidebar on the right onto the screen to play with them.

  2. What cool stuff can you make in little alchemy?


    Combine the basic elements. To combine elements simply click and drag them from the sidebar to the right and drop them on top of an item on the screen. When you create a new item, it will be available in the sidebar to the right to combine with other items. The following items can be made from the four basic elements.

    • Lava: Combine earth and water.
    • Energy: Combine air and fire.
    • Steam: Combine fire and water.
    • Dust: Combine earth and air.
    • Mud: Combine earth and water.
    • Rain: Combine air and water.
    • Sea: Combine two waters.
    • Pressure: Combine two air or two earth.


  3. What cool stuff can you make in little alchemy?


    Combine the basic elements with secondary items. Here are some of the items you can make by combining some of the secondary items with the four basic elements.

    • Garden:Combine plant with plant.
    • Brick: Combine fire with mud.
    • Obsidian: Combine water with lava.
    • Volcano: Combine lava with earth
    • Gunpowder: Combine dust with fire.
    • Steam: Combine energy with water.
    • Plant: Combine earth with rain.
    • Geyser: Combine earth with steam.
    • Stone: Combine lava with water
    • Earthquake: Combine earth with energy.
    • Grass: Combine plant with earth.
    • Dew: Combine grass with water.
    • Sand: Combine stone with air.
    • Glass: Combine sand with fire.
    • Pond: Combine garden with water.
    • Cloud: Combine steam with air.
    • Sky: Combine cloud with air.
    • Sun: Combine sky with fire.
    • Moon: Combine sky with stone.
    • Mountain: Combine earth with earthquake.
    • Explosion: Combine gunpowder with a fire.

  4. What cool stuff can you make in little alchemy?


    Combine two of the same item. After you create enough items, you can start combining two of the same item to make more complex items. The following are items that can be made from two of the same item:

    • Flood: Combine two rain together.
    • Wall: Combine two bricks.
    • House: Combine two walls.
    • Village: Combine two houses.
    • City: Combine two villages.
    • Mountain range: Combine two mountains.
    • Ocean: Combine two seas.

  5. What cool stuff can you make in little alchemy?


    Combine two secondary items to make more items. Here are some items you can make by combining the secondary items made from the four basic elements.

    • Swamp: Combine plant with mud.
    • Hourglass: Combine sand with glass.
    • Time: Combine sand with glass.
    • Eruption: Combine volcano with energy.
    • Ash: Combine volcano with energy.
    • Atomic Bomb: Combine energy with explosion.
    • Eclipse: Combine sun and moon.

  6. What cool stuff can you make in little alchemy?


    Keep combining items. There are over 500 combinations in the game. Not all items can be combined, but keep trying to see what you can create. Eventually, you can figure out how to make animals, humans, and even aliens.[1]

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  • Try combining everything with one thing. What I mean is that you should put a lot of one thing on the page then combine everything you have already with that one thing.


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Article SummaryX

1. Combine the four basic elements to make new items.
2. Combine new items with the four basic elements.
3. Combine items with themselves.
4. Keep combining different items to see what you come up with.

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