What does SMT mean in slang?

stands for “send me that”

hey man can you “smt” video of us earlier?

by Savagelife101 October 24, 2017


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SMT actually means "something". Don't listen to the other definitions... "Suck my toes"? Really?!

hol' up B, I gotta do smt real quick

by November 14, 2018


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Short version of something

I’m trying to do smt, call me later.

by anonymous_guest May 4, 2020


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short for "sucking my teeth" often used in instant messaging

Rob: Can you help me with my hw?

Kathy: No way!

Rob: smt...you're no help.

by j tha ladykilla August 14, 2009


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Abbreviation for 'something.'

Tamara- What was his name?
Helena- Ryan
Helena- or smt like that.

by Dudette December 27, 2005


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Short for "suck my tit"

Yo wangstah, youz can smt!

by Lauren Pyne July 3, 2006


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Shiver me timbers, the phrase means "shock" or "sudden surprise," as the wooden masts or timbers of a ship would quake when the ship was hit by a cannonball, or if the ship suddenly ran aground or hit an unsuspecting object -- think "whale" in "Moby Dick" or the great white shark in "Jaws."

One leg Paul: Look, an opposing pirate ship.

Capitan: smt!

by One Leg Paul November 1, 2009


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What Does SMT Mean?

SMT means "Simultaneous Multi-Threading" or "Sucking My Teeth."

Simultaneous Multi-Threading

In computing and online gaming, SMT is a technique for improving the efficiency of a CPU (Central Processing Unit). SMT is the process by which a CPU doubles parts of the core, in order to allow each core to run two instruction streams at the same time.

SMT may not match the quality provided by having a greater number of physical cores, but it speeds up the CPU, whilst keeping manufacturing costs down.

Sucking My Teeth

SMT is also used with the meaning "Sucking My Teeth." In this context, SMT refers to the action of literally sucking ones teeth, which is often done in spoken conversations and which indicates a pause for thought before responding to what has just been said. As in real life, SMT can indicate that the sender genuinely needs to consider what has been said. However, it is also very likely to be a theatrical gesture, employed humorously.

There's some classic SMT going on in this GIF:

via GIPHY.

Image for SMT

When I write SMT, I mean this:

What does SMT mean in slang?
SMT also means "Simultaneous Multi-Threading."

Summary of Key Points

First Definition For SMT

"Simultaneous Multi-Threading" is the most common definition for SMT on gaming apps, such as Discord, Telegram and TeamSpeak.

Definition: Simultaneous Multi-Threading
Type: Abbreviation
What does SMT mean in slang?

5: Extremely difficult to guess
Typical Users:
What does SMT mean in slang?

Adults and Teenagers

Second Definition For SMT

"Sucking My Teeth" is a common definition for SMT on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

Definition: Sucking My Teeth
Type: Abbreviation
What does SMT mean in slang?

2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users:
What does SMT mean in slang?

Adults and Teenagers

Example of SMT Used in a Text


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What does SMT stand for in social media?

Meaning #2: Send Me This/That Instead of going full “send me this” or “send me that, you can use the abbreviation “smt”.

What does STM slang mean?

The most common definition of STM in text messaging and online chat is "Smiling To Myself." In this context, STM is an indication of amusement. It is typically used sarcastically to imply that the sender found something funny, but not very funny.