What is the core of an apple called

What is the core of an apple called

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A single apple is comprised of many parts that make up the whole fruit. Apple skin protects and prolongs the life of the fruit, but once the skin is penetrated, shelf life diminishes quickly unless you eat the apple soon after cutting into it. The skin contains a mix of nutrients related to those found within the pulp of the apple. Seeds and stems make up the center of the apple, and some nutrients are found within these parts as well.


The skin is one of the most vital parts of an apple because this exterior shell skin protects the pulp by acting as a barrier. The skin is high in vitamin C, calcium and potassium, but apple skins also have the ability to absorb toxins from pesticides and herbicides. Buy organic apples, or wash your fruit thoroughly before eating. Apple skin also varies greatly in taste, texture and color. Some apples are slightly glossy with thin skin, while other apples have thick skin but no shine. "Granny-Smith" apples are light green and slightly sour yet still sweet. "Jonagold" skin is a mixture of red and green with a sweet and tangy flavor.

  • A single apple is comprised of many parts that make up the whole fruit.
  • Apple skin protects and prolongs the life of the fruit, but once the skin is penetrated, shelf life diminishes quickly unless you eat the apple soon after cutting into it.


The apple stem does contain some nutrition, such as fiber and iron. However, stems are typically thrown away because they are generally not tasty. The stem holds the core of the apple together and anchors the fruit on the tree as the apple grows. Chop up fresh apples and juice the fruit with the stem and seeds included. Your body can benefit from the added nutrients found in the stem.


The pulp, also called the flesh, is just beneath the skin of the apple. This part of the apple contains a great deal of nutrition including pectin, vitamin C, calcium and other minerals. This part of the apple is also the sweetest. Different types of apples vary in taste, but most apples have a sweet or slightly tangy taste. The nutrients inside apples can potentially help improve digestion and may prevent certain diseases, such as colon cancers.

  • The apple stem does contain some nutrition, such as fiber and iron.


Apple seeds are contained inside the core of the apple. The seeds have a bitter taste, so people usually don't eat them. However, the seeds are still safe for consumption. The seeds contain fiber and minerals such as phosphorus. Add nutrient-dense apple seeds to your favorite smoothie to disguise the taste.

What is the core of an apple called

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Fleshy fruits - with seeds (pips): thick-fleshed, smooth-skinned fruit.
Apple: fruit of the apple tree.
Stalk: part of the fruit attached to the stem.
Endocarp or core: central part of the fruit which contains the pips.
Exocarp or skin: plant tissue covering the fruit.
Seed or pip: part of the apple used to reproduce the species.
Edible part: part that can be eaten.
Mesocarp or pulp: part of the apple between the skin the the core.
Stamen: male organ of the apple blossom that remains on the apple.
Calyx: set of sepals of the apple blossom that remains on the apple.

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What is the core of an apple called

Apples, pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, species Malus domestica in the rose family Rosaceae.

The apple has no core. It can, and should, be eaten whole, seeds and all. Eaten from the top down (or the bottom up), the fibrous ovary wall that is typically discarded and left to oxidize is indistinguishable from the flesh. The truth about apples was first disseminated en masse in 2013 via a video produced by Foodbeast. It went viral, was picked up by countless media outlets, and rehashed in other “Things You’re Doing Wrong” listicles. I hold these truths to be self-evident: The core is an illusion; the core is a construct.

Apples have always contained secrets. Western culture generally associates the forbidden fruit in Genesis with the apple due to the homonymic qualities of the Latin words mălum and mālum, the former meaning “evil” and the latter meaning “apple.” This wasn’t plucked from thin air. The apple’s place in mythology and religious texts as a symbol of sin and sacredness only corroborates the dualism woven in its chemistry.

What you might have heard about apple seeds is true: They contain a trace amount of cyanide, which won’t do you much harm unless you happen to eat 25 apples in one sitting, consciously gnashing on the seeds to release as much of the toxin as possible. I’ve willfully eaten plenty of apple seeds. It’s not that I don’t fear death; I just happen to like how they taste. They’re mildly bitter and nutty in taste and aroma, akin to an almond. That isn’t a coincidence — the cyanide, which lends those qualities, is present in certain types of almonds. (Relax, not the ones you’re likely to purchase at Whole Foods.) The specific cyanide compound is called amygdalin, which is toxic in the presence of certain enzymes. It is not to be confused with the amygdala, the part of the brain that plays a large role in processing emotion, memory, and addiction.

Amygdalin was first extracted in 1830, nearly 30 years before the first version of the expression “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” was coined in Wales. For more than a century, amygdalin was used as a cancer treatment. Practitioners theorized that cancer cells carried an enzyme that released the cyanide, thus killing the cells. Amygdalin, in a purified form, was patented as laetrile and marketed as vitamin B-17, “the missing vitamin.” It was an appeal to alternative medicine seekers hoping for all-natural cancer treatments. The scheme worked. In the 1970s, an era of paranoia and new value systems, the idea of the government withholding a natural cure to cancer to keep Big Pharma in control seemed reasonable.

“The laetrile crusade has achieved unprecedented triumph by capitalizing on a unique sociopolitical climate characterized by a growing hostility towards ‘the establishment,’ a demand for simple solutions, and frustration with the inability to solve the cancer riddle,” wrote Irving J. Lerner, a hematology and oncology specialist, in his paper, “Laetrile: A Lesson in Cancer Quackery.” The Supreme Court upheld a ban on laetrile in 1980, and the National Cancer Institute states that its use is not approved in the U.S.

Still, a cursory Google search to this day yields results for web pages that ponder its merits as a cure. People want to believe in a panacea. Eating an apple vertically, then, becomes a weapon of the weak. To shatter one illusion is to want to shatter more. How do you think I fell down this rabbit hole?

And for the smartasses who ask if the stem should be eaten, too, please know that you’ve been eating it all your life. The portion of an apple we consider the flesh is what is known as the hypanthium, or a swollen receptacle — the engorged end of the stem.

Do apples have a core?

The apple has no core. It can, and should, be eaten whole, seeds and all. Eaten from the top down (or the bottom up), the fibrous ovary wall that is typically discarded and left to oxidize is indistinguishable from the flesh.

What is the core of an apple made of?

But as you bite deep into an apple, you are confronted with something not so sweet in its core: tiny black seeds. Unlike the sweet tang of the fruit, the tiny black seeds are another story. They contain amygdalin, a substance that releases cyanide when it comes into contact with human digestive enzymes.

What do you call the core of a fruit?

Endocarp (from Greek: endo-, "inside" + -carp, "fruit") is a botanical term for the inside layer of the pericarp (or fruit), which directly surrounds the seeds.