What is the life expectancy of a swamp cooler?

November 27, 2019 11:37 pm

Swamp coolers are very popular for cooling the air in warm, dry areas of the country, like California and Arizona. When we work with clients to install brand-new swamp coolers in their homes, they frequently ask us how long they can expect their new swamp cooler to last them.

The answer to this question is always complicated, because the answer really depends on how well you keep the equipment maintained. If you keep up with all the proper maintenance steps in both summer and winter, then you should be able to get plenty of years of operation out of your swamp cooler. But again, this requires prioritizing preventative maintenance and fixing any issues that arise as soon as possible.

Here’s a quick overview of some of the most important maintenance steps you can take to extend your swamp cooler’s lifespan in Fair Oaks, CA.

Prepare it for the offseason

If you know you’re not likely to use your swamp cooler much during the winter months, make sure you take the appropriate steps to winterize the equipment. Turn off the water connection to the device, and spend some time cleaning off the dirt and minerals. Hose out the water pan and dry it off before placing it back in so you can prevent the metal from rusting. Once it comes time to use the equipment again, you can simply turn the water connection back on and be good to go.

Regularly change your cooler pads

One of the most important ongoing maintenance steps you must take as the owner of a swamp cooler is swapping out the cooler pads at regular intervals. We recommend changing the cooler pads in the fall, because by this point the old pads will have built up a lot of minerals and dirt. This means when water flows down into the cooler and runs down the pads, which are pressed against metal, it will carry those minerals and dirt with it, which can speed up the rusting process throughout the winter months when the equipment is not in use.

There is a misconception that trying to extend the lifespan of your cooler pads will save you money. However, the truth is that leaving the old pads in the unit as long as you can will actually cost you more money in the long run, because it’s more likely to cause some significant issues in your cooler that could lead to expensive repairs or even a total replacement of the unit. With this in mind, stay on top of your cooler pad replacement, and make sure you swap them out when appropriate.

Install a cooler cover

Cooler covers prevent outside air from coming into your home. Your cooler may have a damper, depending on the model, but if not, the cover will help your cooler last longer and protect your investment.

For more information about swamp cooler maintenance and how long swamp coolers last in Fair Oaks, CA, contact the experts at Cassel Air Conditioning and Heating Service today.

Categorised in: Swamp Coolers

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Swamp coolers are an affordable solution to cooling dry, hot air like we have here in El Paso. So much so, that this city still has more swamp coolers than refrigerated air systems. But, while swamp coolers don’t cost much to buy, they are a lot of work and money to maintain. Not only that, they are only warrantied to work for 5 years.

Refrigerated air systems can last up to 20 years if properly maintained. By the time you buy as many swamp coolers to live out the life of one refrigerated air system, you could have paid for that conversion!

Expert HVAC and Refrigeration’s intention with this article is not to sway you from one cooling system to another. We actually can help you with either. We simply want to educate you on the problems of swamp coolers (or evaporative coolers) so you can make an educated decision on whether or not you should convert to refrigerated air.

Swamp coolers cool indoor air much like a refrigerated air system in that air flows through vents and ducts in your home. However, swamp coolers cool the air by filtering it through water to produce humid air to lower its temperature. And, you have to keep a window open. With El Paso dust storms, that can be a problem.

These systems also only work when it is hot and dry outside. The problem with swamp coolers is when there is humidity like we experienced for many weeks this spring in El Paso, the coolers only compound the discomfort and won’t cool the home.

Because swamp coolers use water to operate, they create particles like rust and mold that enter your living spaces through the vents. And many times, mold and mildew brings odors. You really can’t do anything about this because you can’t change the way your cooler works. Or, can you?

Yes, you can!

Refrigerated air is clean and comfortable. And, the safest with indoor air quality. Air cleaners are sometimes built in to the AC systems whereby a probe monitors the air quality and triggers a fan to clean the air should particles of dust and other pollutants enter your space. If they’re not built in to the new refrigerated air system, it is simple to add one.

But, the biggest problems with swamp coolers has to be the maintenance. Drain the unit. Clean the tank. Clean the pan. Moisten the pads. Make sure the tank is full. Keep the unit clear of debris. AND, do all of this several times a season on the rooftop. Not only is that a lot of work, but it can be dangerous. Refrigerated air is a “set it and forget it” operation…controlled by the thermostat. With twice a year maintenance, you’ll never have to tend to the system yourself.

If you want to explore converting to refrigerated air, give Expert HVAC and Refrigeration a call. We can convert most systems in a day so you can enjoy quiet, cool, comfortable and clean air in no time at all.

Call Expert HVAC and Refrigeration at 915-598-1732 or visit us at https://experthvacandrefrigeration.com/ to schedule a free new system estimate.

How often should a swamp cooler be replaced?

When Do You Need To Replace Evaporative Cooler Pads? Generally, it is recommended to clean the pads at least once every year or twice a year (before and after use) and replace them after 2-3 years.

How long should swamp coolers last?

But, while swamp coolers don't cost much to buy, they are a lot of work and money to maintain. Not only that, they are only warrantied to work for 5 years. Refrigerated air systems can last up to 20 years if properly maintained.

Do swamp coolers require maintenance?

Swamp coolers require maintenance and start up at the beginning of each season. We recommend having a professional start up your cooler(s) to ensure your system is properly ready for summer. This helps avoid unnecessary repairs and ensures that all the proper parts are replaced each year.

Is it OK to leave a swamp cooler on all the time?

During the hottest part of the day, it is not ideal to run your swamp cooler. You will only be able to lower the temperature to a certain extent. But, if it is exceptionally hot outside, running the swamp cooler will be absolutely essential for comfort. Evening hours are a great time to run the swamp cooler.