What to pray for when praying for families?

Pray Before Family Mealtime

Father, We have gathered to share a meal in Your honor. Thank You for putting us together as family, and thank You for this food. Bless it to our bodies, Lord. We thank you for all of the gifts you’ve given to those around this table. Help each member of our family use these gifts to your glory. Guide our mealtime conversations and steer our hearts to Your purpose for our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. - Meg Bucher

A Family Prayer for Gratitude

“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.” 1 Thessalonians 1:2

Lord, help us to be thankful for one another. Help my children to be thankful for each other, for our family to be grateful for each member and to pray one another continually. Our gratitude for one another will bind us together as a family, and our prayers for each other will further unify us in gratitude and love. - Marie Osborne

A Prayer to Give Us What We Need

Dear Jesus, Thank You for knowing what we need, even before we do. Help us to release control of our agendas, our wants, and the “needs” we think we need, to You. I pray that You would give me, my children, my family, and friends what we need, whatever that may be, to see You and feel Your presence more clearly in our lives. Help us to be men and women after Your own heart.

In Your Mighty Name, Amen - Maggie Meadows Cooper

A Prayer to Remember God Fights for You Today

We know that we’re never alone, for you are constantly at work on behalf of your children, shielding, protecting, strengthening, exposing deeds of darkness, bringing to light what needs to be known, covering us from the cruel attacks we face even when we’re unaware.

We ask that you would give us wisdom and discernment to recognize the schemes of the enemy and to stand strong against his work.

We ask that you would remind us to pray, constantly, for all believers.

We ask that you would help us to stay alert in a dark world.

We ask that you would help us to be salt and light, that we would be loving and gracious, yet unyielding to sin.

We ask that you help us to remember to put on your armor daily, for you give us all that we need to stand firm in this day.

We thank you that you are far greater than anything we face here in this life, and we have overcome, because you have set us free.

We thank you for your truth, “no weapon formed that is formed against you will prosper.”

Lord, we ask for your peace, we ask for your protection, we trust you for your constant work on our behalf. We ask you to bring justice. We ask that you would bring light, knowing that you expose the deeds of darkness. 

Standing together in your great and powerful Name, believing you are with us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. - Debbie McDaniel

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We live in an uncertain world. Watch the news, and it’s easy to feel discouraged and afraid. However, a life filled with fear and concern is not what God wants for us. Thankfully, through prayer and supplication, we can present our requests to God.

And right now, Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, advocating on our behalf. What if we stormed His throne with prayer!? I bet we’d see more of His peace and comfort in our lives.

That’s what this post is all about. Providing you with scripture promises to claim in your family this year.

You have the privilege of setting the atmosphere of our home! You may not have all the answers to the problems of the world, but you can fight against the darkness by praying. Prayer is one of your greatest weapons.

When it comes to our families, one of the most powerful things we can do is pray for our family members!

In this post, you will find 7 Bible verses. Under each scripture, a short daily prayer is included for your family. You can use the short prayers to pray by yourself or pray together as a family.

Feel free to pray however the Holy Spirit leads you, or use our guided prayers. Pray by yourself, or have your whole family pray together each morning.

Let’s open the floodgates of Heaven and pray these daily for our families!

Also, as an added bonus, at the end of this post, you can download a free seven-page PDF with the prayers and scriptures written out for you. Download it, print it, and read it with your family.

What to pray for when praying for families?

Looking for more intentional prayers? Get our newest eBook!

I Know Who I Am: a 14-day prayer guide to speak identity over your children or grandchildren.  Download and start interceding in prayer today!

A Prayer for Healing: 

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes, we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

Pray: Thank you, Jesus, for paying the highest price for our healing. May we understand how great your love is for us this year. The price has been paid. May we walk in divine health and restoration. We thank you for the complete wholeness you’ve provided for our family. Your word will not return void, and you are not a man that you should lie. We are healed and whole in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

A Prayer for Closeness:

‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3

Pray: God, our souls crave adventure and our minds excitement. Let us seek YOU this year because only you can satisfy our hunger. May we seek your face early in the morning and throughout the day. God, thank you that as we draw near to you, you draw near to us. Show yourself mightly to our family this year as we seek your face. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

What to pray for when praying for families?

A Prayer for Abundance:

Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Isaiah 55:2

Pray: Heavenly Father, thank you for preparing a table of abundance for us to eat from. You are so gracious and kind to us. God, this year may we find true satisfaction in You. You promised us abundant life, but we often do not choose it. May we choose life. Order our steps, and guide our thoughts so our souls can delight in your goodness all year long. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

A Prayer for Goodness:

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life. Psalm 23:6

Pray: Lord, I thank you that your goodness and mercy don’t just follow me today but ALL the days of my life. God, I pray our family will see your goodness in real, tangible ways this year. May we feel your presence as we go about our days. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

A Prayer for Something New:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Pray: Jesus, thank you for coming to Earth and laying down your life so we can truly live. We praise you for taking away our old selves and giving us a new name. We are new creations in you, Jesus. This year may we forget the past mistakes you’ve already forgiven us for, and may we walk in the newness you’ve given us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Family Prayers! Have the Whole Family Pray These Together

A Prayer for Victory:

And raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6

Pray: Lord, thank you that right now we sit with you in heavenly places. We know you are far above any ruler of darkness. There is no name greater than the name of Jesus. Thank you for raising us and placing us in a seat of victory with you. You have given us victory over sin, and we praise your name. May we understand this incredible gift you have given us so freely. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What to pray for when praying for families?

A Prayer for Strength:

I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Psalm 16:8

Pray: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for never leaving us. You are at my right hand, and for that, I am grateful. We pray that your praise will continually be on our lips in the good times and the bad. Though the Earth may shake and the rain may come, we will not be shaken because you are always with us. Remind each member of our family today in a unique way that you are at our right hand. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What to pray for when praying for families?

If you use these prayers please let us know. We love hearing from our community. We hope you enjoy these 7 POWERFUL Verses and Prayers pray over your family.

You can download the FREE PDF with the prayers and scriptures here. Download and print.

Don’t miss this additional resource

I Know Who I Am

In the guide you will find:
Daily Prayers
– Scriptural Truths
– ”Go Deeper” Challenges
Areas for Notes
– Links to Additional Resources

“You won’t regret digging into this amazing resource!!”

“The fight for our children’s identity is real in our world today. We must fight back with prayer and promises from God. Lauren’s 14 days of praying identity over your kids is the perfect place to start. You won’t regret digging into this amazing resource.” – Christy Boulware, Founder and President of Fearless Women

How do you start a family prayer?

Daily prayer with your family To begin your prayer, address God by saying, “Dear Heavenly Father.” Then have a conversation with God. Express gratitude, tell Him how you feel, and ask for blessings you or your children may need. Then end your prayer by saying, “In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

What does the Bible say about praying for family?

Pray for your Family to Abide in Christ Jesus in John 15:4 says that He is the vine and we are the branches. In order to continue to bear fruit, we must remain in him and daily draw from his strength by abiding in him. Prayer: Lord, I pray that we as a family will abide in you each day.

Why should we pray for our families?

Prayer enabled family members to address problems or stresses they were facing, as well as reduced tensions in their relationships. Prayer helped family members bond with one another and created a sense of family unity.

What Prayers Can I pray for the salvation of family members?

Precious Father, forgive our unsaved and backslidden family members and friends for all acts of sinfulness, including disobedience, hatred, rebellion, idolatry, and rejection of Your Gospel. Please have mercy upon them and extend Your grace toward them.