What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book

Today is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, and what better way to celebrate it than by looking back on some of his favorite books?

Today is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, and what better way to celebrate it than by looking back on some of his favorite books? The following is a list of some of the works that influenced one of our most famous presidents, according to artofmanliness.com.

1. Aesop’s Fables by Aesop

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via Loyal Books

2. The Arabian Nights

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via Barnes & Noble

3. Robinson Crusoeby Daniel Defoe

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via AbeBooks

4. The Complete Works OF Edgar Allan Poe

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via Amazon

5. the Complete Works of William Shakespeare

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via Rakuten Kobo

6. Don Juan by Lord Byron

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via Amazon

7. the complete poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via Simply Charlotte Mason

8. Plutarch’s Lives by aubrey stewart and george long

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via Amazon

9. The Ancient History by Charles Rollins

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via WorthPoint

10. The Life of George Washington by Mason L. Weems

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via Amazon

11. Commentaries on American Law by James Kent

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via Amazon

12. Poems of Thomas Hood by thomas hood and walter jerrold

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via Amazon

13. the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin

What was Abraham Lincolns favorite book
Image via AmazonFeatured image via history

What was Abraham Lincoln's favorite?

Apple Pie. Most of us have an all-time favorite food, and President Lincoln was no exception—the man loved apples. There's really nothing more American than apple pie.

Did Abraham Lincoln like to read books?

Our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, loved to read. As a young adult, his education was limited; however, he was very motivated to learn to read. Books were few and far between in the Lincoln household, and neighbors often reported seeing him walk miles just to borrow reading material.

What was Abraham Lincoln's favorite activity?

The Lincolns enjoyed reading and learning about many different topics, including geography and astronomy. These interests were supported by a set of wooden globes showing a map of the earth on one (shown) and a map of the stars on the other.

What did Abraham Lincoln say about books?

The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read.