What were the main principles of the New Journalism of the 1960s and 1970s?

What were the main principles of the New Journalism of the 1960s and 1970s?

What were the main principles of the New Journalism of the 1960s and 1970s?

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What were the main principles of the New Journalism of the 1960s and 1970s?
Woman standing behind a stack of books

New Journalism was a literary movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Combining the techniques of fiction writing with the fact-based approach of reporting, the writing that sprang from this movement demonstrated an aspiration to literary excellence in journalism. The term was crystallized by Tom Wolfe in his 1973 book, The New Journalism, a collection of essays and excerpts describing and demonstrating the new style.

Writers commonly cited as exemplifying the New Journalism movement have included Tom Wolfe, Truman Capote, Hunter S. Thompson and Norman Mailer. Not all of these authors embraced the New Journalism designation; notably, Capote resisted being labeled a journalist and preferred to call his book In Cold Blood a nonfiction novel. Rather than publishing their work in newspapers, pieces by these writers often appeared in magazines. Some of the publications at the vanguard of New Journalism were The New Yorker, New York, Harper’s, Esquire and Rolling Stone.

According to Wolfe, the literary techniques that defined New Journalism included a narrative that unfolds in “scenes” rather than the historical explanations; extensive use of dialog; a strong point of view within the story, either that of the author or that of another person involved in the events being reported, assembled from diaries, interviews or other forms of research; and the use of illustrative, revealing details that ordinarily would not be included in traditional reporting. These techniques had previously been used almost exclusively in novels and short stories. Traditional news writing, by contrast, focused on the hard facts without interpreting or personalizing the data, simply reporting what happened, when it happened and who was involved.

In addition to the shared formal characteristics of the new style, the movement’s writers shared a common approach to the process of reporting. Embedding himself or herself in the subject matter — a practice known as “saturation reporting” — allowed the writer to observe the scenes, conversations and details in the piece firsthand. Critics of the style argue that immersion in the subject matter made it impossible for the writer to report objectively on events.

Unlike traditional journalism, which aims for objectivity and reporting the facts without subjective interpretations, New Journalism was characterized by its subjectivity. This prompted criticism that the new approach to reporting blended fact with the author’s interpretations of events, making it difficult for the reader to know what to believe. According to proponents of the movement, however, it was just this combination of a strong point of view with scrupulously researched facts that gave this form of journalism its power.

What are the most important principles of journalism?

Truth and Accuracy “Journalists cannot always guarantee 'truth' but getting the facts right is the cardinal principle of journalism. We should always strive for accuracy, give all the relevant facts we have, and ensure that they have been checked. When we cannot corroborate information, we should say so.”

What is the New Journalism movement?

New Journalism, American literary movement in the 1960s and '70s that pushed the boundaries of traditional journalism and nonfiction writing. The genre combined journalistic research with the techniques of fiction writing in the reporting of stories about real-life events.

What are the characteristics of New Journalism?

Realistic dialogue, setting, point of view used to present the social situation of the subject, are the basic characteristics of New Journalism. Reporters have the freedom to pick and choose the elements they emphasize and the format. New Journalism may be summed up as an intoxicating blend of fiction and non-fiction.

What are the novelistic techniques of New Journalism?

Wolfe describes the new genre as journalism that reads “like a novel” because it utilizes four techniques used by novelists: setting the story in specific scenes instead of in dislocated “historical” trends; extensive use of realistic dialogue; point-of-view narration from the perspective of characters; and an eye for ...