Where are Telegram files saved on iPhone 11

As an alternative to WhatsApp we have had Telegram for a long time. This application has always been one step ahead in most of the features that it presents compared to the competition, however, it seems almost impossible to fight with WhatsApp due to the huge community of users that it has and who are quite used to its interface. However, Telegram does not stop growing in users and capacities, hence it is increasingly being installed on more devices and with this comes the need for maintenance. Unlike WhatsApp, the Telegram application allows you to send and receive a multitude of files of any size, as well as stickers, music and much more. For all this we want to teach you how to configure and clean Telegram on your iPhone and iPad so that you can get the most out of your device's memory, discover it with us.

The first thing is to remind you that at the top of this post we have a videoor that will help you visually carry out all the steps that we are going to tell in this article, in case you prefer to help the Actualidad iPhone community grow. Without further ado, we are going there with the tricks to keep Telegram clean on your iPhone.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Tricks to store less "garbage" possible
    • 1.1 Turn off automatic file downloads
    • 1.2 Limit how long files are stored
    • 1.3 Other configurations to consider
  • 2 How to clean Telegram and improve performance
    • 2.1 How to clear the Telegram cache on an iPhone
    • 2.2 How to mass delete content
    • 2.3 How to individually delete Telegram files

Tricks to store less "garbage" possible

The one that cleans the most is not the most curious, but the one that dirties the least. As it happened previously in our post about cleaning WhatsApp, it is tremendously important that we maintain a configuration on our iPhone that allow us to store the minimum amount of junk files on our device, let's take a look at all those settings that Telegram puts at our fingertips.

Turn off automatic file downloads

The first thing you have to do is disable automatic file download. Possibly in Telegram you are linked to a variety of communities or large groups where it is impossible to follow the thread in real time of everything that is shared, much less attend to all kinds of videos, photographs or content in the form of music and movies that reach our iPhone, therefore, is essential that we control automatic downloads.

Where are Telegram files saved on iPhone 11

To configure automatic downloads:

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  1. Select Settings within the Telegram application
  2. Select option Data and storage
  3. Inside you will find the section Multimedia self-downloading, and you will be able to select between the different options, my advice is that you deactivate them all.

Limit how long files are stored

Be that as it may, whether they are downloaded automatically or if we download them manually, by default these files are stored in the telegram cloud or in the cache of our device, but not necessarily in our gallery. Thus, we can program Telegram to limit the time this content is stored on our iPhone, which is a totally cool idea.

Where are Telegram files saved on iPhone 11

To schedule an automatic file deletion:

  1. Within Telegram enter the section of Settings
  2. Choose the section Data and storage
  3. Once inside go to Storage usage
  4. The first section is Preserve multimedia,  and we can choose how long we want it to be stored, as well as clear cache directly.

Other configurations to consider

It is important that you know that the rautomatic play of GIFs You need to download them to be able to run them, so it is advisable that we also deactivate this functionality within the section of Data and storage. The same happens with the automatic video playback, that we can deactivate at our pleasure if we wish.

These are the main tips to keep Telegram as clean as possible, though Below you have more customizable features that you can adapt to your liking.

How to clean Telegram and improve performance

Once we have clear the tricks to configure Telegram "correctly" and thus avoid as much as possible that a large amount of garbage is stored on our device, we proceed to carry out an exhaustive cleaning. If you previously did not follow the settings we have recommended, you may have a tough job ahead of you, however, Telegram has a very interesting file management tool ready that will help us to accomplish this task.

How to clear the Telegram cache on an iPhone

Many applications do not allow it, but clearing the cache is an ideal functionality to improve the overall performance of the device, especially those that have more limited storage, however, clearing the cache is that easy:

Where are Telegram files saved on iPhone 11

  1. Within Telegram enter the section of Settings
  2. Choose the section Data and storage
  3. Once inside go to Storage usage
  4. Below you will find the function Clear Telegram cache that simply clicking on the blue letters will allow you to perform the task

How to mass delete content

A quick tool is to directly delete all the specific content of each Telegram chat that we want. This Telegram tool will allow us to delete three different types of files: Photos, Videos and «Files». It is very simple:

Where are Telegram files saved on iPhone 11

  1. Within Telegram enter the section of Settings
  2. Choose the section Data and storage
  3. Once inside go to Storage usage
  4. Below is each Telegram chat that we have individually, if we click on it, the file selector will appear that we can delete

This is without a doubt the fastest way. Nevertheless, We must bear in mind that it will not discriminate between the content and it will delete it without further ado, in case we want to keep any photograph or video saved.

How to individually delete Telegram files

This is the most tedious way, but it will allow us to save what we want or directly delete the content. We do not have a selection tool, so we will have to select them one by one.

Where are Telegram files saved on iPhone 11

  1. We open a Telegram chat
  2. Click on the upper part of the name of the group or contact
  3. We will have tabs of: Average; Records; Links
  4. We select any file and open the context menu

We can choose if we want «Save to Reel» using the share button, or if on the other hand we want to delete it by pressing the trash can at the bottom right. Also do not forget that you can join our Telegram community at THIS LINK.

Where is Telegram data stored in iPhone?

Show activity on this post..
Launch Telegram on your iOS device..
Go to Settings and choose Advanced..
Select Local Storage and you will see the path where the save files are stored on your iOS..

Where do downloaded files go on iPhone 11?

iPhone and iPad both have an app called Files where you can locate all of your files from services including iCloud Drive, Dropbox, and more. If you want to access the Downloads folder, you can find it inside the Files app.

How can I open Telegram file in iPhone?

Use VLC Media Player. VLC media player the best option to play any video file on iPhone. Using the VLC media player app, you can play videos downloaded from Telegram on an iPhone.

Where is Telegram files stored?

Telegram Files on Android Devices Generally, every file received via Telegram is stored in its dedicated folder in your Internal Storage under Files or File Manager. So, for example, if someone sends you a voice message, you will find a “Telegram Audio” in the File Manager under the main “Telegram” folder.