Where to start Soul Eater manga after anime

You don't need any significant knowledge of the plot of Soul Eater to begin reading Soul Eater Not!. It is set in the same world, but Soul Eater Not! takes place chronologically before the beginning of the Soul Eater manga and mostly focuses on characters who are not important for the main plot. If you're familiar with the setting of Soul Eater (which should not require more than a few chapters of the original) then you should be able to read it. In fact, you could probably read it without any knowledge of the original, as the major concepts are all reintroduced, but I think it will be more enjoyable for those who at least know the main characters and setting of the original.

Of course, many of the characters from Soul Eater also show up in Not!. There may be foreshadowing of future events or outright spoilers connected to these characters, but I don't remember anything major getting spoiled, and most of the references are to things which occur fairly early in the manga. If you want to catch all of the references, it would be good to read up to chapter 44 (last chapter in volume 11), and possibly a bit farther, but strictly speaking that isn't necessary.

  1. Boards
  2. Anime and Manga - Other Titles
  3. Since I finished Soul Eater anime, which chapter should I start reading in manga

Tyranius2 10 years ago#1

80/80 heh

"If they want reparations, they can go to any civil war graveyard and count the headstones"
Mirror of Kalandra drop - 7th of August 2018

dude3991 10 years ago#2


PSN/Steam: dude3991

Serpit 10 years ago#3



Tyranius2 (Topic Creator)10 years ago#4

The Bururew

"If they want reparations, they can go to any civil war graveyard and count the headstones"
Mirror of Kalandra drop - 7th of August 2018

  1. Boards
  2. Anime and Manga - Other Titles
  3. Since I finished Soul Eater anime, which chapter should I start reading in manga

Read it from start. There's some small things that'll help clear up things in the manga and understanding Soul Eater as a whole. The Anime does botch up certain things. Characterization is slightly different. Wanking Maka happens in the anime while the Manga doesn't have her as muh as of a golden star. XD  

The original Soul Eater can be viewed on Netflix, Hulu, Funimation or Crunchyroll. Likewise, Soul Eater Not! can be found on Hulu and Tubi. The physical DVD/Blu-Ray releases can also be purchased through Amazon, Walmart and Best Buy.

Hey, everyone! Really liked the Soul Eater anime? Feel like it ended really too soon and had so much more to tell? Well, you are not wrong. In fact, you still have another half of story to enjoy.

If you enjoyed Soul Eater and want to continue with the story, you can pick up the manga at Chapter 37. It is recommended that you just go back to the beginning. While the Soul Eater anime is fun, it is also super rushed with some things.

Where to start Soul Eater manga after anime
Where to start Soul Eater manga after anime

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In a world where shounen battler don’t do “unique” very well, Soul Eater shows them how it is does. It you are looking for more weird and wonderful anime recommendations like Soul Eater, we got them.

Where does the Soul Eater manga pick up after the anime?

What volume/chapter of the Soul Eater manga, does it separate from the anime? Chapter 36. The Manga deviates from the Battle of BREW. The events of the manga change in comparison to the anime.

What chapter is episode 51 of Soul Eater?

Operation Capture Baba Yaga Castle (Part 6) is the fifty-first serialized chapter of the manga Soul Eater.

What chapter does Soul Eater end on?

Final Chapter: A Sound Soul Dwells in a Sound Mind and a Sound Body is the one hundred thirteenth and final serialized chapter of the Soul Eater manga. It is collected in Volume 25.

Did the Soul Eater anime finish the manga?

1/10 Soul Eater (2008-2009) This is another anime that infamously stopped following the manga at a certain point, diverging around Chapter 36 (roughly between Episodes 33 to 37) when the Battle of Brew occurred. The anime finished with 51 episodes and a story that was only half accurate at best.