Which demographic groups are most likely to vote Democratic quizlet?

Liberal voting patterns are least likely to be followed by which of these social or ethnic groups?


White atheists

White Catholics

White Protestants


White Protestants

The action of voting exclusively for members of one political party on an election ballot is called __________.

dependent voting

line-item voting

straight-ticket voting

swing voting

reserved voting

straight-ticket voting

Someone who describes themselves as "liberal" would be least likely to vote for __________.

W=women's rights to contraception and abortion

higher tax rates for the wealthy

increased military spending

an increase in gay rights and marriage equality

increased government spending on education

increased military spending

Which of these statements about political participation is true?

Minorities are more likely to vote Republican.

Evangelical Christians are less likely to vote in an election.

Well-educated people are less likely to vote in an election.

People with a higher income are more likely to vote in an election.

Women are less likely to vote Democrat.

People with a higher income are more likely to vote in an election.

The Reverse-Income Effect refers to the fact that __________.

as immigration rates increase the average income of the immigrant population tends to decline

since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the income equality in the United States has expanded dramatically

as taxation is raised on the wealthiest in society the economy tends to perform worse

poorer areas support the Republican Party and wealthier areas support the Democratic Party

Americans believe in keeping taxes low for the wealthiest in society because they might one day be wealthy and would not want to pay high taxes

poorer areas support the Republican Party and wealthier areas support the Democratic Party

Which of these demographic groups is least likely to vote in an election?

Religious people

Wealthy people

University-educated people




Voter turnout has generally __________ throughout American history?

stayed about the same

sharply increased

steadily increased

sharply declined

steadily declined

steadily declined

The phrase, "Civic Duty," refers to the idea that __________.

It is every American citizen's duty to pick a candidate who will serve the greatest good of the nation.

The media has a responsibility to report on elections with equal and fair treatment.

The media has a duty to report responsibly on the armed forces whenever America is engaged in a state of war.

It is each and every American citizen's duty to vote and engage in the political process.

It is the duty of every representative to act in the best interests of the district which elects him or her.

It is each and every American citizen's duty to vote and engage in the political process.

Which of these best describes political socialization?

The inclusion of immigrants in the American political system

The indoctrination of young people by the media to support candidates who do not serve their best interests

The transmission of political ideology and voting patterns from one generation to the next

The slow process by which the poor and working classes have gained political rights throughout American history

The use of the media to manipulate the electorate into voting for an undesirable candidate

The transmission of political ideology and voting patterns from one generation to the next

The term "political socialization" refers to a process by which

People become more involved in the political process as they grow older

People come into contact with other citizens through political discussions

Governments redistribute wealth among their citizens

Governments become more intrusive in their citizens' lives

People acquire their political affiliations, ideas, and behaviors

People acquire their political affiliations, ideas, and behaviors

Political socialization is best described as __________.

the ability of the media to manipulate the political opinions of the population

the process by which an individual comes to their political opinions and feelings

the process by which the arrival of various immigrant groups changes American society

the process by which an immigrant is assimilated into American society

the discord that exists between government rhetoric and government action

the process by which an individual comes to their political opinions and feelings

The process by which an American citizen acquires a political identity is called?

Political methodology

Grassroots movement

National assimilation

Political socialization

Special interest formation

Political socialization

Which of these demographics groups is incorrectly matched with the political party for which they will most likely vote, based on recent election results?

Rural people : Republicans.

Women : Democrats.

African Americans : Democrats.

Urban individuals : Democrats.

All of these demographic groups are correctly matched with the political party they recently have been most likely to vote for.

All of these demographic groups are correctly matched with the political party they recently have been most likely to vote for.

Which of these best summarizes the political beliefs of a libertarian?

Favor a regulated economy, but no government interference in social or private life

Favor a strong centralized government that spends heavily on defense programs

Favor a free market economy and no government interference in social life or personal liberty

Favor a free market economy, but with government regulation of social behavior

Favor a regulated economy and government regulation of social behavior

Favor a free market economy and no government interference in social life or personal liberty

Advocates of Keynesian economics would most likely contend that __________.

the government should stay out of the economy as much as possible, in order to prevent artificial inflation

the United States Federal Government should issue tariffs against goods imported from foreign nations to protect American internal interests

the government should wield greater economic influence during times of recession to help the economy to recover

the national government should always seek a favorable balance of trade with foreign nations

the Stock market is naturally volatile and should be considered detrimental to the maintenance of a healthy economy

the government should wield greater economic influence during times of recession to help the economy to recover

Rational-choice theory states that __________.

people will almost always be opposed to a declaration of war

voters are most likely to vote for a candidate who best serves their own interests

politicians will always act in the best interests of those who help fund their campaigns

voters will always make the best choice for the overall good of the nation

politicians will always act in the best interests of the district which elected them

voters are most likely to vote for a candidate who best serves their own interests

According the Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence (1776), the purpose of government is to __________.

protect people from foreign invaders

protect the society at the expense of the individual

protect all from anarchy

protect people's natural rights

protect people's natural rights

John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote in opposition to the divine right of kings. They wrote about a government's duty to uphold people's rights and how the governments should draw their power from the consent of the governed. These new found ideas encouraged ultimately led people to?

Call for church leaders to create theocracies and replace the monarchies

Look for leaders who would exercise dictatorial powers

Engage in revolutions to establish democratic governments

Remain firm in their support of absolute monarchs

Engage in revolutions to establish democratic governments

Which of the following is an influence on a person's political beliefs and ideology.

educational background.

religious affiliation.

career field.

All of the other answers.

All of the other answers.

Which of these election issues is most likely to demonstrate a gender gap in voting?


Income equality

Women's rights

Gun rights

Gay rights

Gun rights

Followers of which of these religions are most likely to have liberal attitudes in contemporary America?







Which of these statements about the gender gap is true?

Men are more likely to support prohibition of drugs or alcohol.

Women are more likely to support increased social spending.

Women are more likely to support gun ownership rights.

Women are more likely to vote for reducing government involvement in higher education.

Men are less likely to support foreign intervention by the United States military.

Women are more likely to support increased social spending.

African-American voters have recently been more likely to support __________.

moderate Republicans

Independent candidates

conservative Republicans

moderate Democrats

liberal Democrats

liberal Democrats

Women are currently more likely than men to support all of the following issues EXCEPT __________.

an increase in the social security program

affirmative action to encourage racial equality

tighter restrictions on gun ownership

an end to United States military involvement in the Middle East

Women are more likely to support all of these issues.

Women are more likely to support all of these issues.

Which of these statements about the voting gender gap is most true?

Men are more likely to vote for gun ownership rights, whereas women are more likely to vote for decreased role of government.

In recent elections women have been much more likely than men to vote for the Democratic Party.

In recent elections women have been much less likely than men to vote for the Democratic Party.

Men are more likely to support affirmative action to encourage racial and social equality.

Men vote roughly equally for Republicans and Democrats, whereas women's voting patterns change dramatically every election cycle.

In recent elections women have been much more likely than men to vote for the Democratic Party.

The term, Solid South, historically refers to __________.

the degree to which racial prejudice and segregation proved impossible to eliminate in southern society

the degree of wealth equality that emerged in the southern society in the twentieth century

the fact that, historically, the South always voted for the Democratic Party

the fact that the South had more candidates for President than any other region of the United States

the fact that the South always supported southern candidates

the fact that, historically, the South always voted for the Democratic Party

Fiscal conservatives favor which of the following?

More taxation

More government spending

Acquiring national debt

More government regulation

Lowered and balanced budgets

Lowered and balanced budgets

John Locke wrote in the Second Treatise on Government (1689) that "Whoever has the...supreme power...is bound to govern by established standing laws," reinforcing the idea that?

Governments should be based on laws of God

Rulers should govern with unlimited power

All governments should be democratic

Rulers must be subject to the law

Rulers must be subject to the law

How did Thomas Hobbes view the concept of the social contract?

Discovering God's will for humans

Perfecting human interaction with nobility.

Preserving order and escaping the brutal state of nature

Justifying the overthrow of democracies.

Preserving order and escaping the brutal state of nature

Which of the following statements about the pluralist theory of politics is false?

Competition between interest groups for public attention and resources helps enforce a balance of power so that no one group gains dominance.

Interest groups provide equal opportunities for representation to any and all interested citizens.

Interest groups usually decide not to follow the established rules of fair play and good conduct in their political dealings.

The people and their government are brought together by interest groups, so that each side is able to gain insight and ideas from the other.

Interest groups usually decide not to follow the established rules of fair play and good conduct in their political dealings.

Which are more likely to vote for Democrats quizlet?

Women are more likely to vote for Democrats than for Republicans. The United States typically holds twice as many elections as other Western democracies. Voter turnout in the United States is higher than in other Western democracies.

Which group of people are more likely to vote?

As with past elections, a higher share of women (68.4%) than men (65.0%) turned out to vote. Voter turnout also increased as age, educational attainment and income increased. Voter turnout was highest among those ages 65 to 74 at 76.0%, while the percentage was lowest among those ages 18 to 24 at 51.4%.

Which group is most likely to vote quizlet?

People age 65 and older are the most likely to vote, and those between 18 and 24 are the least likely. According to ________ principles, the more people who vote, the more involved and engaged they will be, thus producing better outcomes.

Which group is more likely to identify as a member of the Democratic Party quizlet?

Women are more likely to identify as Democrats than as independents or Republicans. The highlight of the national party conventions is the casting of the Electoral College votes.