Which type of a list is called an ordered list?

Ordered lists, unordered lists, and definition lists

Updated on February 20, 2020

The HTML language supports three different types of list. By default, they use standard tags and render in standard ways, although a more elaborate styling for any of these elements generally requires a style sheet.

Three Types of Lists in HTML

HTML offers three use cases for listing content on a page.

  • Ordered Lists:These are sometimes called numbered lists because, by default, the list items contained in that list have a specific numerical order or ranking. Ordered lists are appropriate where the exact ordering of items are important to the meaning of the content. For example, a recipe would likely use an ordered list because the steps occur in sequence. Any step-by-step process is best presented as an ordered list.
  • Unordered Lists:These are sometimes called bulleted lists because the default visual appearance of an unordered list is to have small bullet icons in front of the list items. This type of list is best used when the order of the items isn't salient. The list items will appear in whatever order you code them in for the HTML, but you are determining that order and, unlike a recipe or step-by-step process, the order could be changed and the meaning of the content would not suffer.
  • Definition Lists:These are lists of items that have two parts, a term to be defined and the definition. They are commonly used to display a definition/description pair like you would find in a dictionary, but definition lists can also be used for many other kinds of content.

Lists in General

Which type of a list is called an ordered list?

With lists, all items are paired with opening and closing tags. These pairs govern both the list-type markers and the individual list-item elements.

Ordered Lists

Use the 

  1. tag (the ending
 tag is required), to create a numbered list with numbers starting at 1. The elements are created with the
  •  tag pair. 

    The HTML looks like this:

    1. Step One
    2. Step Two
    3. Step Three

    And the result looks like this:

    1. Step One
    2. Step Two
    3. Step Three

    Unordered Lists

    Use the

    •  tag (the ending  tag is required) to create a list with bullets instead of numbers. Just like with the ordered list, the elements are created with the
    • tag pair.

    The HTML looks like this:

    • Apples
    • Oranges
    • Pears

    And the result looks like this:

    • Apples
    • Oranges
    • Pears

    Definition Lists

    Definition lists create a list with two parts to each entry: the name or term to be defined and the definition. Use

    to create the list and use to specify the term and

    The HTML looks like this:

    Cute four-legged animal.
    Online community optimized for cat photos.

    And the result looks like this:

    Which type of a list is called an ordered list?

    Which type of a list is called an unordered list?

    An unordered list typically is a bulleted list of items.

    Which list is also known as ordered list in HTML?

    Ordered HTML List. An ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag.

    What is an ordered list with example?

    An ordered list uses numbers or some sort of notation that indicates a series of items. For example, an ordered list can start with number 1, and continue through 2, 3, 4, and so on. Your ordered list can also start with the letter A and go through B, C, D, and so on.