Why are babies so annoying Reddit

I’ve gotten this sort-of bingo several times now. (As it’s not a response to me not wanting kids, just that crying babies immediately set me on edge. Although that is one of many reasons why I’m CF.)

Oh I’m sorry, Deborah! I’m not allowed to find a noise off-putting simply because the organism making it can’t help it and that’s the only way it can communicate? Birds communicate by chirping and squawking! How about I put a parrot in your house and tell you you can’t get annoyed when it goes off at 3 am!! Some monkeys communicate with those ear-shattering howls that can be heard across the jungle. Maybe that’s more your speed! If I had a rooster in my apartment I’d get evicted so fast, but I’m not allowed to be annoyed about the baby on the other side of my wall screaming in the middle of the night?

Sorry but the only thing that makes human babies the exception to every social norm is that society thinks it’s expected for each and every one of us to continue the human race.

Wtf is this sub becoming another childfree shit?? Antinatalism doesn't equal childfree, childfree users don't have babies because "they cost too much, or u just have to sit with them all the time and shit like that, antinatalism puts logical reasoning and negative moral value to birth, which means antinatalists don't have kids because they are a pain in the ass but rather for the reason that the creature will suffer and live a pointless and ruthless life. Please don't post this kind of stuff in here, this stuff belongs to the r/childfree subreddit

Also I wanted to point at someone who said we don't hate babies in here, that's true we love them too much to just create them and let them die in a slow and painful process

I just had my first kid a month ago, and am pretty blessed for him to be breathing and overall healthy. But he does nothing but cry, eat, shit, and sleep on repeat non-stop. I can’t interact with him at all. It’s like holding a noisy potato that I love. I just know he isn’t registering anything I do or say, it’s all just reflexes for him to stay alive.

I’m really excited for fatherhood and a lifetime bond, but just holding him while he screams non stop is obnoxious. It’s not even like I can explain that I’m getting the bottle or his mom is getting her breasts ready for feeding.

Just screaming and rooting. And then shitting. And then more screaming while the diaper change. And then he’s out.

Can’t wait until I can hand him a second controller so he thinks he is playing Mario Kart with me.

Edit: wtf is with these gamer hate comments? I just chose Mario Kart as an example of something that he can passively participate in with me at a young age. I have photos of my father doing the same thing with me when he got the original NES.

I was a career nanny before I became a mom. I always liked kids but definitely thought they could be annoying/whiny/rude and I had little toleration or patience for lacking behaviors. Then I nannied for a stay at home mom who was wealthy and just needed a little extra help. She was extremely involved with her kids and practiced gentle parenting which you can research a lot on but basically means you don’t yell or punish your kids you talk to them with respect and understanding and help them manage their feelings.

This gave me a 180 in my perspective of children. We tend to think of kids as little adults cause they can be so incredibly creative, curious, intelligent, so when they act out we feel like it’s intentional and they’re just being bad. When they actually have insanely low impulse control and are still learning how to manage their feelings in this world.

Nannying for her changed my life, I now see all children as valuable and capable of good behavior and I can be a model example for all of the ones I come across. I have much more empathy towards them because even if they’re crying over something I would deem stupid or pointless like wanting a blue cup instead of red, it feels very real to them and they’re not crying just to be a brat. I highly encourage you to look up gentle parenting and learn about it, it helped me especially because I was raised without empathetic parents and had to do a lot of reparenting myself from my childhood.

I now have a 20 month old son and we are the best of friends!! I love him so much and couldn’t imagine screaming at him and sending him to his room. Anyways that’s my long answer 😂

He's a crier and his voice is annoying as fuck. To the point where I don't feel any affection when I look at him- only annoyance.

He's my second kid. The first never annoyed me, this one is just way higher maintenance and impossible to soothe.

And before you ask... Yes he's been fed and his diaper is clean. This little punk just doesn't know how to shut up.

As far as I can tell the problem is he's got really bad gerd and has to be held mostly upright to be content. To the point where he literally cries shrieks himself hoarse and red in the face any time he's laid down. Which of coarse means he swallows tons of air and gets gassier/ more reflux-y. But I literally can't hold him as much as he "needs" to be held, because it's impossible to just sit around for the entire day.

Why do crying babies make me angry?

When our baby is crying we often feel helpless, like something is wrong and we don't know what to do to help them feel better. Or we feel angry, like we have done everything they need and still they are unhappy with us. It can directly impact our self worth as a parent, and can make us doubt our parenting abilities.

How do you deal with an annoying child?

Prevent Obnoxious Behavior..
Praise Good Behavior..
Ignore Harmless Behavior..
Point Out Obnoxious Behavior..
Offer a Warning..
Give a Consequence..
Problem-Solve for the Future..

What is the fear of babies?

What is pedophobia? People with pedophobia develop an irrational fear of babies and small children. The word pedophobia stems from “paida,” the Greek word for children. “Phobos” is the Greek word for fear. Someone who has pedophobia may take extreme measures to avoid being around small children.

Why are some children annoying?

Some children may be more sensitive to their environment and have higher sensory needs that can cause them to feel irritated, which results in immature or "annoying" behaviors. In this case, appropriate sensory input, as well as structure and routine, will help.