Why Does My flag get wrapped around the pole?

Small or large and hanging vertically, horizontally or in degrees, a flag flying in the wind has come to symbolise many things, from patriotism to favourite holidays. The greatest problem that owners face when dealing with the display of a flag comes from wrapping or furling of the a flag around or over the top of the flagpole. Innovative inventors over the years have approached this problem many ways, including preventing wrapping by using spinning or rotating flagpole or collar systems.

Purchase a spinning or rotating flagpole or kit for mount/bracket-style flagpole systems. Spinning flagpoles have ball-bearing joints that allow an entire flagpole, or top half, to spin so the flag doesn't wrap around the pole.

  • Small or large and hanging vertically, horizontally or in degrees, a flag flying in the wind has come to symbolise many things, from patriotism to favourite holidays.
  • Spinning flagpoles have ball-bearing joints that allow an entire flagpole, or top half, to spin so the flag doesn't wrap around the pole.

Full-spin poles have ball bearings inside the bracket that a pin rests on. The bracket never pivots or moves during a high wind. Instead, the pole turns on the pin, which moves on the bearings.

Top-half spin poles have a bearing joint at midpoint on the pole. The bottom half of the pole never spins. Instead, the top half of the pole spins at the midpoint joint.

Pick a location for your flagpole and attach the bracket using your electric drill and/or screwdriver.

Attach your flag to the flagpole. To use a sleeve-style system, slide the flag onto the pole and attach to a flag tie located at the pole end or create a sleeve by wrapping and snapping the flag onto the pole. To use a side-style system, attach the flag to the side with flag ties or stationary collars with split rings.

  • Top-half spin poles have a bearing joint at midpoint on the pole.
  • To use a sleeve-style system, slide the flag onto the pole and attach to a flag tie located at the pole end or create a sleeve by wrapping and snapping the flag onto the pole.

Mount the pin onto the bracket and then mount the flagpole onto the pin.

Use a rotating collars system. Unlike spinning flagpoles, in a rotating collar system, collars located below and above stationary bands--mounted on existing poles or pre-mounted in a kit--rotate on the pole. When winds whip a flag about, the entire flag, attached via split rings to the collars, rotates around the pole, which remains stationary.

  • Mount the pin onto the bracket and then mount the flagpole onto the pin.
  • When winds whip a flag about, the entire flag, attached via split rings to the collars, rotates around the pole, which remains stationary.

Install the bottom collar. Remove any ornaments from the top of the pole and slide the bottom collar, split ring end first, over the top. If using a pre-mounted kit, simply attach your flag to the split rings and install the pole.

Slide the two stationary bands onto the pole and follow with the top collar--the split ring end sliding last over the top of the pole. Replace any ornaments.

Push the top collar and band to the top of the pole 1/4 inch from any ornament or the top of the pole. Move the band to a position 1 to 1 1/2 inches from the bottom of the collar and tighten the band screw to secure the band into place on the pole. If completed correctly, the top collar should rotate around, floating above the stationary band.

  • Slide the two stationary bands onto the pole and follow with the top collar--the split ring end sliding last over the top of the pole.
  • Move the band to a position 1 to 1 1/2 inches from the bottom of the collar and tighten the band screw to secure the band into place on the pole.

Loop the top collar split ring through the top eyelet (grommet) of your flag. On some models, you may need to attach the split ring to the collar or to a stationary split ring pre-attached to the collar before looping the ring through the flag eyelet.

Push the bottom collar up the pole and attach the split ring on the collar to the flag's bottom eyelet. Position the collar so the flag hangs with 1 to 1 1/2 inches slack in it and then tighten the band screw.

If you want to elevate the personality of your backyard, a flag, or a few flags could be a great idea. It will give a new impression to your property and at the same time, you can show loyalty to your country or favorite sports team. Many people like to fly the flag on their front porch during Thanksgiving or the Christmas holidays but the wind often spoils the atmosphere and the flag ends up wrapped around the pole. In this article, we will give you some advice on how to deal with the wind and keep your flag from wrapping around the pole. 

Rotating flag pole

So, let's start with the first solution and it'll be a rotating pole. This is probably the best option if your flag is directly connected with your home. Usual flag poles don't rotate and with the strong wind around your flag will surely wrap around the pole. The rotating pole, on the other hand, is specially designed to keep your flag straight. They have special rings that turn automatically when the wind occurs. You can hardly go wrong with this investment.

Anti-furling kit

Another pretty good option will be an anti-furling kit. These kits and devices will also help you against the wind. The principle of their work is similar to the already mentioned rotating poles, so they or certain areas of poles rotate together with the wind and prevent wrapping. Keep in mind that these you can buy only as kits, so make sure that the size of the kit matches your pole. 

Why Does My flag get wrapped around the pole?

Buy heavier flag

If none of the recently mentioned solutions don't suit you, you can simply buy a better and heavier flag. Of course, the weight of the flag depends on the material they were made of. Today, the main materials for the flags are cotton, nylon, and polyester. 

Cotton is a traditional material for flags. Cotton flags look nice and elegant but definitely aren't the best choice for outdoor use. The main reason why is because of the rain. rain soaks them and in combination with a strong wind, it can't be good for your flag. Even if you have a heavier cotton flag that won't wrap around the pole, bad weather will shorten its lifespan. 

Nylon, on the other hand, is opposite to cotton when it comes to waterproofing. So if you are buying any outdoor item, nylon is a great choice as the main material. However, on this topic, we talk about flags, and nylon flags are very lightweight. That's a huge problem because even the slightest breeze will cause wrapping around the pole. 

Polyester is last on the list, but probably the best choice for your flag. It's a heavy material, but strong and durable at the same time. The polyester flag can withstand even the strongest wind, but keep in mind that only with stronger wind your flag will fly.


This is an additional investment, but very effective, especially in places where strong winds blow. You can't control the wind but you can control the place you will place the flag. When choosing an area pay attention to the environment, or simply install a windbreak. Big trees, hills, or fences can also be used as a windbreak and help you with this problem. This may not be the best solution but surely can reduce the risk of your flag being wrapped. 

Final thoughts

It's very frustrating when your new flag is tangled around the pole but luckily there are many options you can go for. It also depends on your budget and how much are you willing to spend on this issue, but we're sure that some of the above will help you to make your flag fly high. 

How do you stop your flag from wrapping around the pole?

How to Keep Your American Flag From Wrapping Around the Pole.
Use a Rotating Flag Pole..
Use an Anti-Furling Kit..
Use a Heavier Flag..
Display It Around a Windbreak..

What is flagpole etiquette?

When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag's own right, that is, to the observer's left. When displayed in a window, the American flag should be displayed in the same way, with the union or blue field to the left of the observer in the street.