You get the best of me examples

Originally published on the Indiana University Alumni Association's Our Indiana Blog

As we begin 2017, most family and friends I know are excited for the clean slate to set new year’s resolutions. Whether it’s getting to the gym more often, getting additional sleep, or even being more present and mindful in their personal relationships (read: limiting screen time), self-reflection and self-improvement toward wellness are areas of intense focus over the first few weeks of a new year.

The New Year is also a great time to take stock of your professional wellness. Often times, however, we are unsure of how to identify or make changes in our professional lives. Our team of coaches uses these phrases to begin the conversation for self-awareness and better communication with those you work with. Make self-care and asking for what you need (remember: your co-workers aren’t mind readers) priorities in 2017.

Start by finishing these four phrases. Answer these for yourself and be as honest as you can.

  • You get the best of me when…/ You get the worst of me when…

When are you at your best professionally? Is it in the morning, after a cup of coffee? Is it when you know you are helping and contributing to others? By finding out when you’re at your best (and worst), you become more aware of what brings you professional joy (and anxiety). We tend to have quite a bit of control over our environments, so let’s set ourselves up for success by adding more of the good stuff (and eliminating the bad).

  • You can count on me to…

This question helps you lay out your personal expectations for yourself and others. This is important because it establishes your role as a professional. Don’t just restate your job description either; go deeper into how you are engaging with your work and your colleagues. Whether we like it or not, our whole-self shows up to work every day.

  • This is what I need from you…

As mentioned above, our colleagues aren’t mind readers, and, if you’re answering this for your own self-awareness, we may need to give ourselves permission to really allow self-care to become a priority. What I need from myself is to get at least 8 hours of sleep and make it to the gym several times a week. I schedule holds on my calendar for my gym time since that’s a mechanism that keeps me accountable. We are part of a professional team. At a self-level, we can’t share from a glass that’s already empty. At a team-level, we start together and we finish together – our success is interdependent.

These statements can begin to scratch the service of professional wellness and development for 2017. Our hope is that eventually you share these statements and your answers with your supervisor, your colleagues and those that report to you. Adding a deeper level of communication and understanding to any team can be transformative.

Our coaches want to support you in your goals, whether it includes growth where you are, or looking for another exciting opportunity. Whatever and wherever your professional goals may take you in 2017, the IUAA Career & Professional Development Team wishes you the best and is ready to help you grow and succeed upward and onward.

Contact us at: IUAA Career and Professional Development  (812) 855-9263

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You get the best of me examples

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Sentence examples for getting the best of me from inspiring English sources

It started getting the best of me.

"The nerves were definitely getting the best of me," he said.

"While I was there, I realized that my children weren't getting the best of me, the film wasn't getting the best of me, and I didn't even know where I was in the mix," she said.

He hooked pins into each side of the pickle and began the process as I waited my stomach was getting the best of me.

The experience has also motivated him to return to therapy himself, making him realize, he said, that "this P.T.S.D. is really getting the best of me".

"It was getting the best of me, not being able to sleep, waking up in a cold sweat," he said of the shock.

"Only once can I recall Peter giving me an explicit bit of advice, and this is when my impulsivity was getting the best of me," Dr. Hauser wrote.

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You get the best of me examples

Claudia Letizia

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You get the best of me examples
