Youve got red on you days gone

  • Youve got red on you days gone

    Collect 541 Items from corpses

    How to unlock You've Got Red on You

    This is human corpses only. You will have to collect items from them manually by holding

    Youve got red on you days gone
    . You can't collect them like Freaker ears by just walking near them. 541 does seem like a lot, just keep an eye on this from the beginning. If an item is full, use it and then collect it to save any post game grind as it only counts if you actually take the item. You should get this done before the last mission if you keep an eye out for it. Human enemies are plentiful so don't panic to much over it. To check your progress on this trophy, go:
    Youve got red on you days gone
    => trophies and you'll see each trophy and your progression to towards it.

On 21/6/2019 at 3:23 PM, snakebit10 said:

OP, I hope you get it soon. I was aware of this trophy from the get go and got it last night. I didn't want to have to do what you are doing post game. Good luck with it.

Hi bro. The truth is that I could get it just at the end of the other trophies. I tried to leave it to the end and get the rest of the trophies before and when I went for the trophy to dribble with turbo for 5 seconds I got 3 human enemies and then I jumped the trophy.

It can be a bit heavy if left for the post game, but the key is to keep the inventory EMPTY. If you have grenades, molotov, bandages, etc., it is best to throw it away or use it before going out on the map, in order to guarantee that you will be able to collect all the items of the humans that come to meet you.

Take into account that it is not worth only to register them but you have to collect the objects they carry. There are some that carry up to 2 or 3 objects and that helps a lot.

If there is someone who has the same problem, the key is to go through the map and be attentive to the sign "?" that appears from time to time, because you have to go to that place and the vast majority of times there will be humans to kill to register them later. But take note that the inventory is always as empty as possible.

Youve got red on you days gone

Hey im trying to get the platinum trophy and the last one im missing is, Watch out for “You’ve Got Red on You." I have finished the game so im in free roam now, is there anyone who can give me some advice to where it is easiest to find humans? I have already finished, all the side missions.

Youve got red on you days gone

level 1

Damn you finished the game and side missions and didn’t get that trophy? How lol? Anyway, it’s kind of random sometimes there’s humans at gas stations waiting to ambush, or if you find random events of kidnapped survivors. I’m not sure if there’s any actual spots where they’re guaranteed to spawn.

level 1

This happened to my friend, and he said that Iron Butte still had a lot of rippers roaming? Hope it helps! Don’t forget to use items that you’re full on as it only counts if you pick the item up! :)

level 2

Thank you! I will try it out. :)

level 1

Dang, I got this trophy just a little bit after driving south.

level 1

I think a lot of people don't get this trophy through normal playthroughs because looting a human doesn't give you credit if you are maxed out on the item they have so if you come up on a body with say a molotov. Chuck one of your molotovs if you are max then loot the one from the body, that'll give you the credit.

level 1

Stumbled on this post a bit later than most, but for those still in need of people to loot, there’s an option to reset ambush camp encounters in the pause menu. Not sure if this has always been a feature, but it is now, cheers!

level 2

appreciate you fam! this is the last trophy i need for platinum lol i literally need to loot like 40 bodies !

Dave's guide is spot on. I just want to add that while you absolutely want to make sure you are always looting corpses, and crafting things to make sure you have room for more supplies, you probably won't miss this one.

Dave's guide, and the one on PSNPF had me super worried I would be grinding at the end of the game to find people to kill/loot. That's a real concern, but don't go lighting yourself on fire or letting an enemy shoot you like I did just so you can use an extra bandage and loot one more rag. It's really not the end of the world if you miss something because you're at capacity.

I got this shortly after the Should Have Seen it Coming mission, a little more than halfway through the story which nets you the Take Back Your Name trophy.

Youve got red on you days gone
Youve got red on you days gone
The Hidden Trophy trophy in Days Gone worth 20 pointsContinue playing to unlock this hidden trophy

And at that point I had only done about 5/14 Ambush Camps, so it's not like I was racking up human kills before that. You may want to work towards the skill upgrade that allows you to carry more of everything. Much less of a concern then. You'll also be able to pick up different supplies that corpses will also provide later in the game, so there will more variety than Sanitizer and Rags. Bottom line, don't stress.