The excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following trends during the colonial era


The Practice Exam

Questions 1–4 refer to the following excerpt.

Q1: Which of the following contributed most directly to the enactment of the law in the excerpt?

  • A. The increasing divergence between colonial and British culture in the 1700s
  • B. Debates over how Britain’s colonies should bear the cost of the Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War)
  • C. The drafting of a declaration of independence for Britain’s colonies in North America
  • D. Conflicts between colonists and British army leaders over recognizing Native American sovereignty

Q2: The actions described in the excerpt most immediately led to

  • A. Parliament strengthening its approach to generating new tax revenue in the North American colonies
  • B. major and sometimes violent conflicts emerging between the various colonial regions
  • C. a colonial convention to call for independence from Britain
  • D. Britain delegating greater authority to colonial assemblies

Q3: Which of the following was the American colonists’ immediate response to the attempts of the British Parliament to enforce the claims made in the excerpt?

  • A. They acceded to Parliament’s authority to regulate colonial commerce.
  • B. They denied the power of the British king over the colonies.
  • C. They sought an alliance with France against Great Britain.
  • D. They initiated boycotts of imported British goods.

Q4: Debates over the claims of the British Parliament in the excerpt most directly contributed to which of the following later characteristics of the United States government?

  • A. The reservation of some governmental powers for the states
  • B. The enforcement of term limits for the president
  • C. The establishment of taxation power in Congress.
  • D. The practice of judicial review by the Supreme Court

Q5: The excerpt best illustrates which of the following developments?

  • A. The extension of commerce with Native Americans
  • B. The expansion of access to markets
  • C. The growth in the internal slave trade
  • D. The increase in semi-subsistence agricultural production

Q6: Which of the following developments in the early nineteenth century could best be used as evidence to support the argument in the second paragraph of the excerpt?

  • A. The opposition of some political leaders to providing federal funds for public works
  • B. The failure of some infrastructure projects to recover their costs
  • C. The recruitment of immigrant laborers to work on new transportation projects
  • D. The rise of a regional economy based on the production and export of cotton

Q7: Which of the following later developments had an effect most similar to that described in the excerpt?

  • A. The invention of the mechanical reaper in the 1830s
  • B. The annexation of Texas in the 1840s
  • C. The growth of political party competition in the 1850s
  • D. The completion of the first transcontinental railroad in the 1860s

Q8: Which of the following best serves as evidence for the claim that “our Republican fathers . . . had abolished slavery in all our national territory”?

  • A. The ban on the trans-Atlantic slave trade implemented in 1808
  • B. The relationship of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to slavery
  • C. The provisions of the Northwest Ordinance regarding slavery
  • D. The agreement to count three-fifths of enslaved people for representation in Congress

Q9: The ideas expressed in the excerpt were most directly influenced by the

  • A. nativist movement
  • B. free-soil movement
  • C. Texas independence movement
  • D. temperance movement
  • A. idea of popular sovereignty exemplified by the Kansas-Nebraska Act
  • B. removal of American Indians from their homelands
  • C. recruitment of laborers for Northern factories
  • D. application of California for statehood
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Q11: The image most directly reflects which of the following developments during the early 1940s?

  • A. The wartime repression of civil liberties
  • B. The emergence of the United States as a world power
  • C. The limited access to consumer goods during wartime
  • D. The wartime mobilization of United States society

Q12: The image was most likely intended to promote

  • A. popular support for federal civil rights legislation to end discrimination
  • B. the belief that women should have rights equal to those of men
  • C. the movement of women into jobs traditionally held by men
  • D. access to union membership for all workers regardless of race or gender

Q13: Production activities like those depicted in the image most directly contributed to

  • A. calls to limit arms and naval destroyers for the major world powers
  • B. critical wartime provisioning for the Allies that led to victory
  • C. efforts to rebuild Western Europe’s postwar economy
  • D. concerns about the political influence of the military-industrial complex
United States Census Bureau

Q14: Which of the following was a significant cause of the trend from 1843 to 1854 shown in the graph?

  • A. Active encouragement of migration by the United States government
  • B. Economic and political difficulties in Germany and Ireland
  • C. Incentives offered by United States companies looking to hire skilled migrants
  • D. Adoption of free trade policies by European governments

Q15: Which of the following was a direct effect of the trend in immigration after 1845 shown on the graph?

  • A. An increase in sectional tensions
  • B. A major economic downturn
  • C. An upsurge in nativist sentiment
  • D. The collapse of the second party system

Q16: The main trend shown in the graph was most directly associated with which of the following processes occurring in the United States at the time?

  • A. The convergence of European and American cultures
  • B. The emergence of an industrialized economy
  • C. The displacement of American Indians from the Southeast
  • D. The resurgence of evangelical Protestantism

Q17: The ideas expressed in the excerpt most directly challenged the prevailing ideal in the early nineteenth century that

  • A. women should enjoy full and equal rights with men
  • B. women should focus on the home and the domestic sphere
  • C. the ability of women to earn wages was a positive development
  • D. women should educate their children about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship

Q18: Which of the following developments in the second half of the nineteenth century best represented the continuation of the ideas expressed in the declaration?

  • A. The formation of voluntary organizations and reform efforts
  • B. Women’s support for the Social Gospel
  • C. Support for outlawing the production and sale of alcohol
  • D. A movement focused on religious revivals and personal conversion

Q19: Many supporters of the declaration in 1848 broke ranks with which of the following groups by the 1870s?

  • A. Social Darwinists
  • B. Supporters of Southern secession and states’ rights
  • C. Supporters of the Fifteenth Amendment
  • D. Isolationists

Q20: The excerpt was written in response to the

  • A. British government’s attempt to assert greater control over the North American colonies
  • B. British government’s failure to protect colonists from attacks by American Indians
  • C. colonial governments’ failures to implement mercantilist policies
  • D. colonial governments’ attempts to extend political rights to new groups

Q21: The ideas about government expressed in the excerpt are most consistent with which of the following?

  • A. The concept of hereditary rights and privileges
  • B. The belief in Manifest Destiny
  • C. The principle of religious freedom
  • D. The ideas of the Enlightenment

Q22: The Immigration Act of 1924 most directly reflected

  • A. cultural tensions between scientific modernism and religious fundamentalism in the 1920s
  • B. conflicts arising from the migration of African Americans to urban centers in the North
  • C. the emergence of an increasingly national culture in the 1920s shaped by art, cinema, and mass media
  • D. Social tensions emerging from the First World War

Q23: Which of the following evidence would best support Ngai’s argument in the excerpt?

  • A. Census data showing the changing percentages of the foreign-born population from 1920 to 1930
  • B. Narratives describing the challenges of immigrant family life in the 1920s
  • C. Diplomatic correspondence reflecting the increasing isolationism of United States foreign policy in the 1920s and 1930s
  • D. Census data revealing the Great Migration of African Americans to cities in the North and West in the 1920s
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Q24: Conditions like those shown in the image contributed most directly to which of the following?

  • A. The passage of laws restricting immigration to the United State
  • B. An increase in Progressive reform activity
  • C. A decline in efforts to Americanize immigrants
  • D. The weakening of labor unions such as the American Federation of Labor
  • A. The growing gap between wealthy people and people living in poverty
  • B. The rise of the settlement house and Populist movements
  • C. The increased corruption in urban politics
  • D. The migration of African Americans to the North

Q26: Advocates for individuals such as those shown in the image would have most likely agreed with which of the following perspectives?

  • A. The Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson was justified.
  • B. Capitalism, free of government regulation, would improve social conditions.
  • C. Both wealth and poverty are the products of natural selection.
  • D. Government should act to eliminate the worst abuses of industrial society

Q27: Which of the following aspects of Muir’s description expresses a major change in Americans’ views of the natural environment?

  • A. The idea that wilderness areas are worthy subjects for artistic works
  • B. The idea that wilderness areas serve as evidence of divine creation
  • C. The idea that government should preserve wilderness areas in a natural state
  • D. The idea that mountainous scenery is more picturesque and beautiful than flat terrain

Q28: Muir’s ideas are most directly a reaction to the

  • A. increasing usage and exploitation of western landscapes
  • B. increase in urban populations, including immigrant workers attracted by a growing industrial economy
  • C. westward migration of groups seeking religious refuge
  • D. opening of a new frontier in recently annexed territory

Q29: The concerns expressed by Washington were a response to the

  • A. debate over the proper treatment of American Indian tribes in the trans-Appalachian West
  • B. dispute over the possibility of annexing Canada from Great Britain
  • C. controversy regarding support for the revolutionary government of France
  • D. conflict with Great Britain over the treatment of American Loyalists

Q30: The ideas expressed in Washington’s address most strongly influenced which United States foreign policy decision in the twentieth century?

  • A. The establishment of the United Nations in 1945
  • B. The formation of the NATO alliance between the United States and Western Europe in 1949
  • C. The refusal to join the League of Nations in 1919
  • D. The oil embargo against Japan in 1941 26.

Q31: Which of the following groups most strongly opposed Washington’s point of view in the address?

  • A. Democratic-Republicans
  • B. New England merchants
  • C. Southern plantation owners
  • D. Federalists

Q32: Most historians would argue that the recommendations of Washington’s address ceased to have a significant influence on United States foreign policy as a result of

  • A. westward expansion in the nineteenth century
  • B. support for Cuban revolutionaries in the Spanish-American War
  • C. Woodrow Wilson’s support for international democratic principles during the First World War
  • D. involvement in the Second World War

Q33: The export of New World crops to the Old World transformed European society mostly by

  • A. improving diets and thereby stimulating population growth
  • B. encouraging enclosure of open lands and pushing workers off of farms
  • C. promoting greater exploration of the interior of the American continents
  • D. fostering conflicts among major powers over access to new food supplies

Q34: The patterns described in the excerpt most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments?

  • A. The spread of maize cultivation northward from present-day Mexico into the American Southwest
  • B. The population decline in Native American societies
  • C. The gradual shift of European economies from feudalism to capitalism
  • D. The emergence of racially mixed populations in the Americas
  • A. The growth of mercantile empires that stretched across the Atlantic
  • B. The increasing 46nglicization of the English colonies
  • C. The phenomenon known as the Columbian Exchange
  • D. The rise of the trans-Atlantic slave trade

The Answer Key

  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. D
  22. D
  23. A
  24. B
  25. A
  26. D
  27. C
  28. A
  29. C
  30. C
  31. A
  32. D
  33. A
  34. B
  35. C

Click here to view APUSH Practice Exam #2. This practice exam consists of another thirty-five MCQs pertaining to the time period 1491 to 1945, with questions 1–32 found in the 2020 CED and questions 33–35 found in the 2014 CED. (work in progress — to post later in March)

Sidenote #2

In the past three years, my students most often missed the following:

  • A. The reservation of some governmental powers for the states
  • B. The enforcement of term limits for the president
  • C. The establishment of taxation power in Congress.
  • D. The practice of judicial review by the Supreme Court
  • A. The opposition of some political leaders to providing federal funds for public works
  • B. The failure of some infrastructure projects to recover their costs
  • C. The recruitment of immigrant laborers to work on new transportation projects
  • D. The rise of a regional economy based on the production and export of cotton
  • A. The ban on the trans-Atlantic slave trade implemented in 1808
  • B. The relationship of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to slavery
  • C. The provisions of the Northwest Ordinance regarding slavery
  • D. The agreement to count three-fifths of enslaved people for representation in Congress
  • A. cultural tensions between scientific modernism and religious fundamentalism in the 1920s
  • B. conflicts arising from the migration of African Americans to urban centers in the North
  • C. the emergence of an increasingly national culture in the 1920s shaped by art, cinema, and mass media
  • D. Social tensions emerging from the First World War
  • A. Census data showing the changing percentages of the foreign-born population from 1920 to 1930
  • B. Narratives describing the challenges of immigrant family life in the 1920s
  • C. Diplomatic correspondence reflecting the increasing isolationism of United States foreign policy in the 1920s and 1930s
  • D. Census data revealing the Great Migration of African Americans to cities in the North and West in the 1920s

Sidenote #3

This blog post is only being shared with the students I teach and tutor, the teachers belonging to the APUSH Online Teacher Community (OTC), and the teachers who have requested access to my APUSH P1-P9 slideshows, tests, word banks, and SAQs.