The nurse teaches the client that antacids when taken with digoxin may have which interactions?

Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN)


Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside medication that has been used for centuries to treat heart failure. Currently it is the only positive inotropic drug we see in practice. It has three effects on heart muscle: positive inotropic action (increases contractility, stroke volume and, thus, cardiac output), negative chronotropic action (decreases heart rate), and negative dromotropic action (decrease conduction of cardiac cells). The inotropic effect of digoxin supports improving the heart’s ability to pump with more strength, but it is important to understand that being on digoxin too long can actually cause more heart failure.  Imagine that you have an elastic hairband; eventually, as you stretch it repeatedly over time, it either loses its elasticity or it breaks. The heart can only take so much force of contraction for so long before the stretch becomes exacerbated.  Digoxin, although ground breaking for heart failure, should really be saved for use closer to end stage heart failure to support the heart in the final stages.

Mechanism of Action

Digoxin works by inhibiting the sodium and potassium pump, which results in an increase in intracellular sodium and an influx of calcium into cardiac cells, causing the cardiac muscle fibers to contract more efficiently and increase cardiac output.

Indications for Use

This medication is used as second-line treatment for clients who have heart failure or atrial fibrillation. Due to the risk for digoxin toxicity, the clinical use of digoxin has decreased and alternative, safer medications are being used. Also, remember that digoxin has an impact on the contractility of a heart, so this must be considered by the prescribing professionals.

Nursing Considerations Across the Lifespan

Apical pulse should be taken for a full minute before administration of this medication. If the apical pulse is less than 60, the dose should be withheld and the prescribing provider notified.

Serum digoxin levels should be monitored, with a normal therapeutic range from 0.8 to 2 ng/mL.

Serum potassium levels should also be closely monitored for clients on digoxin because hypokalemia increases the effect of digoxin and can result in digoxin toxicity. Normal potassium level is 3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L, and a result less than 3.5 should be immediately reported to the provider.

Nurses should closely monitor signs of digoxin toxicity. Geriatric clients have an increased risk for developing digoxin toxicity. Digibind is used to treat digoxin toxicity.

Adverse/Side Effects

Overdose or accumulation of digoxin causes digoxin toxicity. Signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity are bradycardia (heart rate less than 60), nausea, vomiting, visual changes (halos), and arrhythmias. Cardiotoxicity is a serious adverse effect with ventricular dysrhythmias. Toxicity of this medication typically occurs at greater than 2 ng/mL, but some clients may have signs and symptoms at lower levels. Pediatric clients typically present with bradycardia or arrhythmias if toxicity is occurring.

Decreased renal function, hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, and hypomagnesemia may increase risk for digoxin toxicity.

Common side effects include GI symptoms, headache, weakness, dizziness, anxiety, depression, delirium, and hallucination.

Client Teaching & Education

The client should be instructed to follow the prescribed dosing regimen and take medications at the same time each day.  The client should be cautious not to double up on medication doses.  Additionally, the client should consult the healthcare provider for follow-up instruction if two or more doses of medication are missed.

Clients should receive education regarding pulse rate monitoring and report any pulse rate less than 60.  If the client experiences signs of digoxin toxicity, this should be reported to the provider immediately.  The medication should be stored in its original container and care should be taken not to mix the medication with other medications. 

Now let’s take a closer look at the medication card for digoxin in Table 6.7. Because information about medication is constantly changing, nurses should always consult evidence-based resources to review current recommendations before administering specific medication.

Class: Cardiac Glycosides

Prototypes: Digoxin

Mechanism: Digoxin works by inhibiting the sodium and potassium pump, which results in an increase in intracellular sodium and an influx of calcium into cardiac cells, causing the cardiac muscle fibers to contract more efficiently and increase cardiac output

Therapeutic Effects

  • Increased pumping action increases in improved cardiac output


  • Typically given PO without food once a day in the morning
  • Take within 2hrs pre or post eating high fiber foods for best absorption
  • Take Antacids, metoclopramide as far from digoxin as possible


  • Heart failure
  • Irregular heartbeat such as chronic atrial fibrillation


  • Kidney or hyper or hypo thyroid problems
  • Avoid alcohol or driving machinery if this drug causes dizziness for the person
  • Pregnancy-must talk with MD to take or not to take but it is possible
  • It does cross into breast milk but no reported harm- talk with MD
  • St Johns Wort, antifungals and some antibiotics can affect the removal of digoxin in the body

Side Effects

  • Digoxin toxicity; early signs include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Bradycardia and arrhythmias
  • Headache, weakness, dizziness, and mental changes such as anxiety or hallucinations
  • Gynecomastia (with prolonged use)
  • SAFETY: Geriatrics have increased risk of toxicity-Digibind is used to treat toxicity

Nursing Considerations

  • Apical pulse check for full 1 minute before administration
  • Monitor serum digoxin levels for toxicity and potassium blood levels
  • Monitor for blood pressure
  • Signs and symptoms of heart failure and overload including urine output and respiratory assessment

  1. Why should a nurse assess the apical pulse for 1 full minute before administering digoxin?
  2. How does a nurse evaluate whether digoxin is effective?
  3. Why must the nurse monitor serum potassium levels as well as digoxin levels?
  4. A nurse enters a patient’s room and the patient complains “My vision seems strange and I feel nauseated.” What is the nurse’s next best action?

Note: Answers these questions can be found in the “Answer Key” sections at the end of the book.


Digibind is used to treat digoxin toxicity.

Mechanism of Action

Digibind binds to digoxin molecules, reducing free digoxin.

Indications for Use

This medication is the antidote for digoxin. Digibind is administered when a patient is experiencing life-threatening digoxin toxicity.

Nursing Considerations Across the Lifespan

There are no contraindications when using digibind.

Adverse/Side Effects

The most common effects a client may experience are worsening heart failure or atrial fibrillation, and hypokalemia.

Client Teaching & Education

The client should report any signs of worsening heart failure, atrial fibrillation, or hypokalemia immediately to the healthcare provider.

Digoxin is the common name for cardiac glycosides.

Digoxin includes:

If your prescription isn’t listed, your pharmacist is the best source for more information.

What does it do?

You might take digoxin if you have a heart rhythm disorder, heart failure or a weakened heart muscle.

  • Helps your heart pump with more force.
  • Can slow your heart rate.
  • May help you feel less tired.
  • Reduces shortness of breath.
How do I take it?

Take your digoxin exactly as prescribed.

  • NEVER take extra tablets.
  • Can be taken with or without food.

Be aware: To see how much digoxin is in your body, your doctor may order a blood test.

Are there any interactions?

Some medications can stop your heart medicine from working properly. They may even cause other health problems.

Digoxin has many interactions, including:

  • Erythromycin and tetracycline (antibiotics)
  • Antiarrhythmic drugs (amiodarone)
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Over-the-counter antacids
  • Hawthorn (an herbal remedy)
  • Black licorice
    • Digoxin and black licorice can cause an irregular heartbeat.
  • Large amounts of oatmeal, milk and high-fibre cereals
    • These can interfere with the absorption of digoxin.

Tell your healthcare provider and pharmacist about all the medications you are taking. These include:

  • Prescriptions
  • Non-prescription drugs
  • Inhalers
  • Creams or ointments
  • Over-the-counter or natural health products
  • Alternative therapies
  • Vitamins, minerals or supplements
  • Herbal remedies
  • Homeopathic medicines
  • Traditional remedies, such as Chinese medicines
Are there any side effects?

Digoxin can cause some side effects:

  • Upset stomach or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Major loss of appetite
  • Weakness
  • Blurred vision
    • You might see yellow, green or white spots around objects.

If you have side effects, talk to your pharmacist or healthcare provider.

Lifestyle changes that can also help

There are two ways to control and manage your heart health: medication and lifestyle.

Medication can help you control heart disease and high blood pressure, but it cannot cure it.

A healthy lifestyle can help you keep medication to a minimum.

Visit  Learn how to keep your heart healthy with current information and advice from Heart and Stroke Foundation experts.

Talk to your healthcare provider about the most beneficial lifestyle goals for you.


Your healthcare provider or pharmacist are your best sources of information. You can also learn more about medications at any of these trusted sites.

Health Canada - Drugs and Health Products
Provides health and medical information for Canadians to maintain and improve their health.

Learn more about:

Your ministry of health also offers health resources in your province or territory. For example, Ontario’s MedsCheck program provides free pharmacist consultations. And British Columbia’s Senior Healthcare web page provides information about important health programs.

Drug coverage