What can black Mould do to you?

Mold is one of the most common household and workplace issues that people face. It can be found anywhere, from your basement to your kitchen cabinet. The dark color of mold makes it difficult to see unless you know what you are looking for. This blog post will discuss black mold: where it comes from, how to prevent it, and how to identify it if you find any in your home or office building.

What Is Black Mold?

“Black Mold” or stachybotrys is a specific type of toxic fungus that can appear in damp areas of your house. It is characterized by its unique appearance, as it is darker than most types of mold. Contrary to popular belief, “Black Mold” isn’t any more toxic than other molds. All molds are biohazards that can produce toxins and should be removed immediately when found.

Where Causes Black mold?

Black Mold can originate from many different sources. It thrives in damp areas with a lot of cellulose, such as cardboard or paper items. Black mold is also present in some foods that are high in cellulose and low acidity (e.g., nuts).

However, mold can grow in any warm, wet areas of the house such as basements, showers, crawlspaces, and especially on windows. It can form as the result of your ventilation not working properly or if you have leaky pipes.

If you suspect you have leaky pipes in your house, you should check your basement thoroughly for mold. You should also check showers, corners, and crawlspaces if you think your ventilation is not working properly.

If left unchecked it will cause serious damage to your home.

How Do I Know if My House has a Moisture Problem?

One of the best ways to tell is by checking the humidity. A home with high humidity likely has a moisture problem. Musty smells suggest mold, mildew or rot. Household odors that linger may indicate too much moisture in the air. Frost and ice on cold surfaces from condensation can be a sign of excess moisture in the air as well.

Signs of a Black Mold Infestation

It is difficult to see and identify black mold. The first clue that it may be present in your home comes from the symptoms of exposure, such as nasal congestion or coughing. However, only a trained professional can accurately diagnose whether black mold is present by having a professional analysis completed.

Another way to tell is a musty smell. Most species of mold and mildew cause a musty smell throughout your home, and the highest concentration of that smell likely has the most

If you can physically see the mold in your home, in most cases it’s bad enough that you probably need to call a professional mold removal team.

Black Mold Removal Tips

If your mold infestation is mild, there are a few things you can do to help get rid of it. When using a mold removal substance, make sure to test on a small area of your surface first to avoid ruining the material.

Wear Protective Equipment

If you’re going to remove mold on your own, make sure you wear Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE. Mold spores are dangerous and can cause or aggrivate many different respiratory issues. If you already have a respiratory illnes such as severe allergies, asthma, or COPD, avoid doing this yourself.

Scrub With Bleach

A mixture of bleach and water scrubbed on the moldy surfaces will kill the mold spores and disinfect them. If the mold hasn’t begun to destroy anything and it’s just on the surface, this is a great way to remove the mold. Let the mixture kill the mold, then scrub the surface.

Use about a capfull of bleach in one gallon of water.

Clean with Vinegar

White vinegar mixture can also kill mold. While bleach needs to be diluted, white vinegar usually doesn’t. Or at least not to the same degree. Half and half should work well. Or you can spray the vinegar directly on the surface. Let the mixture kill the mold, then scrub the surface.

Specific Mold Removal Products

You can use mold removal products in the same way. Follow the instructions on the packaging and the mold should come off easily.

Call a Professional

If removing the mold yourself is ineffective, it may have penetrated deeper into your home than you realize. Call a professional mold removal team like Jenkins Environmental Services to make sure that all of the mold is removed and your house is safe!

Preventing Future Black Mold Infestations

To prevent mold from returning in the future, identify potential sources of moisture within your home’s walls and how they can be eliminated. Also make sure to address any existing structural issues such as leaky pipes or cracks in foundation that allow humidity and moisture into your home.

Frequently Asked Questions About Black Mold

What happens if you breathe in black mold?

For people sensitive to mold, inhaling or touching mold spores can cause allergic reactions, including sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, and skin rash. People with serious mold allergies may have more severe reactions, including shortness of breath.

However, if you breathe in large amounts of mold for a long time, it can cause chronic allergy or cold like symptoms, or more serious side effects such as chronic fatigue, brain fog, or even mold growth in lungs or respiratory systems.

Is black mold dangerous?

Black mold is no more or less dangerous than any other type of mold, though all molds are potentially dangerous if they get in your body.

How to get rid of black mold around your windows?

Black mold on your windows can be removed the same way as any other mold, with bleach or vinegar.

What happens if you breathe in black mold?

In most cases, you will just notice some cold/allergy type of symptoms if any. If your immune system is strong, short term exposure won’t cause serious harm. However, if you have allergies, severe respiratory issues, or a compromised immune system you can get seriously ill.

What is the difference between mildew and black mold?

Mold tends to be taller and can even become fuzzy, while mildew is always flat. Mold exhibits darker colors such as deep green and black; mildew may begin as white, then turn brown or gray. Mildew converts to a white, powdery substance; mold never does.

Can black mold kill you?

In most cases, no. However, some people are at a significantly higher risk for mold related illness/death including very old and very young people and those with serious respiratory issues like COPD and Cystic Fibrosis.

How to identify black mold?

Black mold is a dark colored mold that tends to be more slimy and wet than many other molds. It grows in small clusters making it look like dots. Often there is visible water damage near visible mold. You will also notice a musty smell nearby.

Is black mold dangerous?

All mold is potentially dangerous. Black mold isn’t more dangerous than any other type of mold, but all types of mold can cause illnesses of varying severity.

How and why does black mold grow?

Black mold, like other molds, grows in places where there is excess humidity and/or standing water or dampness. If you have had water damage, or have a weakness in your home’s structure that causes increases in humidity.

Can you paint over moldy walls or ceilings without removing them first?

No. By simply painting over it without taking care of removing it or eliminating it first will only continue to cause problems and eventually the mold spots will re-appear. Paint will not stifle mold.

Can you use bleach to remove mold from clothes, carpets, or furniture?

Yes, however many fabrics will fade or discolor when bleach is applied. Be careful what you use and make sure to test the bleach on an inconspicuous corner of the fabric first.


Mold, whether black mold or otherwise, is very tricky to get rid of. While black mold may not be more toxic than other types of mold, all mold can be toxic to your family! Make sure you remove any mold you find in your home, or call a professional mold removal team.

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What is black mold?

What can black Mould do to you?

Black mold is the common name for Stachybotrys chartarum. The mental effects of black mold include irritability, fatigue, concentration problems, sleep problems, lightheadedness, and headache.

Black mold is a common issue in homes and workplaces, though it is not the only fungal growth in buildings. Like all mold, black mold poses health risks to people and animals. It can lead to allergic reactions that cause physical and mental symptoms. It's important to remove mold as soon as you find it in your home and to take steps to prevent new growth from happening. 

Black mold is the common name for Stachybotrys chartarum. This fungus can grow on common building materials used in homes. It's black or greenish-black in color and thrives in dampness. It may appear in large patches or clusters of small spots. Water damage, leaking water, condensation, or flooding can all encourage the growth of black mold. It's hard to get rid of once it is growing in your house.

Mold allergies

Black mold, like all molds, can cause health issues for certain people. If you have a mold allergy, mold exposure will trigger symptoms, including:

People with asthma or significant sensitivities to mold may feel acute symptoms in an environment where mold is present. The symptoms can be quite noticeable, and people may feel as if they are coming down with a respiratory illness. Symptoms often improve as soon as you go to a location without mold.

If you suspect you have mold allergies, talk to your doctor. Allergy medicine or allergy shots might help you manage your symptoms. 

Is black mold dangerous?

There have been reports about black mold leading to illness. Black mold has been linked to lung problems in babies and children, including bleeding in the lungs. There is no scientific evidence to support that link. 

Researchers have not found evidence that allergies to black mold are worse than allergies to other types of mold. People who develop respiratory symptoms associated with sick building syndrome have blamed black mold. The evidence suggests that mold-related illness can result from multiple types of mold, not just black mold. 

Is black mold toxic?

Some fungi produce substances called mycotoxins which are harmful to people or animals. You typically have to consume mycotoxins for them to affect your health. However, certain mycotoxins cause problems through inhalation or skin contact.

Black mold can produce a type of substance called trichothecene mycotoxins. Research shows that it doesn't typically affect humans through inhalation. Illness from trichothecene mycotoxins usually only occurs after eating food with high contamination levels from the toxins. The symptoms include gastrointestinal problems and anemia.

There have been cases where people with significant exposure to black mold had negative health effects. These cases arose in people who lived in buildings with widespread mold. Crew members who came in to clean up the mold reported similar symptoms, including:

Experts believe that heavy exposure to black mold causes hypersensitivity to mold exposure. Many of the physical effects are consistent with allergy symptoms, not the effects of trichothecene mycotoxin poisoning. If there are other types of mold in the environment, they might play a role as well.

Black mold and mental effects

People with high levels of black mold exposure have reported mood and cognitive symptoms including:

The mental symptoms from heavy mold exposure are consistent with the effects of a severe mold allergy; Mental issues are not symptoms of trichothecene mycotoxicity. Experts in allergies note that people often report fatigue and "mental fog" when they are suffering from allergies.

Managing back mold

Since black mold can cause allergy symptoms, you should take steps to remove it from your home. You will need to locate the sources of moisture and fix any leaks or areas of significant condensation. Use fans or dehumidifiers to dry the damp areas.

If mold is present on furniture, carpet, or drywall, you will probably need to remove and replace those items. You may be able to clean mold out of small areas of your home. You might need to hire a service for more extensive mold remediation.

What can black Mould do to you?
Allergies can best be described as: See Answer

Medically Reviewed on 1/24/2022


SOURCES: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: "Basic Facts about Mold and Dampness." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: "Facts about Stachybotrys chartarum." National Toxicology Program (NTP): "Stachybotrys chartarum (or S. atra or S. alternans) [CAS No. 67892-26-6] Review of Toxicological Literature." New York Times: "Why Do Allergies Cause' Brain Fog'?"

Paediatrics and Child Health: "Stachybotrys chartarum (atra) contamination of the indoor environment: Health implications."