What concept refers to the process of creating management and oversight of data assets to support the organizations mission vision and values group of answer choices?

Data governance involves the whole organization to a greater or lesser degree, but let’s break down the most commonly involved stakeholders:

Data Owners: First, you will need to appoint data owners (or data sponsors if you like) in the business. These must be people that are able to make decisions and enforce these decisions throughout the organization. Data owners can be appointed at the entity level (eg customer records, product records, employee records and so forth) and supplementary on the attribute level (eg customer address, customer status, product name, product classification and so forth). Data owners are ultimately accountable for the state of the data as an asset.

Data Stewards: Next, you will need data stewards (or data champions if you like) who are the people making sure that the data policies and data standards are adhered to in daily business. These people will often be the subject matter experts for a data entity and/or a set of data attributes. Data stewards are either the ones responsible for taking care of the data as an asset or the ones consulted on how to do that.

Data Custodians: Furthermore, you may use data custodians (or data operators if you like) to make the business and technical onboarding, maintenance and end-of-life updates to your data assets.

Data Governance Committee: Typically, a data governance committee will be established as the main forum for approving data policies and data standards and handling escalated issues. Depending on the size and structure of your organization, there may be a subcategory for each data domain (eg customer, vendor, product, employee).

These roles highlighted above should optionally be supported by a Data Governance Office with a Data Governance Team. In a typical enterprise, here are some folks who might make up a Data Governance Team:

  • Manager, Master Data Governance: Leads the design, implementation and continued maintenance of Master Data Control and governance across the corporation.
  • Solution and Data Governance Architect: Provides oversight for solution designs and implementations.
  • Data Analyst: Uses analytics to determine trends and review information
  • Data Strategist: Develops and executes trend-pattern analytics plans
  • Compliance specialist: Ensure adherence to required standards (legal, defense, medical, privacy)

One of the most important aspects of assigning and fulfilling the roles is having a well-documented description of the roles, the expectations and how the roles interact. This will typically be outlined in a RACI matrix describing who is responsible and accountable to be consulted and be informed within certain enforcement, a processor for a certain artifact as a policy or standard.

Data Governance is the strategic approach.  Master Data Management (MDM) is the tactical execution.  That’s it.  We’re good.  You can go home now.

Not convinced?  Ok.  Don’t take our word for it.  As promised, we’re back with Scott Taylor of MetaMeta Consulting.  He has forgotten more about master data than most of us will ever know, so we’re happy to give him the last word.

“All enterprise systems need master data management,” Scott said at our Profisee 2019 kickoff event.  “Marketing, sales, finance, operations.  There is benefit everywhere, in enterprises of any size, in every industry, across the globe, at any point in their data journey.”

“Master data is the most important data because it is the data in charge,” Scott said. It’s about the “business nouns” – the essential elements of your business.  Customers, partners, products, services.  Whatever your business is, that’s where master data lives and breathes.  You may have the best governance plan on the planet.  Well-governed bad data is still bad data. It’s not going to help your business.

“Everybody is in the data business, whether they realize it or not,” Scott said.  “Everything we touch turns to data.  Business is transforming from analog to digital.  No matter what your product is, data is your product.  Business is changing because of data, and data is power. With the right tools, you can harness that power right now.”

We could not have said it better ourselves.

Health Information Management Technology: An Applied Approach, 5eWorkbook19.True or false. The master patient index is maintained by the healthcare organization and containspatient demographic information such as name, date of birth, and health record number.a. Trueb. False

20.True or false. Data modeling is the process of creating documentation to document any businessdecisions made on data collection and storage systems for data.

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21.True or false. Organization information management is the processes and functions created by anorganization to help plan, organize, and coordinate people, processes, technology, and content tomanage information systems.

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22.True or false. The term that refers to an individual’s ability to analyze, assess, and reconstruct asituation to provide a solution is critical thinking.

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23.True or false. Structured data is data that is entered into a specific format that is capable of beingread and analyzed without human intervention.a. Trueb. False

24.True or false. The process of creating paper forms to serve a business need is referred to as formcreation.

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25.True or false. The oversight of the definition of structure of data elements as well as the creation,storage, and transmission of data elements is referred to as data management.

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