What conclusion can you draw about the motion velocity and acceleration of a body from the displacement the time graph is given below give a reason for your answer?

What conclusion can you draw about the motion velocity and acceleration of a body from the displacement the time graph is given below give a reason for your answer?

Dear Student,
From the graph, the relation between displacement and time is of the types: y = mx

‘m’ is the slope of the graph which is a constant for a straight line graph

m = y/x

That is, constant = displacement/time = velocity

This constant is here the velocity of the moving object.

Thus, the graph equation is, displacement = velocity × time

So, the motion is a uniform motion, with constant velocity and zero acceleration.

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What conclusion can you draw about the velocity of a body from the displacement-time graph shown below :

What conclusion can you draw about the motion velocity and acceleration of a body from the displacement the time graph is given below give a reason for your answer?

It represents uniform velocity. In this type of motion, body covers equal distance in equal interval of time in a specific direction.

Concept: Rate of Change of Velocity

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