What day is oct 7

What day is oct 7

October 7th celebrates Bathtub Day as well as Frappé Day.

We are now on day 280 out of 365, and only have 85 days left of the year.

Here we are going to discover the top major events of this day in history that make it so interesting.

Did you know that on this day in 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor of California? This was the result of a recall election to remove the previous governor, Gray Davis.

Keep reading for more interesting facts about October 7th in history!

What Events Happened On October 7 In History?

The cause was blamed on substandard PPE.

What day is oct 7

Shepard was found the next day by two cyclists. He was tied to a fence and he died a few days later.

What day is oct 7
What day is oct 7

The images returned were of pretty poor quality comparable to later photos but it was our first glance of the other side of the moon and was met with great excitement worldwide.

Several female Jews smuggled gunpowder from the camp's munitions factory to the workers in Crematorium IV. Those workers planned to use the gunpowder to destroy the crematorium but had their plans cut short when they learned that their workforce was due to be executed. Instead they attacked the guards in revolt killing only a handful but dying themselves. A total of 452 Sonderkommandos were either killed in the revolt or executed after; along with four of the woman smugglers.

The photo was taken in complete darkness and was a group of many men sitting in a theatre… but of course the picture wasn't black, the men in the theatre were clear in the photo.

Famous People Born On October 7

Are you celebrating your birthday today? If so, did you know that you share the same birthday as Simon Cowell? See what other famous people were born on this day.

What day is oct 7

Age: 62 years old Born In: England, UK

What day is oct 7

Age: 25 years old Born In: Scotland, UK

What day is oct 7

Age: 35 years old Born In: Texas, USA

What day is oct 7

Age: 53 years old Born In: England, UK

Special Holidays On October 7

Are you looking for something to do today? Well, here’s a few special days that might just give you some ideas.

What day is oct 7

It’s time to draw yourself a hot bath and soak all the worries of the world away. Don’t just make it an ordinary bath, though. Instead, go all out today on National Bathtub Day and add a bath bomb, some bubble bath, or some scented oils, and don’t forget to add a rubber duck into the mix!

What day is oct 7

Believe it or not, frappés weren’t invented by Starbucks! While they certainly brought them to a new level of popularity, coffee frappés have been enjoyed since the 1890s. So celebrate this surprisingly historic beverage today by drinking one; it’s as simple as that!

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October 7 Birthday Facts, Zodiac & Birthstone

Everyone who was born on October 7 shares the star sign of Libra.

Libra’s are the shapeshifters of all signs! They listen attentively while watching everything going on around them. They use this information to transform themselves and fit within the group.

Anyone born in October has the Pink Tourmaline birthstone. Did you know that in the United States, tourmaline has been found in Maine, North Carolina, and California? It’s even the official mineral of Maine.

Those who were born on October 7th were likely conceived the same year on January 14th.

What day is oct 7