What describes the quality of an individuals reaction to the responsibilities associated with being a member of a community?

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What describes the quality of an individuals reaction to the responsibilities associated with being a member of a community?

citizenship, relationship between an individual and a state to which the individual owes allegiance and in turn is entitled to its protection. Citizenship implies the status of freedom with accompanying responsibilities. Citizens have certain rights, duties, and responsibilities that are denied or only partially extended to aliens and other noncitizens residing in a country. In general, full political rights, including the right to vote and to hold public office, are predicated upon citizenship. The usual responsibilities of citizenship are allegiance, taxation, and military service.

Citizenship is the most privileged form of nationality. This broader term denotes various relations between an individual and a state that do not necessarily confer political rights but do imply other privileges, particularly protection abroad. It is the term used in international law to denote all persons whom a state is entitled to protect. Nationality also serves to denote the relationship to a state of entities other than individuals; corporations, ships, and aircraft, for example, possess a nationality.

What describes the quality of an individuals reaction to the responsibilities associated with being a member of a community?

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The concept of citizenship first arose in towns and city-states of ancient Greece, where it generally applied to property owners but not to women, slaves, or the poorer members of the community. A citizen in a Greek city-state was entitled to vote and was liable to taxation and military service. The Romans first used citizenship as a device to distinguish the residents of the city of Rome from those peoples whose territories Rome had conquered and incorporated. As their empire continued to grow, the Romans granted citizenship to their allies throughout Italy proper and then to peoples in other Roman provinces, until in 212 ce citizenship was extended to all free inhabitants of the empire. Roman citizenship conferred important legal privileges within the empire. (See civitas.)

The concept of national citizenship virtually disappeared in Europe during the Middle Ages, replaced as it was by a system of feudal rights and obligations. In the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the holding of citizenship in various cities and towns of Italy and Germany became a guarantee of immunity for merchants and other privileged persons from the claims and prerogatives of feudal overlords. Modern concepts of citizenship crystallized in the 18th century during the American and French Revolutions, when the term citizen came to suggest the possession of certain liberties in the face of the coercive powers of absolutist monarchs.

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In England the term citizen originally referred to membership of a borough or local municipal corporation, while the word subject was used to emphasize the individual’s subordinate position relative to the monarch or state. The word subject is still used in preference to citizen in British common-law usage and nationality legislation, but the two terms are virtually equivalent, since the British constitutional monarchy is now a ceremonial one that has lost its former political powers over its subjects.

The principal grounds for acquiring citizenship (apart from international transactions such as transfer of territory or option) are birth within a certain territory, descent from a citizen parent, marriage to a citizen, and naturalization. There are two main systems used to determine citizenship as of the time of birth: jus soli, whereby citizenship is acquired by birth within the territory of the state, regardless of parental citizenship; and jus sanguinis, whereby a person, wherever born, is a citizen of the state if, at the time of his or her birth, his or her parent is one. The United States and the countries of the British Commonwealth adopt the jus soli as their basic principle; they also recognize acquisition of nationality by descent but subject it to strict limitations. Other countries generally adopt the jus sanguinis as their basic principle, supplementing it by provisions for acquisition of citizenship in case of combination of birth and domicile within the country, birth within the country of parents born there, and so on. The provisions of nationality laws that overlap often result in dual nationality; a person may be a citizen of two countries. Alternatively, the lack of uniform rules on citizenship acquisition and loss have sometimes produced lack of citizenship (statelessness).

What describes the quality of an individuals reaction to the responsibilities associated with being a member of a community?
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What describes the quality of an individuals reaction to the responsibilities associated with being a member of a community?

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The acquisition of citizenship by a woman through marriage to a citizen was the prevailing principle in modern times until after World War I. Under this system, the wife and children shared the nationality status of the husband and father as head of the family. From the 1920s, under the impact of women’s suffrage and ideas about the equality of men and women, a new system developed in which a woman’s nationality was not affected by marriage. The resulting mixed-nationality marriages sometimes create complications, particularly in regard to the nationality status of the children, and accordingly various mixed systems have been devised, all stressing the woman’s and child’s freedom of choice.

Being part of a community can have a positive effect on mental health and emotional wellbeing. Community involvement provides a sense of belonging and social connectedness. It can also offer extra meaning and purpose to everyday life. Communities can exist or be created from a shared location, hobbies, lived experiences and backgrounds, or a common cause. For many people, communicating with others – through online forums, social media, or in person – can help them to have a healthier mindset, improved self-worth, and greater enjoyment of life. Around one-third of Australian adults are not involved in any social or community groups. Having people to talk to and depend on, and making new connections through hobbies or a social group can help reduce the risk of mental illness. There are many activities that can help increase your sense of belonging. Learning a language or martial art, volunteering, or joining a dancing group are a few options. As a first step, you can find out what meetups are taking place in your local centres, and take it forward from there.

We have a few resources to help you get started. We also have pages on social connectedness, hobbies, and more.

Feeling valued and comfortable socially can prevent and reduce feelings of isolation, anxiety, depression, and more.

A large study revealed that psychological distress reduced by 34% from playing recreational sport 1-3 times a week. Organised recreational activity can improve cognitive functioning and self-esteem. It is also deemed by the study to be as potent as medication for moderate cases of anxiety and depression. In other studies, group recreational activity has been shown to decrease depression in older people. (Source)

Increasing community participation by 10% was shown to reduce violent crime rates by 1.9% (Australian study). People without social support are five times more likely to experience a mental illness (UK study). Social participation and support are strongly linked to a long life, as well as the improved handling of stressful life situations (Norway study). Participating socially can be an effective way to maintain cognitive vitality in older adults (USA study). (Source)

Social support has been proven to be a protective factor in children and teenagers’ mental wellbeing. Feeling valued and comfortable socially can prevent and reduce feelings of isolation, anxiety, depression, and more. Connection and community via peer groups even leads to fewer behavioural issues. (Source)

Discrimination, stigma, and being ignored are all experiences that have worsened or created a barrier to social connectedness for people experiencing mental illness. Stigma has, in some cases, affected carers and family members of the person experiencing the mental illness as well. (Source)

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Page last updated 11th July 2019