What district is cato from

What district is cato from
District Name:
schools for this district
NCES District ID:
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Mailing Address:
2851 State Rte 370
Cato, NY 13033
Physical Address:
What district is cato from

2851 State Rte 370
Cato, NY 13033

Local school district


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Supervisory Union #:
Grade Span: (grades PK - 12)
District Demographics:
What district is cato from

School District Demographic Dashboard
 District Details (2020-2021 school year; Fiscal data from 2018-2019)
 Characteristics Show Less 
County: Cayuga County County ID: 36011
Locale:  Rural: Distant (42)
Total Students: 902
Classroom Teachers (FTE): 72.00
Student/Teacher Ratio: 12.53
What district is cato from
Teachers (FTE)
  Total: 72.00  
   Prekindergarten:    0.00
   Kindergarten: 5.30
   Elementary: 28.43
   Secondary: 38.27
   Ungraded: 0.00
Total Staff (FTE): 144.00
Other Staff (FTE)
  Total: 72.00  
   Instructional Aides: 25.00
   Instruc. Coordinators & Supervisors:    0.00
   Total Guidance Counselors: 1.00
      Elementary Guidance Counselors: 1.00
      Secondary Guidance Counselors: 0.00
   Librarians/Media Specialists: 0.00
   Library/Media Support: 0.00
   District Administrators: 3.00
   District Administrative Support: 8.00
   School Administrators: 2.00
   School Administrative Support: 0.00
   Student Support Services:
   Other Support Services: 33.00
  Amount Amount
per Student
Total Revenue: $22,227,000 $23,646
   Revenue by Source
      Federal: $810,000 $862 4%
      Local: $5,890,000 $6,266 26%
      State: $15,527,000 $16,518 70%
Total Expenditures: $22,535,000 $23,973
   Total Current Expenditures: $20,003,000 $21,280
      Instructional Expenditures: $11,487,000 $12,220 57%
      Student and Staff Support: $1,663,000 $1,769 8%
      Administration: $1,922,000 $2,045 10%
      Operations, Food Service, other: $4,931,000 $5,246 25%
   Total Capital Outlay: $1,630,000 $1,734
      Construction: $1,082,000 $1,151
   Total Non El-Sec Education & Other: $153,000 $163
   Interest on Debt: $742,000 $789
Note: Details do not add to totals due to rounding.
Note: Fiscal data (including per pupil count used in this table) from 2018-2019.
What district is cato from


  • * denotes a column with data from 2021-2022
  • [ † ] indicates that the data are not applicable. For example, the enrollment and staff characteristics for districts that opened in the 2021-2022 school year will not be available until the full 2021-2022 file is released.
  • [ – ] indicates that the data are missing.
  • [ ‡ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards.
  • The directory information on district name, address, and phone number are preliminary data from initial submissions of district level data for 2021-2022.
  • Data provided on student membership and staffing are from the official district level data for 2020-2021.

Source: CCD Public school district data for the 2020-2021, 2021-2022 school years

National Center for Education Statistics
Office of Educational Research & Improvement, U.S. Dept. of Education
1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006, USA, Phone: (202) 502-7300

What district is cato from

The male tribute from District 2 was Katniss Everdeen's main enemy in the 74th Hunger Games. He is probably seen as the most dangerous threat to all the tributes out of all the other Careers. Obscene, vulgar, and relentless, Cato used brute strength for almost everything and fought hard to win. In the book from Katniss' point of view, she refers to him as "a monstrous boy from District 2 who lunges forward to volunteer." He is a Career Tribute, and has trained for the Hunger Games his entire life. During the reaping, Cato lunges forward and volunteers to be the male tribute, most likely since he had confidence in his abilities and believed he could win.In the film, Cato enters the Tribute Parade wearing a Roman-like outfit along with his district partner, Clove. Cato glares and listens to Katniss and Haymitch Abernathy's conversation after the parade and gives them a dirty look.In the training center, Cato and the other tributes train and prepare for the Games. Cato sees Peeta's weakness and views him as what Katniss describes as a "meal" until Peeta shows his true strength, surprising Cato and the other Careers. Peeta wows his fellow tributes by throwing a 100 pound metal ball into a rack of spears. In the film Cato is angered when he thinks the District 6 male took his knife, which actually was taken by Rue when he wasn't looking and kept out of sight via the climbing station. He provokes a fight with the other boy until the Peacekeeper separate them.In the book, Cato trains at the swordsmanship and spear throwing stations and displays his prowess with the weaponry. He most likely shows off his skills with either or both to the Gamemaker in his private session. Due to the fact he's been training his entire life, he receives a high score of 10.Like most of the other tributes, Cato ran towards the Cornucopia to battle for supplies. In the film, he targets the boy from District 6 first, like he promised in training, and pins him to the ground where he beats him up with his fist. After that is taken care of, he picks up an iron machete and spots the boy from District 10 running towards his direction. He swings his machete into the boy from 10's chest, killing him. Then, after the girl from District 4 tries to slash his head with a sword, he ducks and knocks her weapon off her hands with his machete. He hits her in the stomach with the iron machete and then throws the girl from 4 into a supply crate. Later, he picks up a water canteen near where the corpse of the girl from District 3 was laying. After hearing Glimmer cry for help, he runs to the Cornucopia and makes a quick kill by slashing the boy from District 5 across the chest and leg. When he runs into the cornucopia, he sees the District 4 male trying to escape and slashes his throat open. He then shoves away the boy from 6, who tried to kill Glimmer, by tripping him into the air with a long handle sickle then slamming him in the stomach with it, finishing him off with another stab. After killing him, he finds a sword that he will use for most of the games. Later on, he goes to find the District 4 female with the careers and kills her.As is typical in the arena, the Career Tributes of the 74th Hunger Games form an Alliance. Unusually, other tributes who are not Careers are added to the pack. The alliance included Glimmer,Marvel, Clove, Cato, the District 3 male, the District 4 female, and Peeta.On the first night, the Careers go hunting for tributes and discovers the District 8 female who has started a fire to keep warm. Cato attempts to kill her, but when the Gamemakers withhold firing the cannon, Peeta realizes something must be wrong and goes back to "finish the job." When he leaves, the Careers argue about whether they should kill Peeta now, but decide to let him stay, as he is their best chance of finding Katniss. A few days into the Hunger Games, just after the enormous fire forces the tributes closer, the Careers manage to find and chase Katniss up a tree. Cato attempts to follow and kill her, but falls, as the branches cannot support his weight. Glimmer makes an attempt with her bow and arrows to shoot Katniss, but is inexperienced with it and misses. The Careers, knowing that it will be hard to kill Katniss while she is up in a tree, decide to make a camp below her, so she cannot escape without them knowing.Katniss sees Rue in a nearby tree, who silently points out the tracker jacker nest above Katniss, which is sedated from the smoke from the fire. Katniss cuts the branch away and it falls down on the Careers below. While Glimmer and the District 4 female are killed from their stings before they make it to safety, Cato and the other Careers manage to escape to the nearby lake. Katniss runs in the other direction, but goes back for the bow and arrows that a dead Glimmer is clutching, covered in tracker jacker sting pus. Peeta returns and is alarmed that she is still there, and urges her to run. As she does, Cato then crashes through the bush and realizes what Peeta had done. While Katniss escapes, Peeta fights off Cato, resulting in Peeta's leg wound, with the addition of the tracker jacker stings and the burn.Sometime later, Cato and the other Careers come across the District 3 male, whom they let join their Alliances on the condition that he would rewire the mines in the arena to protect their supplies. The Careers see the fire lit by Rue (as a decoy for the Careers) and go to kill the tribute that has started it, leaving the District 3 male to guard the camp. When Foxface manages to steal some food from the Cornucopia with a series of carefully placed steps, Katniss realizes that the District 3 male has brought the mines back into working order, but Foxface has been stalking them and has found the path to safely reach the supplies, taking only a little at a time as to not alert them. Katniss then carefully shoots a bag of apples, causing them to spill out and activate the mines, which destroy the Careers' supplies. When Cato realizes this, he becomes furious with the District 3 boy's job, and snaps his neck, instantly killing him. The other Careers search for something to salvage.During the feast, Cato and Clove form a plan whereby Cato would scout the area for any tributes hiding nearby while Clove obtains their backpack. Cato is out scouting for Thresh, Katniss, and Peeta when Clove attacks Katniss after she makes a run for the feast table holding the supplies. When Thresh hears Clove talk about his fellow district tribute, Rue, he kills Clove by denting her skull with a large stone (though in the movie, he kills her by smashing her head twice against the Cornucopia). Katniss tells Thresh about their Alliances together and how she had sang to Rue until she had died, and then covered her in flowers. Cato hears Clove's screams and rushes to Clove's safety, calling for her to "stay with him" but is too late. Thresh takes both his own and Cato's pack and runs to the safety of his field, knowing Cato will pursue him rather than Katniss in order to claim his pack, which contains the thing he needs most. Cato presumably kills Thresh a few days later during a huge storm, in the fields filled with grain, in revenge for killing Clove (though in the movie, Thresh is killed by the wolf muttations). It is assumed that Cato's (and Clove's) pack contains armor, which would protect Cato and Clove from Katniss' arrows, as she was seen as the biggest threat left in the competition.On the last day of the Games, wolf-like mutation appear out of nowhere, chasing a bloodied and beaten Cato out of the woods. Katniss and Peeta think he is on his way to kill them, so Katniss shoots an arrow at his chest, but it bounces off since he is wearing some sort of body armor that was thought to be in District 2's pack. He rockets past Peeta and Katniss and makes his way to the Cornucopia, to which Katniss and Peeta follow, being chased by a pack of muttations. In the film, he is already on top of the Cornucopia, bloodied, beaten and armed only with his baton, before Katniss and Peeta arrive. While Katniss is busy fighting off the muttations, Cato puts Peeta in a head-lock, cutting off his ability to breathe. In the film, Cato beats both Katniss and Peeta in an attempt to kill them and puts the latter in a head-lock while Katniss is distracted by the mutts. Katniss turns around, ready to shoot Cato with her bow when Cato points out that if she shoots him, both he and Peeta would fall to the muttations. While holding Peeta, Cato gives a Cato's final moments.speech about being a pawn of the Capitol and states that he only wanted to bring pride to his district, stating all he knew how to do was kill. Almost out of options, Peeta shakily draws an "X" in blood on Cato's hand with his finger. Katniss shoots her arrow at Cato's hand forcing him to reflexively release the almost unconscious Peeta and fall to the mutts. At first Cato fights them off; the sounds of his sword impacting against the mutts' flesh and against the Cornucopia are heard for a long time before eventually he is disabled, leaving him at the muttations' mercy. The muttations brutally attack Cato for what seems to be hours, but he is too exhausted to defend himself.After what is perceived to be hours, Katniss hears Cato's moans of pain and despair and decides to use her second to last arrow to end his suffering. She jumps into the mouth of the Cornucopia and finds a savagely-bloodied, barely alive Cato at the back. He mouths, "Please," and out of pity, not vengeance, she shoots the arrow through his skull, killing him instantly. Cato placed 3rd out of the 24 tributes.