What foods to avoid with hemorrhoids

What foods to avoid with hemorrhoids
What foods to avoid with hemorrhoids
What foods to avoid with hemorrhoids
What foods to avoid with hemorrhoids
What foods to avoid with hemorrhoids
What foods to avoid with hemorrhoids

If you’ve had to deal with hemorrhoids, take comfort in knowing there are some things you can do after treatment to keep . Since one of the common causes of hemorrhoids is constipation, a good place to focus your efforts is on the foods you plan to eat. Here are ones you’ll want to eat more often if you want to keep hemorrhoids from making a return visit.

1. Fruit

From peaches and berries to apricots and plumbs, there are many colorful and flavorful fruits you can add to your diet to up your fiber intake and prevent flare-ups or recurrence. You can get even more fiber from fruit if you eat the peels – something you can do with apples, oranges, and even kiwis and mangoes.

2. Whole Grains

You’ll want to avoid white flour and white rice if you’ve had previous issues with hemorrhoids due to constipation. But you can enjoy some fiber-rich whole grains. Options include quinoa, barley, rye, brown rice, and oats.

3. Veggies

The leaves, stalks, and roots of many vegetables are overflowing with fiber. Acorn squash, green peas, broccoli, parsnips, carrots, and collard greens are just some of the many veggies you can eat to get a fiber boost. Cucumber peels and potato skins are also excellent sources of dietary fiber!

4. Seeds

What’s great about fiber-rich seeds is the many ways they can be incorporated into your diet. Chia, ground flax seeds, and psyllium are among the options you have with seeds as a reliable source of fiber. They can be sprinkled on top of salads, in smoothies, or even on top of yogurt – go a step further and opt for yogurt with probiotics (live bacteria) if you want an extra digestive system booster.

5. Nuts

Walnuts and almonds, in particular, are especially high in fiber. Plus, nuts have strong anti-inflammatory properties, which could minimize issues with tissue swelling in the area(s) where you had previous problems with hemorrhoids. Pistachios, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, and macadamias also have high fiber contents per one-ounce serving.

Making healthy diet changes in the new year is a good starting point when it comes to reducing your risk of developing hemorrhoids again. What’s more, adjusting the way you eat can also contribute to weight loss, which is also a good way to keep hemorrhoids at bay. Additionally, it can be helpful to add drinking more water, avoiding long periods of sitting, and getting 20-30 minutes of moderate daily exercise to your to-do list.

What foods to avoid with hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a common problem. By age 50, one out of every two adults are affected by the embarrassing condition. Though symptoms vary — itching, tenderness, or rectal bleeding — they can be unpleasant and, at times, alarming.

Hemorrhoids may resolve on their own with at-home care. But if your symptoms are bothersome or not improving, our team of gastroenterologists at Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County can help. 

We develop personalized treatment plans based on the type of hemorrhoids you have and your symptoms. However, no matter the type or severity, we always make diet suggestions to alleviate your discomfort and prevent future problems. We want to share with you some of the best and worst foods for hemorrhoids.

Add more fiber-rich foods

One of the best ways to avoid hemorrhoids is to add more fiber-rich foods to your diet. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate your body can’t digest. It adds bulk and moisture to your stool, making it easier to pass, improving bowel movements and preventing constipation. 

Constipation and straining during a bowel movement adds stress and pressure to the anal tissue, leading to the development of hemorrohoids. 

To add more fiber to your diet, include foods such as:

  • Whole grains (barley, oats, whole-wheat bread)

  • Fruits and vegetables

  • Legumes (beans and peas)

  • Nuts

  • Seeds

You need to up your fluid intake when adding more fiber to your diet to help keep things running smoothly. Too much fiber and not enough water causes or worsens constipation. The Mayo Clinic recommends 12 to 16 cups of fluids a day. 

Limit foods that exacerbate symptoms

In addition to adding high-fiber foods to improve bowel movements, you want to avoid foods that may worsen or cause constipation. Though your constipation trigger foods may differ, some of the most common include:

  • Milk

  • Cheese

  • Processed foods (white bread, chips, crackers, cookes)

  • Red meat

  • Fried foods

You may also want to limit alcoholic beverages, which leads to dehydration and may result in constipation. Spicy foods don't back up your bowels, but they can increase pain and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids.

Making changes to your diet may alleviate your hemorrhoids and the related symptoms, but if your hemorrhoids worsen or fail to improve, we can help.

For internal hemorrhoids, we use the FDA-approved CRH O’Regan System, which efficiently and comfortably removes hemorrhoids without surgery. 

What you eat or don’t eat can affect how long you suffer with hemorrhoids. If diet fails to alleviate your symptoms, contact the office nearest you, which includes Irvine, Huntington Beach, Tustin, and Foothill Ranch, California, by phone or online today.

What foods to avoid with hemorrhoids

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What foods to avoid with hemorrhoids

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Hemorrhoids are formed when too much pressure is put on rectal veins – causing them to swell. Hemorrhoid symptoms can range from mild itching to extreme pain during bowel movements. The good news is, in some cases, a simple lifestyle change or two can decrease symptoms and make it possible for you to get on with your day – without the nagging itch or pain. While the only way to get rid of hemorrhoids for good is with a treatment like CRH O’Regan, you can still limit hemorrhoid symptoms by simply watching what you eat.

In many instances, the initial pressure to the rectal area comes from a feeling of constipation and the need to “push.” Therefore, many doctors will treat the constipation in hopes of controlling the symptoms.

Temporarily Soothe Hemorrhoid Symptoms by Avoiding These Symptoms

  • Foods Low in Fiber
    • Since fiber softens your stool and makes it easier to pass, not enough fiber in your diet can make hemorrhoid symptoms worse. Refined grains such as white bread, white rice, and cookies or cakes you buy at the store have been stripped of their bran component and are very low in fiber. Hemorrhoid sufferers may also want to limit consumption of low-fiber foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Instead, choose whole grain foods like whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown rice – and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables with the skin. Doctors agree that simply switching to foods with more fiber can have a positive impact on your hemorrhoid symptoms.
  • Alcohol and Caffeine
    • If you’re trying to manage hemorrhoid symptoms, avoid alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates your body and dehydration can cause you to strain during bowel movements. Avoid other drinks that dehydrate your body, as well, such as coffee, energy drinks, or any beverage containing caffeine. If you do find yourself having a cup of coffee or a cocktail with dinner, follow it with a big glass of water to stay as hydrated as possible.
  • Spicy Foods
    • Spicy foods, or any other food you know will cause diarrhea or constipation, should be avoided. Even if you are usually able to handle food with a kick, sometimes it pays to stick with more mild foods just in case. A bad case of diarrhea can really set you back and make hemorrhoid symptoms worse.

Permanently Treat Hemorrhoids with the CRH O’Regan Hemorrhoid Banding System

Being mindful of your diet can really have a positive impact on your hemorrhoid symptoms, but often the only way to get rid of them fully is with a treatment like the CRH O’Regan System. For more information about reducing hemorrhoid symptoms and a complete list of foods to avoid with hemorrhoids, contact your physician.