What intervention should the nurse implement to help keep a 6 month old infant calm during a physical assessment?

Infant developmental milestones NCLEX questions quiz for nursing students!

In pediatric nursing, you must be familiar with the developmental milestones. These milestones are routinely assessed by the nurse to ensure the infant is developing properly. This developmental milestones quiz will assess your knowledge on body changes, milestone achievement, nursing interventions for the hospitalized infant, eating plan etc.

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What intervention should the nurse implement to help keep a 6 month old infant calm during a physical assessment?

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1. You’re assessing a 10-month-old infant. You note on examination the anterior fontanelle is open. The nurse will:

A. Document this as an abnormal finding because this fontanelle should close at 2 months

B. Document this as a normal finding because this fontanelle closes at about 18 months

C. Document this as a normal finding because this fontanelle closes at about 12 months

D. Document this as an abnormal finding because this fontanelle should close at 6 months

The answer is B. This is a normal finding in a 10-month-old infant. The anterior fontanelle closes around 18 months.

2. An infant weighed 8 lbs. at birth. How many lbs. should the infant weigh at 6 months?

A. 24 lbs

B. 10 lbs

C. 16 lbs

D. 32 lbs

The answer is C. The birth weight should DOUBLE at 6 months and triple at 1 year. Therefore, if the infant weighed 8 lbs. at birth, he or she should weigh 16 lbs. at 6 months.

3. An infant was 21 inches at birth. How many inches should the infant be at 6 months?

A. 30-36 inches

B. 24-27 inches

C. 23-25 inches

D. 22-24 inches

The answer is B. At 6 months the infant should grow about 1/2 to 1 inch every month. Therefore, if the infant was 21 inches at birth, he or she should be around 24-27 inches at 6 months.

4. During an assessment of a 10-month-old infant, you note on the infant’s gum line two teeth that have erupted. These are the only teeth present in the infant’s mouth. These teeth are known as the?

A. Lower central incisors

B. Upper central incisors

C. Lateral incisors

D. Canine

The answer is A. The lower central incisors are the first teeth that erupt in an infant’s mouth and this tends to occur by 10 months of age.

5. You’re assessing a 2-month-old infant. Which finding below is a normal milestone that should be reached by this infant at this age?

A. The infant can sit up with support.

B. The infant holds a rattle.

C. The infant smiles at its parent.

D. The infant is afraid of strangers.

The answer is C. An infant at this age should be smiling. All the other options are too advanced for this infant at this age.

6. At what age would you educate the parents of an infant to stop swaddling the infant because the infant will be able to roll over onto its tummy?

A. 2 months

B. 4 months

C. 6 months

D. 10 months

The answer is B. An infant should not be swaddled once they can roll over, which is about 4 months.

7. At 8-9 months of age, what milestone should an infant be able to successfully perform?

A. Begin walking

B. Say several words like mama or dada

C. Sit without support

D. Follow basic commands

The answer is C. The infant at 8-9 months should be able to sit without support. The other options are milestones for a 10-12 month old.

8. A 6.5-month-old is hospitalized. What nursing intervention will you include in their plan of care?

A. Separate the infant and parent during procedures

B. Maintain the infant’s daily rituals and routines

C. Allow the infant to examine equipment before usage

D. Maintain the same nursing staff during each shift

The answer is D. At this age, stranger anxiety begins to develop. Therefore (if possible), the same nursing staff should be used for providing care. Option A would increase anxiety in the infant and options C and B are for older children.

9. You note a 10-month-old is using the pincer grasp. Which option below best describes this milestone?

A. The infant is able to grasp large objects with the palm and forefingers.

B. The infant is able to grasp small objects with the index finger and thumb.

C. The infant is able to grasp small and large objects with the middle finger and thumb.

D. The infant is able to grasp large objects with the palm and thumb.

The answer is B. The infant is able to grasp small objects with the index finger and thumb.

10. You’re developing a plan of care for an infant and you include activities for play. The play activities include hiding a toy and letting the infant look for it along with playing peek-a-boo. Which infant below would best benefit from this type of play?

A. 6-month-old

B. 2-month-old

C. 9-month-old

D. 4-month-old

The answer is C: 9-month-old. Infants at this age understand object permanence. This is when an object can be hidden and the infant understands it still exists. This happens around 8-9 months.

11. A 12-month-old arrives to the health clinic for a well visit. You’re assessing the infant’s developmental milestones. Select below all the milestones the child should be able to perform?

A. Rides a tricycle

B. Draws a triangle

C. Pulls to a standing position and can take a few steps

D. Follows simple commands like “wave bye-bye”

E. Puts objects in a container

F. Hits two small wooden blocks together

G. Says 2-3 word sentences

The answers are: C, D, E, F. The other options are milestones for older children.

12. Your patient is 5-months-old. Which developmental milestone, if not performed by the infant, should be further investigated?

A. Crawling

B. Rolling over from back to tummy

C. Using the pincer grasp

D. Sitting without support

The answer is B. A 5-month-old should be able to roll over from its back to tummy. The other options are milestones for older infants.

13. You’re teaching a new mom of a 1-week-old infant on how to prevent SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Which statement by the parent requires you to re-educate the parent on this topic?

A. “The best sleeping position for the baby is on their side or tummy”.

B. “It’s okay to share the same room with the baby.”

C. “I will stop swaddling the baby once he can roll over onto his tummy”.

D. “I will be sure to remove extra blankets and toys from the baby’s bed.”

The answer is A. The best sleeping position for the baby is on their BACK….NOT side or tummy.

14. You’re helping develop a meal plan for a 10-month-old. Which foods will you select to be part of the meal plan? Select all that apply:

A. Mashed potatoes

B. Grapes

C. Soup

D. Toast with honey

The answers are A and C. Option B should be avoided because it’s a choking hazard, and option D is wrong because infants under 12 months should not have honey.

15. You’re educating a group of parents about car seat safety. A participant asks about the best position of a car seat for a 6-month-old. Your response is:

A. Forward-facing and back seat

B. Forward-facing and front seat

C. Rear-facing and front seat

D. Rear-facing and back seat

This answer is D: Rear-facing and back seat

16. You’re providing care to a 1-month-old infant who is hospitalized. The parents are unable to be at the bedside. The infant is crying. Select appropriate nursing interventions for this infant:

A. Let the infant play with crib mobiles

B. Swaddle the infant

C. Attempt to play peek-a-boo with the infant

D. Rock the infant

E. Distract the infant with a toy

The answers are B and D. An infant this age should have their needs responded to promptly. Appropriate interventions would be swaddling and rocking the infant. The other nursing interventions listed are more appropriate for an older infant. This infant is very young.

17. Your patient is 6-months-old. According to Erickson’s Stage of Development, this patient is in what stage?

A. Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt

B. Trust vs. Mistrust

C. Initiative vs. Guilt

D. Identity vs. Role Confusion

The answer is B: Trust vs. Mistrust

18. A 3-week-old infant is exclusively breast fed. What will you include in the patient education to the mother during this clinic visit?

A. Introduce solid foods around 3-4 months of age along with breast feeding.

B. The infant needs to be supplemented with Vitamin D (400 IU) daily.

C. Cow’s milk may be substituted for breast milk around 6 months.

D. Breast feeding is only recommended for the first 4 months of life.

The answer is B. Infants that are exclusively (ONLY) breast fed should receive Vitamin D supplementation (400 IU) daily per AAP guidelines.

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