What is a holocaust cloak

Holocaust Cloak – From The Princess Bride

“What I wouldn’t give for a Holocaust Cloak!” – Westley, The Princess Bride

A Holocaust Cloak is by all appearances a standard, full-body covering cloak with a hood. However, it has been magically prepared to be almost totally resistant to fire for a time, as well as empower the user with an impressive ability. Once donned, the cloak can be set alight and it will immediately catch and begin to blaze with a bright reddish orange flame – almost the same color and heat as the breath of a Red Dragon. Any who attack the wearer of the cloak must save versus magic or suffer 2d8 points of damage from the flames, and any weapon they strike with must make a saving throw or be damaged as well!

The fire will gutter out after six rounds, but during that time, if the wearer approaches any creature of 1 hit die or less, each must save versus magic or flee in terror. It helps if the wearer of the cloak pronounces doom and destruction upon those whom he is confronting. The wearer takes no damage whatsoever from the cloak’s flames, nor from any *normal* fire-based attacks (e.g., flaming oil) attempted against him. Magic based fire attacks such as Burning Hands will do normal damage unless a saving throw (when appropriate) is made.

The cloak totally consumes itself in the fire. When it is not alight, the cloak behaves as a normal cloak and imparts no other benefits whatsoever. If it is struck by a normal fire-based weapon, it will catch fire; magic based fire has an equal chance of destroying it as all cloth items.

Creation of a Holocaust Cloak requires the blood of a Salamander, cloth knit from a Fire-Giant’s hair, and an additional 1000 g.p. worth of materials to be determined by the Dungeon Master.












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What is a holocaust cloak

Equipped with a holocaust cloak and a wheel barrow, Fezzik impersonates the Dread Pirate Roberts to frighten the guards away from the castle during the wedding.

Miracle Max gives a holocaust cloak to Fezzik because it fits him so well. He wears it when he pretends to be the Dread Pirate Roberts and Inigo lights it to frighten away the castle gate guards.

[The Princess Bride] What's a holocaust cloak? from AskScienceFiction