What is the ability to acquire relevant information and use modern day tools to get manage and communicate information?

What is Information Literacy? Information literacy includes the ability to identify, find, evaluate, and use information effectively. From effective search strategies to evaluation techniques, students learn how to evaluate the quality, credibility, and validity of websites, and give proper credit. Information Literacy has also been referred to as digital literacy or media literacy. Regardless of the terminology, be it digital literacy or media literacy, having information literacy skills are the fundamentals to thrive in a digital space.

What to Know

Today’s digital landscape offers young people unprecedented access to tools and resources for learning. The information that kids encounter, however, is not always accurate or high-quality. Foundational information and digital literacy skills, such as conducting strategic online searches, judging the legitimacy of online sources, sifting out misinformation, and recognizing advertising, can help set kids up for success as lifelong learners. For example, kids can learn to search effectively and efficiently with the right kinds of keywords. They also can learn that sponsored links (which commonly appear at the top of the search result list) are forms of ads and therefore not always the best resources. When young people also get in the habit of checking out an author’s credibility or bias, questioning whether a photo has been digitally altered, or cross-referencing sources, they can avoid being misinformed or duped.

Why Teach It

Help your students …

  • learn effective techniques for evaluating the quality and credibility of websites.
  • think critically about the intentions of commercial websites and advertising.
  • apply different search strategies to increase the accuracy and relevance of online search results.

Too often, students who are looking for information online— particularly for their schoolwork — conduct an oversimplified search that leads to millions of results. With a sea of information at their fingertips, it is crucial for young people to think about how they search and what they find online. As a teacher, you can help your students develop strategies for uncovering accurate, relevant, and quality information — whether conducting online research for school projects or exploring their personal interests.

Key Vocabulary

strategy: a course of action designed to help you reach a specific goal or result

keywords: the words you use to search for information about a topic

plagiarism: using some or all of somebody’s work or idea and saying that you created it

citation: a formal note of credit to an author that includes their name, date published, and where you found the information

digital photo manipulation: using digital technology to change the content or appearance of a photo

retouching: to improve a photo by adding or changing small details

synergy: two or more things working together to produce something that each could not achieve separately

collective intelligence: knowledge collected from many people toward a common goal

advertisement: a message that draws attention to a product and encourages people to buy it

banner ad: an online ad that looks like a bar or button on the website

advergame: an online ad that is also a game you can play

video ad: an online ad that is a video and might look like a TV commercial

pop-up ad: an online ad that “pops up” over the content of the website sponsorship

ad: an ad that specifically supports an event, activity, person, or organization

The teaching strategies, tools and activities to engage students in your online or blended course!

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ICT capability supports and enhances student learning across all areas of the curriculum. Students develop and apply ICT knowledge, skills and appropriate social and ethical protocols and practices to investigate, create and communicate, as well as developing their ability to manage and operate ICT to meet their learning needs. All learning areas provide the content and contexts within which students develop and apply the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that comprise ICT capability. However, it is more explicit and foregrounded in the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies.

The learning area or subject with the highest proportion of content descriptions tagged with ICT is placed first in the list.


In the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies, students develop an understanding of the characteristics of data, digital systems, audiences, procedures and computational thinking. They apply this when they investigate, communicate and create digital solutions. Students learn to formulate problems, logically organise and analyse data and represent them in abstract forms. They automate solutions through algorithmic logic. Students decide the best combinations of data, procedures and human and physical resources to generate efficient and effective digital solutions. They create digital solutions that consider economic, environmental and social factors.

In the Australian Curriculum: Design and Technologies, key ICT concepts and skills are strengthened, complemented and extended. Students become familiar with and gain skills using a range of software applications and digital hardware that enable them to realise their design ideas. Students use ICT when they investigate and analyse information and evaluate design ideas and communicate and collaborate online. They develop design ideas; generate plans and diagrams to communicate their designs and produce solutions using digital technologies, for example, creating simulations, drawings and models and manufacturing solutions (from basic drawing programs to computer-aided design/manufacture and rapid prototyping).

The Arts

In the Australian Curriculum: The Arts, ICT capability enables students to engage with digital and virtual technologies when making and responding to artworks. Students can, for example, use interactive multimedia platforms, communication and editing software, and virtual tools and environments, to design, create and share their artworks. Students learn to apply social and ethical protocols and practices in a digital environment, particularly in relation to the appropriate acknowledgment of intellectual property and the safeguarding of personal security when using ICT. They use digital technologies to locate, access, select and evaluate information, work collaboratively, share and exchange information, and communicate with a variety of audiences.

F-6/7 Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)

In the F–6/7 Australian Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences, students develop ICT capability as they learn how to build discipline-specific knowledge about history, geography, civics and citizenship, and economics and business. Students use a wide range of ICT, independently and collaboratively, to pose questions, research, analyse, evaluate and communicate information, concepts and ideas about people, places and processes of the past, present and future.

To locate, process, analyse and communicate information about people, places, events and phenomena, students use their ICT capability to access and manage a range of digital sources of information. They critically analyse evidence and historical events, developments, perspectives, trends and issues of the past, present and future. They organise, present and communicate information and findings digitally using multimodal elements, for a variety of reasons and audiences; and collaborate, discuss and debate with others to co-construct their knowledge.

Students develop ICT capability when they locate, select, evaluate, communicate and share geographical information using digital technologies and learn to use spatial technologies, exploring the effects of technologies on places, on the location of economic activities and on people’s lives. They also access and use digital technologies as an investigative and creative tool to locate, evaluate, research, plan, share and display economics and business data, information and ideas. Students learn about and have opportunities to use social media to collaborate, communicate, share information and build consensus on political, legal and social issues, reflecting on safety awareness and ethical protocols for ICT use.

Through humanities and social science studies, students come to understand the geographical, environmental, social and economic changes produced by the increasing use of technology.

7-10 History

In the Australian Curriculum: History, students develop ICT capability when they locate, process, analyse and communicate historical information. They use their ICT capability to access a range of digital sources of information; critically analyse evidence and historical trends; communicate, present and represent their learning; and collaborate, discuss and debate to co-construct their knowledge.

7-10 Geography

In the Australian Curriculum: Geography, students develop ICT capability when they locate, select, evaluate, communicate and share geographical information using digital technologies and learn to use spatial technologies.

They enhance their ICT capability by exploring the effects of technologies on places, on the location of economic activities and on people’s lives. They understand the geographical changes produced by the increasing use of technology.

7-10 Civics and Citizenship

In the Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship, students develop the knowledge and skills to use digital technologies to research and source information on civics and citizenship, including critically analysing that information. Students learn about and have opportunities to use social media to collaborate, communicate, share information and build consensus on political, legal and social issues. Students develop and apply ICT skills through organising and presenting information digitally using multimodal elements.

7-10 Economics and Business

In the Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business, students develop ICT capability when they access and use digital technologies as an investigative and creative tool. They locate, evaluate, research, plan, share and display data and/or information. Using digital technologies, students create, communicate and present economics and business data and information for a variety of reasons and audiences.


In the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, students develop ICT capability when they investigate, create and communicate mathematical ideas and concepts using fast, automated, interactive and multimodal technologies. They use their ICT capability to perform calculations; draw graphs; collect, manage, analyse and interpret data; share and exchange information and ideas; and investigate and model concepts and relationships.

Digital technologies, such as spreadsheets, dynamic geometry software and computer algebra software, can engage students and promote understanding of key concepts.


ICT capability is an important component of the Australian Curriculum: English. Students use ICT when they interpret and create print, visual and multimodal texts. They use communication technologies when they conduct research online, and collaborate and communicate with others electronically. In particular, they use ICT to access, analyse, modify and create hybrid, digital and multimodal texts, using digital publishing.

As students interpret and create digital texts, they develop their capability in ICT including word processing programs and other software, navigating and following research trails and selecting and evaluating information found online.


In the Australian Curriculum: Science, students develop ICT capability when they research science concepts and applications, investigate scientific phenomena and communicate their scientific understandings. In particular, they use their ICT capability to access information; collect, analyse and represent data; model and interpret concepts and relationships; and communicate science ideas, processes and information.

Technology can be used to access information beyond our senses capability and to represent scientific phenomena in ways that improve students’ understanding of concepts, ideas and information. Digital aids such as animations and simulations provide opportunities to view phenomena and test predictions that cannot be investigated through practical experiments in the classroom and may enhance students’ understanding and engagement with science.

Health and Physical Education 

The Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education enhances ICT learning by helping students to effectively and safely access online health and physical activity information and services to manage their own health and wellbeing. Students further develop their understanding of the role ICT plays in the lives and relationships of children and young people. They explore the nature of ICT and the implications for establishing and managing relationships in the twenty-first century. Students develop an understanding of ethical online behaviour, including protocols and practices for using ICT for respectful communication. Students use ICT as key tools for communicating, collaborating, creating content, seeking help, accessing information and analysing performance in the health and physical education field. Students become confident and critical consumers of a multitude of wellbeing apps that can assist them to seek help, relax, be mindful, report bullying, and so on.

They use a range of ICT to analyse, measure and enhance movement performances and to access and critically evaluate health information, products and services. They also use ICT to develop personalised plans for nutrition, physical activity participation and wellbeing.


Learning in the Australian Curriculum: Languages is enhanced through the use of multimodal resources, digital environments and technologies in the target language. Accessing live target language environments and texts via digital media contributes to the development of information and communication technology capabilities as well as linguistic and cultural knowledge. Accessing different real-time contexts extends the boundaries of the classroom.

Work Studies

ICTs are key tools for communication, collaboration, content creation, seeking help, accessing knowledge and analysing performance in work and professional fields. In the Australian Curriculum: Work Studies, Years 9–10, students have opportunities to become competent, discriminating and creative users of ICT. Students learn how to access online career, employment and work information and services effectively and safely. They can use a range of ICT tools to analyse, measure and enhance their pathways after Years 9–10. Students develop an understanding of the breadth of communication, collaboration and content creation protocols and legalities related to online and mobile technologies. They learn different workplace strategies to minimise the risk of harm through the use of ICT.

Knowledge of how ICTs impact on the individual, the workplace and society supports students to be successful lifelong learners in an environment of e-work, e-business and e-commerce.