What is the central characteristic that makes something a successful symbol?

Chapter 2 Review

Comprehension and Critical Thinking

Section 1

(1.) A. The central characteristic that makes a successful symbol is if it carries a particular meaning.

B. Folkways are different from laws, because folkways can be broken and only result in a minor punishment. When laws are broken the government enforces harsh punishments.

C. I believe folkways aren’t neccessary for our culture to exist. They don’t have harsh punishent if not abidded like laws, and they don’t have much moral significance attached to them. They are just what society tells you, that you have to do.

Section 2

(2.) A. The most common way that a cultural change takes place is that, people spread it from place to place, and it eventually is influenced from outside forces.

B. Ethnocentrism is the idea that one’s own group is superior to others. It differs from cultural realism because in reality their goups arn’t superior, they just don’t understand that.

C. Counterculture is valuable to society, because it could evolve society in positive ways.

Section 3

(3.) A. New American values that have emerged in the recent years are saving money (not wasting it) and trust in the government.

B. A strong commitment to values such as personal achievement and individualism affects a person’s economic decisions, because these concepts revolve around employment, wealth, power, and working hard. These are very important and by keeping them in mind at all times, people’s decisions change.

C. My opinion on the value of self-fulfillment is that it’s not important as the other values, but still has significance.

Internet Activity

(4.) The Hippie movement started in Mid-1960’s in American, but generally spread to other countries. The primary reason it began was because of the protest against the Vietnam War. They wanted the troops brought home, and to live in peace and love. The height of the movement was when Time magazine’s cover story read ”The Hippies: The Philosophy of a Subculture”. In the 1970’s the Hippie movement started to decrease but still goes on to this day.

Reviewing Vocabulary

(5.) G (6.) E (7.) H

(8.) B (9.) D (10.) A

(11.) F (12.) I (13.) C

Sociology in Your Life

(14.)  I am a Christian and that is a subculture. We believe in Jesus, which is different from other religions. There arn’t any values that I can think of at this point in time that we reject. Being a Christian doesn’t seriously challenge society’s values. It’s not a counterculture either since SO many people believe, and practice it.

Skills Activity: Interpreting Graphs

(15.) Between 2000 and 2002, was the the two years where a major percent of people quit supporting the category “The protection of the environment should be given priority over economic growth”.

(16.) 2000

(17.) Over time the graph shows that less and less people are supporting the environment. This is because of the advances in technology and overall society, people get side tracked by the material things in life.

Writing From Sociology

(18.) Symbol: This is a thing that stands for and represents something else. It can be either nonmaterial or material culture. An example would be the American Flag. American citizens see it all the time in day to day life, and it represents the freedom we fought for and to remeber that we should be proud to live here.

Values: This is the importance or preciousness of something. It is part of nonmaterial culture. An example would be a baby blanket to a young child. They value this item highly, and that is the case for many children.

Norms: These are social expectations in society. They are a part of nonmaterial culture. An example would be how most parents expect their children to keep their mouths closed when they are eating.

1a. The central characteristic that makes something a successful symbol is if it represents something else and has a shared meaning attached to it.

b. Folkways are different from laws because folkways don’t have a moral significance attached to them unlike the law which is written rules of conduct enacted and enforce mores essential to social stability, such as those against arson, murder, rape, ect.

c. They are necessary to exist for our culture because it is common curtisy to have manners and have things be normal and some things not be normal. If everything was normal the world would be different.

2.a. The most common way culture change takes place would be  cultural diffusion.

b. Ethnocentrism is to view one’s own culture and group as superior. It differs from cultural relativism because it’s should be judge by their own standers.

c. The existence of counterculture is valuable.

3.a. American values that have emerged in the years would be, Person Achievement, Progress and Material Comfort, Work, Individualism, Efficiency and Practicality, Morality and Humanitarianism, Equality and Democracy, and Freedom.

4. Important countercultures movements challenged the values of a larger society because a counterculture is a term used to describe the norms and values of behavior of a cultural group or subculture that run counter to those of the social mainstream of the day. The hippies movement developed as a youth movement that began in the United States during the early 1960s and it began to spread around the world quickly. A normal day for Hippies includes artistic experimentation particularly in music, communal living,harmony with nature, and the widespread use of recreational drugs spread around the world. The hippie movement begun because children were begining to rebel. It reached it’s height during the mid 1960′s and it is still going on in Europe.

5. Cultural Diffusion- G

6. Nonmaterial culture- E

7. Personality disorder- H

8. Mores- B

9. Subculture- D

10. Narcisssm- A.

11. Norms-F

12. Material culture I

13. Cultural Lag- C

14. Yes I am a member of subculture. In my family we are religious, we always have been. My subculture values could differ from those with a wider domminat culture because every culture has different religions, and mine is christianity. My religion doesn’t reject anything, and it doesn’t challenge the values of a larger society. It is not a counterculture.  

15. 2002-2004

16. 2004

17. It suggest that the people want protection over the enviroment.


  • Symobls – a thing that represents or stands for something else. Both.
  • Values – the regard that something is held to deserve. Both.
  • Norms-something that is usual, typical, or standard. Nonmaterial.