What is the equation of the line that passes through (–2, 3) and is parallel to 2x + 3y = 6?

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2 x + 3 y = 6 Find the slope of this line make y the subject 3 y = -2 x + 6 Divide by 3 y = - 2/ 3 x + 2 Compare this equation with y=mx+b slope m = - 2/ 3 The slope of a line parallel to the above line will be the same The slope of the required line will be - 2/ 3 m= - 2/ 3 ,point ( -2 , 3 ) Find b by plugging the values of m & the point in y=mx+b 3 = 4/ 3 + b b= 5/ 3 m= - 2/3 Plug value of the slope and b in y = mx +b The required equation is y =- 2/3x+5/3

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