What is the primary goal of recruitment?

Before defining your recruitment goals, you must understand why you need them in the first place. Gaining clarity on your objectives pays off eventually because it saves you the hassles of going through trials and errors. Furthermore, it streamlines your hiring process. Well-defined recruitment objectives are conducive to creating an effective hiring strategy. Moreover, having clarity in goals will help you save time, cost, energy and resources, thereby helping you create an efficient hiring strategy.

Start with listing your requirements

How many employees are you aiming to recruit? What positions do you want to hire for, and what jobs do you plan to make available in the future? Getting clarity about these basic requirements will help you allocate your time and energy in the right direction.

Take your average turnover rate into account

Factoring the average turnover rate into your hiring equation goes a long way in defining your goals. The turnover rate represents the number of people hired in place of those who have taken exit over a certain period. This crucial HR KPI indicates the organization’s current state and stability. Usually, the turnover rate is defined through workforce data collected over the entire year.

Analyze the staffing requirement for each department

After considering the turnover rate, you need to decide what level of recruiting intervention you need. Analyze each department you currently recruit for and assess whether it is working at total capacity. Chances are there may even be some vacancies that require your attention.

Forethought always comes in useful

Let us assume you want 15 sales professionals by the end of this year. You currently have a sales team of 10 professionals, and you are also aware that an average of two sales professionals always leave the organization each year. It implies that instead of planning to onboard five new employees, you would want to hire seven salespeople. This example underscores the need to prepare beforehand at the recruiter’s end. It is not feasible to prioritize growth-focused hiring over turnover; both must be the recruiter’s top priority.

Focus on quality, not quantity

You should always be selective in your approach when planning to hire employees. When recruiting employees, you aim to hire top talent who will add immense value. Therefore, focusing on employee quality is vital. What competencies do they have? How will they perform their duties? What underlying personality traits do they have? Engage in professional deliberations with your team to outline what qualities you want in employees, stick with those preferences as you engage new hires and grow your organization.

Which stage are you at currently?

Your recruitment objectives are dependent on your stage at present. Your workforce needs will differ from a legacy enterprise if you are a budding startup. Your goals and preferences change as you advance through the following stages of your business, and you need a wide range of diverse individuals to accommodate your changing needs.

Build a successful talent pipeline

By understanding your recruitment objectives, you can create a talent pipeline framework. Your defined recruitment goals are the building blocks of developing a talent pipeline. It helps you understand the needs of your prospective employees and allows you to tailor your offerings to suit their needs. It would be a win-win for both the recruiter and the jobseeker.

Since the employment market has become increasingly candidate-driven in recent years, recruitment and selection practices have evolved. Recruitment is no longer limited to the needs of the company. Providing a positive applicant experience has become one of HR’s top concerns to hire the best potential prospects because every organization wants to hire the best candidate.

Hence, the most important differentiator is what a company offers to attract the finest and brightest. Employers seeking top talent have evolved to a candidate-driven market by developing a more rapid and easier onboarding procedure.

Meaning of Recruitment and Selection

It is important to know what they mean before understanding how and why recruitment and selection processes have transformed. The method of attracting qualified people to fill current job openings is known as recruitment. These job vacancies may be advertised on social media, professional associations, and career-related websites as part of the process. Hiring managers use recruiting to reach out to potential and passive job applicants and persuade them to apply for open positions. Meanwhile, pre-screening, assessing, prioritizing, and shortlisting applications is the process of identifying the best candidate for the job or what is referred to as selection. The goal is to identify and onboard applicants who possess the necessary behavioral qualities, attitude, and domain expertise to complete the assignment effectively. 

The Objectives of Recruitment and Selection for Human Resources

HR professionals and recruiters have the resources they need to locate quality applicants. Recruiters have a lot of experience discovering competent candidates for their organization’s positions. The method guarantees that you have a larger pool of candidates to pick from, all of whom have the necessary skills.

  • Recruit and retain top talent

A recruiter’s task is to locate and connect with candidates who possess the necessary skills for the open position. Candidates are attracted to a well-written job description that communicates the number of open positions, job duties, credentials, and experience required. This is exactly what HR managers need to communicate because a relevant job posting will attract more applicants.

  • Improve the hiring quality

One of the most critical recruitment and selection goals is to improve the quality of hiring measures. Pre-selection aids in reducing the number of applications received to the most viable possibilities. It decreases the recruiting manager’s workload and allows them to devote more time to the most qualified prospects, drastically minimising the chances of disregarding a candidate’s outstanding qualifications.

  • Determine who is compatible with the company’s culture.

Employees must align with the broader organizational vision; therefore, fitting in is critical for both individual and organizational progress. So, hiring managers must focus on individuals who will fit within the company’s culture. This can be accomplished by utilizing personality assessments, culture assessments, and other similar methods to discover individuals who are most likely to fit into the culture and environment of your business.

Organizations want to create and implement a streamlined recruitment and selection process. Therefore, they must incorporate technology into all aspects of the HR process, including screening, interviewing, and shortlisting. Sifting through early resumes is one of the most time-consuming and ineffective components of hiring, as HRs are guaranteed to receive at least a few unqualified applicants. The first hiring stage can be greatly streamlined with an automated system that displays which resumes match the most closely to the important job requirements, expediting the interview process.

Related Article : What is a Psychometric Test in Recruitment and Its Importance?

Having understood the goals and objectives of conducting recruitment and selection, all you should do is incorporate technologically advanced means of hiring. One such solution is DISC assessment profiling that generates data-driven results, streamlining your hiring process. In addition, these assessments like psychometric testing, aptitude and behavioral assessments, culture assessments, and more keep the impact of bad hires at bay by uncovering far more about a candidate’s personality than a formal interview. To incorporate such assessments into your recruitment and selection process, contact us.

Objectives of Recruitment and Selection – FAQs

What are the objectives of recruitment?

The objective of recruitment is to aid in the hiring of the right talent for each role in the organization. The major objective is to increase the pool of candidates available for selection.

What is recruitment in human resources?

In recruitment, we advertise the job role and encourage the candidates to apply.

What are the objectives of selection?

Selection is a process of hiring employees among the shortlisted candidates and providing them a job in the organization.

What is Recruitment?

Recruitment is a process of searching out the potential applicants and inspiring them to apply for the actual or anticipated vacancy.